Students Grievances Redressal Committee(s) (SGRC)

Students Grievances Redressal Committee(s) (SGRC)

Pursuant to the University Grants Commission (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2023 and approval of the Vice-Chancellor, the Students Grievances Redressal Committee(s) (SGRC) of National Law University Odisha is hereby constituted w.e.f. 26th May 2023. The members of the committee are as follows:

Sl.No. Name Position Position Tenure
1 Prof. Sheela Rai Professor of Law Chairperson 2 years
2 Dr. Ananya Chakraborty Associate Professor of Law Member 2 years
3 Dr. Suman Dash Bhattamishra Associate Professor of Law Member 2 years
4 Dr. Priyanka Anand Associate Professor of Law Member 2 years
5 Dr. A B Debasis Rout Assistant Professor of Finance Member 2 years
6 Ms. Karshana Agarwal Student Special Invitee 1 year

The responsibility of the committee shall as per University Grants Commission (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2023.