Centre for Public Policy, Law and Good Governance (CPPLGG)

Centre for Public Policy, Law and Good Governance (CPPLGG)

CPPLGG is a research-oriented centre with a strong commitment to academic excellence and societal impact. Its goal is to provide a platform for students and researcher to engage in high-quality research, gain valuable skills, and collaborate with experts in the field. It is engaged in collaborative governmental research initiatives, contributing to policy development and generating meaningful solutions for societal challenges.

The Centre was instrumental in the launching of the KHOJ (Know Your High Court Judges) dataset which includes personal, educational and professional information across 43 variables about all High Court judges appointed between 6 October 1993 (since the inception of the collegium) and 31 May 2021. This dataset was prepared by the Centre for Public Policy, Law and Good Governance (NLU Odisha), Agami and Civic DataLab. dataset is now available on Justice Hub, an open-source platform for data related to the Indian justice system and accessible in a machine-readable format.

The dataset was a pioneering effort in India which created substantial avenues of further research on Indian High Courts. One can access some insights which emerged from the data as published by various media houses like The PrintScrollLeafletIndiaSpend and India Today .One can also access the article in Economic and Political Weekly which relies on the KHOJ Dataset to critique the pattern of appointments in the High Courts.

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