“The team NLUO has been adjudged as Winner in the “Crime Scene Investigation 4.0 (Inter-University) National Level Competition” held on 24th September 2022, organised by the DSNLU. “

“The team NLUO has been adjudged as Winner in the “Crime Scene Investigation 4.0 (Inter-University) National Level Competition” held on 24th September 2022, organised by the DSNLU. “

03 Nov 2022

The team comprising of Anwesh Khemundu, Aryama Singh Rajput and Samridhi Prakash representing National Law University Odisha has been adjudged as Winner in the “Crime Scene Investigation 4.0 (Inter-University) National Level Competition” held on 24th September 2022 , organised by the LEGAL INCUBATION CENTER of Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Vishakapatnam.?/p>

More than 100 teams participated in the competition from different law universities across India. Each team was required to hypothesize the best possible story behind the incident and conclude the guilt of the suspect/s. The final report and sketches was to be submitted after analysing the crime scene model. All the answer sheets were evaluated on the basis of content, understanding the plot, identification of material evidence and the relevancy of the same.?/span>

National Law University Odisha whole heartedly congratulated the team for their outstanding performance and wished them the best of luck for all their future endeavors.
