“Centre for Maritime Law | Call for Blog: World Oceans Day”.

“Centre for Maritime Law | Call for Blog: World Oceans Day”.

“Centre for Maritime Law | Call for Blog: World Oceans Day”.

Solemnized as an annual event,?strong>June 8?s commemorated as the ‘World Oceans Day‘, designed to encourage people to celebrate the oceans and take incentives to protect its health. The theme for this year was labelled as ‘Innovation for Sustainable Ocean‘, given the unprecedented pressure, a testament to pollution & climate change, and the utmost necessity to preserve and conserve the natural source.

On the account of the special theme, Centre for Maritime Law takes pleasure in inviting?strong>submissions to the blog?o engage in high-quality discussion on the legal analysis of recent maritime developments across the nation as well as the globe. Our blog is a space where authors get to share their work with a refinement of thoughts and views.?he contributions should be able to connect both national and global concerns.

Who can contribute?

The Blog aims at being an egalitarian space and, thus, welcomes submissions from students, researchers, policy-makers, academicians, lawyers and members of the maritime and shipping industry.

How to contribute?

All submissions are to be mailed at?a href=”mailto:cml@nluo.ac.in”>cml@nluo.ac.in, with the subject titled?strong>”Blog Submission for World Oceans Day”. The author is required to provide a suggested title of the blog post, author(s) name and a short biography in the submission mail.

  • In case the contribution is rejected, the same shall be communicated with brief feedback.
  • In case it is considered that your post has potential to be published, but is not currently of the required standard, then we will send back your work with editorial suggestions in tracked changes. However, the same does not amount to acceptance of the post.
  • If the post is accepted for publication, the same shall be done at the earliest and the author shall be informed via mail along with the link to their blog post.

Submission Guidelines

  • The contribution should be based on a broad theme of ‘Innovation for Sustainable Ocean’.
  • The write-up shall be in English only and range between?200-1500 words.
  • Co-authorship to?wo?s permitted.
  • We welcome original piece of work and the contributors are expected to engage with thorough research?ith no plagiarism

Suggested Sub-Themes

  • Legal and Technical Innovation for a Sustainable Marine Ecosystem
  • Marine Wildlife Protection and Trafficking
  • Ship Collisions and Marine Pollution: Handling of Wrecks and Damages in a Responsible Way
  • Use of Autonomous Ships/ Technology Towards Energy Saving and Environmental Preservation
  • Limits to the commercial exploitation of the Ocean
  • Governing the Use of Ocean Space for Sustainable Growth
  • Role of Financial Instruments in Ocean Sustainability

[Note:?bove-mentioned sub-themes are indicative in nature. Authors may write on topics which are related to sustainable goals of the ocean in relation to shipping/maritime industry.]

Formatting Criteria

  • Main Body:?ont: Times New Roman, Font Size – 12, Line Spacing – 1.5 and Alignment – Justified.
  • Footnotes:?ont: Times New Roman, Font Size – 10, Line Spacing – 1.0 and Alignment – Justified.
  • Submissions must conform to the?luebook (20th ed.) system of citation.


  • Selected submissions will be included in a special edition of the CML newsletter ‘MariNE’.
  • E- certificates of publication will be provided to all the selected contributors.?/li>

Deadline for Blog Submission??em>10th July 2020 (11:59 pm)

Please find attached our brochure for your perusal.

In case of any query, feel free to contact:

Ms Avni Sharma (Member, Centre for Maritime Law) – 6265074179

Mr. Shashank?haturvedi?Member, Centre for Maritime Law) – 8602110533

Or mail us at?a href=”mailto:cml@nluo.ac.in”>cml@nluo.ac.in.