8th-9th February, 2019: NLUO Organised a Two Days Regional Workshop on Biological Diversity Laws

8th-9th February, 2019: NLUO Organised a Two Days Regional Workshop on Biological Diversity Laws

21 Jun 2019

The Regional Workshop on Biodiversity Laws was organised by the Centre for Corporate Law, NLUO in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme and National Law School of India University, Bangalore) on 8 – 9 February 2019. The objective of the workshop was to strengthen Human Resources, Legal Frameworks and Institutional Capacities to implement the Nagoya Protocol as a part of the UNDP-GEF (Global ABS Project). Professor Sairam Bhat from NLSIU was the distinguished guest for the event. The event saw participation of Academicians, Scientists, Professional and Lawyers across Odisha. Sessions on ‘Conservation of Biological Diversity in India’ were taken by Professor Sairam Bhat, along with Mr.Vikas Gahlot and Mr. Raghav Parthasarthy (NLSIU, Bangalore). Mr. Rajat Solanki, Ms.Rishika Khare, Ms.Sonal Singh, Dr.Ananya Chakraborty. Ms.Nanditta Batra and Ms.Rujitha T.R. conducted sessions on various aspects of Biological Diversity Laws on both days.

The participants were given an overview of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 focusing on the powers and functions of NBA, SBB and other authorities established under the Act. They were made aware of the challenges faced during the implementation and interpretation of the Act. The panellists gave detailed insights to the Convention on Biological Diversity with special emphasis on Nagoya Protocol, its implementation in India, and the principles and forms under ABS.  Dr.Shubhranshu Nayak (representative from Odisha State Biodiversity Board) enlightened the participants with ABS case studies and Biological Diversity Convention, followed by a brainstorming and experience sharing session. The panellists analysed in detail provisions of the Act relating to maintenance of People’s Biodiversity Register, the definition of Biological resources, procedure for obtaining approval from NBA (for both residents and non-residents). The participants actively took part in analysing the relevant laws and finding loopholes in the Act, along with the feasible policy reformations.