Students Testimonial

Students Testimonial

Shubhangini Rathore

Member, Alumni Relations Society

At NLUO, what they give you is not just knowledge, it’s experience. The college builds you in away that you get prepared for facing the outer world. One of the best things about NLUO is that you have seniors that are ready to help you with anything and everything at any point of time, and this makes this place a better one to survive in. The thriving cultures here with respect to mooting, debating, to name a few, are something we take pride in. There are various kinds of things undertaken by students that you will always find something to do that suits your interest and helps you in your career.

Students Testimonial

Sourav Jena

Member, Alumni Relations Society

Attending classes through a screen, interacting with peers and teachers over texts and calls is certainly not what I had in mind while getting into law school but NLUO has substantially made the whole process easier. Even the teachers and seniors have been kind and patient enough to take additional sessions which has made my ‘virtual’ first year no different than being on the campus. With good experiences and rolling with the challenges, I hope I get to be on campus soon.

Students Testimonial


Member of the Alumni Relations Society

Being a part of NLUO fills me with immense gratification and pride. While the academic teaching is excellent here, it also includes a pattern where our overall personality is targeted and developed. Faculty and Infrastructure are significantly good. The quality of peer group at the Universitymotivates you each day to be a better version of yourself. One can find students from different backgrounds which makes Learning inclusive for all.

Students Testimonial

Ashis Swayamprakash

Member of the Alumni Relations Society

NLUO is the best place for someone who likes challenges and is willing to put in effort consistently to improve. The constant competition in every field helps as it gives that extra motivation. It also helps to have professors who constantly try and help us as much as they can even remotely. NLUO builds you from Ground up providing the strong foundation as well as the finishing touches which get you ready for the life ahead.

Students Testimonial

Suvanwesh Das

Member of the Alumni Relations Society

Despite being the first batch to complete an entire year in an online medium, the NLUOfamily including the ever helpful and friendly seniors as well as the faculties made us feel connected to the university. 2020 has been a tough year for many of us but the university with its vibrant student community turned out to be the best support system possible. The college administration provided us with access to the top databases and digital libraries. Webinars and certificate courses by eminent luminaries were also conducted. The student-run committees and societies play a major role in the development of the university, the research centres provided us with monthly updates regarding the field of law and the mooting culture here needs no introduction. I thank the NLUO family for making each of us feel special.

Students Testimonial

Avani Gargava

Member, Alumni Relations Society

It is my immense luck and fortune to be the part of this university where I can grow. The entire facultyand department leave no stone unturned to shape one’s future. The teachers are ever so helping andalways guiding the students through every difficulty, the entire student body has become a secondfamily to rely upon. I love the diversified life which the University provides me. The events that I tookpart in helps me to grow my confidence level. Everyday there is always something new to look forwardto. National Law University, Odisha is everything I could have asked for to pursue my education from.It’s a home away from a home.

Students Testimonial

Samrath Kaur Kalsi

Co-Convenor, Research, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Cell, NLUO

The flexibility and liberty to work in diverse areas that NLUO provides in one such factor that help us to channelize our limited time to explore more the areas of interest we have.

Students Testimonial

Maloti Hembram

Member, Think India: Chapter NLUO

Think India provides an excellent platform not only to the students of NLUO but also nationwide. Right from providing internships with renowned lawyers to conducting webinars on matters such as Tribal Rights, Think India has served the students. It has further enabled the linking of several students and researchers for academic discourses while encouraging patriotism and a nation-first attitude. On behalf of Think IndiaNLUO, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the administration of NLUO for facilitating Think India’s NLUO Chapter’s smooth functioning. The administration of NLUO has always enabled its students to work towards making a significant impact on India. By housing a think-tank such as Think India, NLUO is simply bolstering its support to the students.

Students Testimonial

Anshuman Kar

Member, Think India: Chapter NLUO

To begin with, NLUO reflects some of the prime values which Think India as an organisation has always believed in- Dedication, foresight, and the ability to lift individuals to a pedestal where they can bring out the best within themselves. NLUO has given to the students, one the most significant values when it comes to freedom and productivity, the independence to formulate committees, alongside providing moral and material support for these committees to grow. Think India, being a pan-India organisation, was allowed to function smoothly in the college, and was provided with support from the administration from time to time, overlooking which, would be unfair. The Think India committee of NLUO hence, extends its heartiest appreciation to the college for the same.