Dr. Suvrashree Panda
Assistant Professor (Political Science)
Extn. 5026 call
| suvrashree@nluo.ac.in drafts
About Dr. Suvrashree Panda
About Suvrashree completed her graduate studies in political science Honours with distinction from Women’s College, Sambalpur. She completed postgraduation with a special focus on “India in World Affairs” and obtained degree with first class in 2003 from Sambalpur University. In December 2006 and again in June 2012, she qualified for the UGC-NET Examination for Lectureship. She completed PhD in 2015. Her PhD Thesis titled “Development and Resource Conflict: A Study of Peoples Movement in Sambalpur District” was written under the supervision of Prof. Priyankar Upadhyaya, currently serves as UNESCO Chair Professor for Peace and Intercultural Understanding at Banaras Hindu University. She has received Linnea’s Palme fellowship from Karlstad University, Sweden as part of her PhD. She has eight years of teaching experience in various public institutions, including Kalahandi University Bhawani Patna, Binayak Acharya College Berhampur, B.H.U., Rajeev Gandhi National Law University, Patiala, and NLUO, Odisha. She has published one article in national journal and five in international journals. Her research interests include areas of peace studies, and development-related conflicts.
- MA form Sambalpur University
- Qualified UGC NET
- PhD from Banaras Hindu University,
- Panda, Suvrashree. “Peace, Peace Education and Social Harmony.” Shodh Darpan 2, no. 2 (2011): 28-32.
- Panda, Suvrashree. “Development and Resource Conflict; A Case Study of Conflict Around Hirakud Water.” Sodh Hastakshep 2, no. 3 (2012): 133-138
- Panda, Suvrashree. “Peace Building Through Development Perspective: A Case Study from Odisha.” Edited by Ganga Kumar Binha. International Journal for Social Development 1, no. 4 (2013): 103-107.
- Panda, Suvrashree. “Natural Resource Conflict and Peoples’ Movement in Sambalpur.” PEACEWORKS 4, no. 1 (2014): 61-70.
- Panda, Suvrashree. “Resource conflicts in India: Discources and Practice” PEACEWORKS 5, no. 1 (2014): 52-64
- Uneasy Relations between the Executive and Judicial Organs in India: Towards More Cordial Relationships BOLETÍN DE LITERATURA ORAL, 11 (2023), PP. 2480-2495 Link for the same: https://www.boletindeliteraturaoral.com/index.php/bdlo/article/view/519
Research Projects
Political Theory, Care ethics, Development. Natural Resource based Conflicts, Conflict resolution, State and Adivasi
Subjects Taught:
- Introduction to Politics (Political Theory)
- Contemporary Political Discourse
- Global politics and Indian Foreign Policy
- Indian politics
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- Conflict Management
- Election Laws
- International Relations
- Political Thought