Call for Submissions || Article Writing Competition || LexTech NLUO

Call for Submissions || Article Writing Competition || LexTech NLUO

24 Jun 2024

“Call for Submissions || Article Writing Competition || LexTech NLUO.”

Recruitment of Consultant in Centre for Child Rights, National Law University Odisha

Recruitment of Consultant in Centre for Child Rights, National Law University Odisha

24 Jun 2024

Quotation Call Notice for Misc. Repair work for hostels at NLUO, Cuttack.

Quotation Call Notice for Misc. Repair work for hostels at NLUO, Cuttack.

12 Jun 2024

Quotation Call Notice for Misc. Repair work for campus at NLUO, Cuttack.

Quotation Call Notice for Misc. Repair work for campus at NLUO, Cuttack.

12 Jun 2024

5th CLS Credit Course on ‘Equality Jurisprudence and Legislative Drafting’

5th CLS Credit Course on ‘Equality Jurisprudence and Legislative Drafting’

04 Jun 2024

REPORT OF 5th CLS CREDIT COURSE ON <‘Equality Jurisprudence and Legislative Drafting'<

Date: 1.03.2024-11.03.2024

Platform: Video Conferencing (Google Meet)

The Constitutional Law Society of National Law University Odisha successfully organized the 5th edition of its Certificate Course on the topic of ‘Equality Jurisprudence and Legislative Drafting’. The Course Instructors were Dr. Seema Singh, Professor, University of Delhi, Mr. Colin Gonsalves, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Ms. Ushashi Datta, LAMP fellow and lawyer, Hon. Tiffany Williams Brewer, Asst. Professor of Law, Howard University, Adv. Thulasi K. Raj and Vice-Chancellor of NLUO, Professor Ved Kumari.

The Course saw 92 registrations at ?500 registration fee, for 16 hours of lecture, spread into 8 sessions from 1.03.2024-11.03.2024. Participants had already been informed that for successful completion of course, 75% attendance and 50% marks had to be achieved in the final assessment exam.

The Course commenced on March 01, 2024 with an orientation session introducing the course structure, rules, evaluation methods, etc. This was followed by the first session instructed by Dr. Seema Singh on ‘Core Theories of Equality Jurisprudence’ covering topics like social contract theory, substantive and formal equality, intersectionality, and more. ?he delivered a thought-provoking lecture on the notions of equality and rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. She differentiated between formal and substantive equality, highlighting the need for special protection and positive discrimination to achieve true equality. Dr. Singh also discussed the challenges faced by the government in implementing provisions for reservations and the issue of reservation in promotions, emphasizing the importance of striking a balance and preventing reverse discrimination.

Sr Adv Colin Gonsalves covered ‘Indian perspectives of contemporary Equality Jurisprudence’ with a focus on recent Supreme Court decisions which included ADM Jabalpur, Kedarnath Singh and Sabarimala Cases. Hon. Tiffany Williams Brewer conducted a session on ‘Comparative Analysis of Intersectional Protection of Constitutional Rights’. She explored the foundational concept of equality and its significance within the realms of justice and fairness in society. Hon. Brewer highlighted aspects such as equal treatment, non-discrimination, equality of opportunity, and proportionality, emphasizing the necessity of special protection for vulnerable groups to achieve substantive equality.

Adv. Thulasi K. Raj, delivered insightful sessions on various aspects of equality jurisprudence. She delved into the concept of indirect discrimination, highlighting its salient features and the need to distinguish between wrongful acts and actual discrimination. Adv. Raj also provided a comprehensive overview of anti-discrimination laws in the United States, focusing on the significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and the Voting Rights Act.

The course also featured sessions on legislative drafting by Ms. Ushashi Datta and Professor Ved Kumari wherein, they explored the interdisciplinary nature of legislative drafting, combining the art of crafting clear and persuasive language with the science of legal principles and structures. They discussed the three essentials of a good draft – who, why, and how – emphasizing the importance of legal knowledge, anticipation, and stakeholder consultation.

“Declaration of result of Pro Bono Club, NLUO Online Article Writing Competition.”

“Declaration of result of Pro Bono Club, NLUO Online Article Writing Competition.”

18 May 2024


The Pro Bono Club of the National Law University Odisha had conducted an online Article Writing Competition based on the theme ‘A goal for a Developed India.’ The competition was being organized in the light of “Panch Pran of Amrit Kaal” in the month of Feb-March, 2024.

We are delighted to announce the results of the online Article Writing Competition. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants for their enthusiastic participation and for contributing insightful articles on the given themes.

After careful deliberation by our esteemed panel of judges, we are pleased to declare the following winners:

Winner – Best Overall Article- Jeshika Bhuyan

Runners up – Second Best Overall Article- Anubhav & Vishakha


Winner – Most Creative Article- Keshav Kulshrestha

Runner up- Second Most Creative Article- Diksha Pradhan


Winner -Best Researched Article- Diya Jain

Runner up- Second Best Researched Article- Ramasubramanyam & Anjanah


Additionally, we would like to acknowledge and commend the efforts of all participants for their participation. We extend our congratulations once again to the winners and appreciation to all participants for their valuable contributions. Your engagement in such initiatives strengthens our commitment to social responsibility and advocacy.


Thank you to everyone who made this competition a success.

“NLUO Center for International Trade Law is offering a 2 credit course on ‘Introduction to WTO Jurisprudence’.”

“NLUO Center for International Trade Law is offering a 2 credit course on ‘Introduction to WTO Jurisprudence’.”

15 May 2024

No content available

“Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2025 shall be conducted on Sunday, December 1, 2024, from 2 PM-4 PM.”

“Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2025 shall be conducted on Sunday, December 1, 2024, from 2 PM-4 PM.”

07 May 2024

No content available

“Quotation Call Notice: Providing Counseling & Mental Wellness Service to NLUO Cuttack.”

“Quotation Call Notice: Providing Counseling & Mental Wellness Service to NLUO Cuttack.”

07 May 2024

No content available

“CPPLGG Organized a Guest Lecture on ‘Election Commission in the context of Legislative Intent of the Constituent Assembly: The written and Unwritten Remit’.”

“CPPLGG Organized a Guest Lecture on ‘Election Commission in the context of Legislative Intent of the Constituent Assembly: The written and Unwritten Remit’.”

06 May 2024

Guest Lecture by Shri S.N. Sahu (19 March 2024)

The Centre for Public Policy, Law and Good Governance (CPPLGG) of NLUO organised a guest lecture on 19 March 2024. The lecture was delivered by Shri S. N. Sahu. He is an eminent writer and political scientist with over 40 years of professional experience. He had served to various Constitutional Office bearers including Hon’ble President of India (Shri. K.R Narayanan) and The Prime Minister of India (Dr. Manmohan Singh, UPA – I). He frequently writes for leading journals and newspapers including The Wire, Scroll. The lecture was attended by the Vice Chancellor, Registrar, faculty members and the students of NLUO.

The session was exponentially enlightening and thought-provoking, engaging and captivating for the audience with profound insights and valuable perspectives on the topic of “Election Commission in the Context of Legislative Intent of the Constituent Assembly: The Written and Unwritten Remit”. The invitee expert discussed about the speeches of various leading members of the Constituent Assembly on the structure, composition, powers and functions of the Election Commission. The lecture was modelled on analysing the recent developments in the appointment of the Election Commissioners and its consequential bearing on the democratic constitutional philosophy.

The lecture also consisted of various points centred on the history of the Election Commission. The current state of the commission and the possible loss of public confidence in the institution and its effects on the polity was also vehemently discussed during the session. The student participation after the session was exhilarating wherein numerous issues revolving around the constitutional structure, functioning of the commission and the role of election commission in shaping up the future democratic values were deliberated upon at length.

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