Student Support Platform

Student Support Platform

National Law University Odisha is committed to the idea of creating an efficient support platform for students so that they feel enabled to participate in the process of making the University a safe space for themselves and also for everybody else. Students also have a significant role to play in drawing the attention of the administration to issues which need attention.

With the said objectives in mind, the Proctor’s Office is launching the Student Support Platform effective from 17th May 2021. This platform enables the students to do the following in relation to all matters pertaining to the University;

  1. File a Complaint (other than sexual harassment)
  2. File a Sexual Harassment Complaint
  3. Submit a Request

The following points may kindly be noted in relation to this platform;

  1. This will be a single window platform for students and they do not need to approach different committees or different departments depending on the nature of the request/complaint.
  2. The Proctor’s office will be in charge of forwarding the complaints or requests to the appropriate department/committee or dealing with the matter itself. However, the complaints of sexual harassment will not be accessible by the Proctor’s office. Such complaints will be accessed exclusively by the Chairperson of the Internal Complaints Committee.
  3. This platform can be used by anybody having a valid e-mail id with an NLUO domain name.
  4. Complaints can be filed anonymously in cases of Sexual Harassment/Ragging/Abuse/Discrimination. In such cases, further action will be taken after consultation with the complainant.
  5. There is no provision of submitting a request anonymously.

Procedure when a complaint is filed

  1. All kinds of complaint can be filed though the Complaint Form which is accessible through the link below.
  2. A complaint, at the first instance, is accessible only to the Proctorial Board. Once a complaint is filed, the Proctorial Board will determine the appropriate committee/department which will handle the complaint and forward the matter.
  3. In case the nature of the complaint does not fall into the jurisdictional ambit of any of the existing committees or departments, the Proctor’s office will handle the complaint itself.
  4. If the complainant has preferred to stay anonymous, then the Proctorial Board will disclose the identity of the complainant to other committees/departments only after consultation with the concerned complainant.

Procedure when a complaint relating to Sexual Harassment is filed

  1. The complaint can be filled through special Complaint Form for sexual harassment which is accessible through the link below.
  2. A complaint, at the first instance, is accessible only to the Chairperson of the Internal Complaints Committee. It will not be shared with anyone except ICC members to maintain the confidentiality of the complainant.
  3. Once a complaint is filed, the ICC will contact the aggrieved person as per National Law University Odisha [NLUO] Sexual Harassment Prevention, Prohibition &Redressal Regulations, 2021.
  4. If the complaint does not relate to sexual harassment but is of disciplinary or other nature, then the ICC will forward the matter to the Proctor’s office which will handle the complaint.

Procedure when a request is submitted

  1. All kinds of request can be filed though the Request Form which is accessible through the link below.
  2. A request, at the first instance, may be accessible by other departments/committees as well. Generally, the concerned departments will directly access the request and the Proctorial Board will not be forwarding the requests.
  3. The Proctorial Board will examine a request only when it is not clear which department/committee is supposed to look into the matter and in cases of sui generis requests. In such cases, the Proctorial Board will either follow up on the request itself or identify the appropriate department/committee which will follow up on the request.

If you have any questions, please write to

Access the Complaint Form

Access the Sexual Harassment Complaint Form

Access the Request Form