9th April, 2019: Informal Discussion Group NLUO hosted 19th Guest Lecture by Ms. Flavia Agnes.

9th April, 2019: Informal Discussion Group NLUO hosted 19th Guest Lecture by Ms. Flavia Agnes.

21 Jun 2019

The 19th Guest Lecture of The Informal Discussion Group of National Law University Odisha was held on the 9thApril 2019. The guest lecturer was Hon’ble Ms. Flavia Agnes. A pioneer of the women’s movement, she has worked consistently on issues of gender and law reforms. She is a women’s rights lawyer, the co-founder of MAJLIS legal centre – a forum for women’s rights discourse and legal initiatives and a national award winning film-maker.

She addressed the audience on the topic “The Journey from Being a Victim to Becoming a Survivor.” And her work with rape victims and helping them to walk the legal journey to become survivors. The session began with a very simple yet thoughtful question about how the general pubic tends to form an opinion on rape victims after reading newspaper articles but remain nonchalant about what actually happens to the victims after enduring such trauma.

She then imparted her personal story of being a victim of domestic abuse, in a violent and broken marriage for almost 13 years. She faced many struggles like raising her children in such a toxic environment. She wasn’t very well educated then and started her formal education at the age of 30.

“Victims don’t generally want to talk about being victims” she remarked as she introduced us to the work of her organisation – MAJLIS. Having completed almost 28 years in the field, it provides legal assistance to victims of domestic abuse primarily in the state of Maharashtra. Their latest initiative called ‘Rahat’ is a programme for rape victims which is indefinitely more challenging.

She narrated the story of a 4-year-old girl child who was raped by her school watchman. Majlis fought her case and got a conviction despite there being lack of proper medical examination, no formal complaint filed by the police station, etc. This was the beginning of ‘Rahat’.

We were made aware of the various legal procedures and how the victims must be assisted with various social issues as well. The rape trial in a sessions court is extremely daunting. Rigorous cross examination is done which puts a lot of pressure on the victims, especially minors, knowing that the accused is in the same room. She drew an analogy of the cross examination of a minor victim to that of a viva wherein she must be trained to answer such questions, and in the event of her failing to answer properly she will be termed a liar, as though the incident never happened. Albeit the reasons for acquittal are many – shoddy investigation, improper medical examination, lack of effort of the public prosecutor.

These are the issues that MAJLIS faces on a daily basis and fights against all odds to challenge the inherent patriarchy in society.

A question was then posed regarding when exactly a victim can be termed as a survivor to which she responded saying that the battle is not just legal but also psychological and sociological. A case may get over in court, but it does not necessarily give the victim closure.

Another question was asked about how women are afraid to come up with their story due to societal pressure to which she replied saying that Majlis helps girls whose case has already been filed so that society doesn’t hold it against them and that change comes from the victim herself.

The final question which was put forth was whether the institution of marriage perpetuates inequality to which she replied inn the affirmative saying that male dominated structure provides a scope for abuse and how it isn’t easy for a woman to move out of a marriage given the financial dependence, children, lack of family support, etc. She also criticised the state machinery saying that it should be working for us but ends up working against us and that all the blame is put on the victim regardless of shoddy investigation or improper examination.

The session concluded with a vote of thanks and a memento being presented by Respected Registrar Sir, Mr. Yogesh Pratap Singh followed by a candid discussion with the students and the faculty members.