“VI NLUO British Parliamentary Debate – 16th to18th July 2021”

“VI NLUO British Parliamentary Debate – 16th to18th July 2021”

03 Jul 2021


The Literary & Debating Committee of National Law University Odisha takes great pride in announcing the?u>VI NLUO British Parliamentary Debate 2021 on 16-17-18 July 2021.<?It shall follow the British Parliamentary Debate?ormat and will be conducted?b>online<?ver Zoom & Discord.

Being one of the few institutions?n?he Eastern Circuit,?hich offers British Parliamentary style debates,?LUO BPD has?itnessed participation from teams within and across the border in its previous?ditions. Keeping up with the old tradition of maintaining quality and fostering a diverse debating culture, we are introducing an?b>Affirmative Action Policy<?romoting gender inclusivity. This edition too, we promise a stellar adjudication core,?nthralling motions and all in all a well – rounded debating experience.?/p>