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Advertisement for the posts of Registrar and Finance Officer
- Qualifications for appointment of Associate Professor (Law) and Assistant Professor (Law)
- Qualifications for Appointment as Research Associates cum Teaching Assistant (Law)
- Qualifications for Appointment as Personal Secretary to Vice-Chancellor
- Qualifications for Appointment as Placement Officer
- Qualifications for Appointment as Section Officer (Accounts)
- Qualifications for Appointment as Law Librarian
- Qualifications for Appointment as Data Entry Operator (Exam.)
- Qualifications for Appointment as Security officer
- Qualifications for Appointment as Electrician
- Qualifications for Appointment as Nurse
- Qualifications for appointment of faculties at School of Law
- Qualifications for appointment of engineer (Civil)
- Qualifications for Appointment as Assistant Registrar
- Qualifications for Appointment as Librarian
- Qualifications for Appointment as Assistant Librarian
- Qualifications for Appointment as Placement Officer
- Qualifications for Appointment as Systems Administrator
- Qualifications for Appointment of Faculties at School of Liberal Arts
- Qualifications for Appointment of Faculties at School of Law
- Qualifications for Appointment of Faculties at School of Managerial Excellence
- Qualifications for Appointment of Executive Secretary to the Vice â Chancellor
- Qualifications for Appointment as Nurse
- Qualifications for Appointment as Assistant Registrar
- Qualifications for Appointment as Store Keeper
- Qualifications for Appointment as Registrar
- Qualifications for Appointment as Hostel Warden
- Qualifications for Appointment as Section Officer(Accounts)
- Qualifications for Appointment as Assistant Hostel Warden
Application Forms
- Application Form for Faculty Positions
- Application form for Non-Teaching Positions
- Application Form for Registrar & Finance Officer Positions
General Instructions & Essential Information
- Applicants must apply on prescribed form available on website. Applications received in any other form than prescribed form will be rejected.
- The envelope should be super-scribed as âApplication for the post of â¦â¦â¦â¦â¦â¦â¦..â.
- Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. The university reserves its right to place reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for interview and fulfilment of essential qualifications per se does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview.
- Stringent criteria may be applied for short-listing the candidates to be called for interview.
- The university reserves the right to withdraw any advertised post at any time without assigning any reason. The right is also reserved with the university either to fill or not to fill the post and its decision in this regard shall be final.
- Higher initial pay may be given to exceptionally qualified and deserving candidates.
- Applicants not found suitable for higher positions may be considered for lower positions.
- Relaxation of 5% marks (from 55% to 50%) will be provided at the Masterâs level in the case of SC/ST/Physically handicapped candidates.
- The application form duly filled in the prescribed form must reach the office of the Registrar on or before the last date. Applications received after this date shall not be included in the selection process. Applications received through emails will not be considered.
- Applicants serving in Government/Semi-Government organizations/Public Sector. Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies must send their applications Through Proper Channel. The applications received without the recommendations of the employers will not be considered. However, an advance copy of application may be sent followed by the original application through proper channel.
- The age of superannuation for all the post shall be as per UGC norms.
- The university reserves the right to consider the curriculum vitae of any person for any post.
- Candidates shall have to produce original documents at the time of appearing in Interview.
- Canvassing in any form may lead to cancellation of candidature.
- Incomplete applications or without relevant supporting enclosures (self attested copies of degree/certificates/marks sheets/experience certificate, etc.) will be out-rightly rejected.
- University reserves the right not to fill up any of the vacancies advertised if the circumstances so warrant.
- University reserves the right to consider candidates of outstanding merit who may not have applied.
- Relaxation of any of the qualifications may be made in exceptional cases on the recommendation of the selection committee.
- Separate application is required for each post.
- Persons in employment should route their application through proper channel.
- No TA, DA for attending the interview, mock class and research presentation.