Student Committee and Societies

Student Committee and Societies

National Law University, Orissa is committed to providing an atmosphere in which academic excellence is the foremost priority for students. But the university also believes that what is learned from participation in extra-curricular activities is a necessary complement of academic training. In line with this view NLUO promotes extra-curricular participation and has constituted the following student committees. These committees enable students to pursue individual interests and take part in various literary, cultural and recreational activities throughout the academic year.

The committee was established with the purpose of being a guiding torch for the fresh minds introduced in the university for the initial years of 1-3 years, wherein the committee would hold student and guest-faculty sessions, including but not limited to, CV drafting sessions, online database researches, etc. Initially, the committee had also elaborated on the idea of working for the student exchange program, with future specifications to be discussed further.

The academic experience at the Law School distinguishes it from its peers.

Yet, many of our students find university-level academics daunting and inaccessible, often due to differential learning experiences at school. So the student committee is readily available for such support to the newly admitted students so that they can grow equally with other students. The Committee’s mandate revolves around providing holistic and all-encompassing academic support and guidance to the student community so as to ensure that everyone has a fair shot at a comprehensive university learning experience. The Committee’s core initiatives are focused towards tending to the concerns and needs of newly admitted batches across all full-time degree programmes at the Law School.

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The CEGC is a student-run committee that aims to nurture and culture an atmosphere for competitive exams in NLUO. With a large amount of law graduates being inclined to write competitive examinations, we aim to help and guide these aspirants so that they can achieve their future goals.

To be a pioneering force in guiding and preparing students to achieve success in competitive examinations thereby enabling them to become leaders and change-makers in their chosen fields. The Competitive Examinations Guidance Committee of the National Law University Odisha (CEGC) is dedicated to providing guidance and support to students aspiring for various competitive examinations within India and abroad with special emphasis on careers pertaining to law. Our mission is to nurture a culture of excellence, continuous learning, and holistic development, equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to excel in their chosen careers.

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GSC is formed under Rule 3, National Law University Odisha [NLUO] Sexual Harassment Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal Regulations, 2021 to conduct gender orientation programmes in the university at regular intervals. The committee consists of dedicated members committed to the cause of gender equality and spreading awareness around the same. The committee intends to make NLUO gender-sensitive and promote inclusivity that supports everyone equally and promote conduct which fosters equity, inclusion, respect for social, cultural and gender diversity.

Our committee is one of its kind which enabled discourse around gender, sexuality, consent, and intersectionality in the university. In the past, we have organized Movie Screening and discussion nights with eminent historians and human rights activists such as Uma Chakravarty and Dr. Usha Ramanathan. We conducted sensitization workshops in the university by inviting experts in the field such as Ms. Soumya Mishra, a feminist practitioner, queer, and neurodivergent development sector professional. Every year, we intend to engage student body through workshops, events, and fun activities and enable discourse in the university around sexuality, feminism, and gender.

The Alumni Relations Society, NLUO was established in the year 2017 with the aim of bridging the gap between the Alumni and the university. The Society has been constantly working in its pursuit of keeping the alumni engaged with the university and acting as a ladder in their communication with the students. The Society intends to bring in the experience of our alumni for the upskilling of our students and making them industry-prepared. So far, the Society, through its various initiatives, has been successful in keeping our alumni closer to their alma mater.

The vision of the Society is to facilitate the university’s presence in local, national, and international communities. The main aim of the Society is to work as a bridge to converse the interests and issues of the alumni to the University.

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Kautilya Societies are student initiatives in universities across the country set up by Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy (“Vidhi”) with the aim to widen access to legislative drafting and analysis, and to empower young minds to explore public policy as a career path. The Kautilya Society, NLUO Chapter has been set up at National Law University Odisha, in association with Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy.

The Kautilya Society initiative envisions providing opportunities to their students for successful careers in public policy and other related fields such as development, advocacy, consultancy, campaigning, financial analysis, economics and research. The vision of the society is to provide awareness and opportunities for students to nurture their interest in public service and policy as career options with a view to becoming good citizens of India.


The Department of Justice Pro Bono Club was constituted in NLUO, Cuttack in the month of March 2022 with 9 Pro Bono Associates (“PBAs”) as student members. After their induction into the PBC, the PBAs were oriented on the scope of the Pro Bono Club and the Pro Bono Club scheme.

The mission of the Pro Bono Club is to enhance the efficiency and quality of pro bono legal  services by fostering collaboration between law students, practicing advocates, and civil society organizations. We aim to instill a sense of social responsibility among young legal minds, encouraging them to actively contribute to the community by providing legal assistance to disadvantaged individuals. Through a range of activities, we seek to expand access to justice, promote legal awareness, and support alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, thereby strengthening the culture of pro bono service in the legal fraternity.


The Committee was established on 28 August 2019 with an aim to inculcate a quizzing culture in the university. The Committee usually conducts event or subject-based quizzes and the questions are prepared to not require any in-depth knowledge but rather encourage to reach to the answer with the help of the clues provided in the question. The Committee is actively researching newer questions and subjects and experimenting with platforms and question types for bringing a fresh perspective to subsequent quizzes.

To enrich a vibrant and active quizzing culture in the university by fostering students into avid quizzers who shall actively participate in the quizzing competitions conducted by other universities.

The Moot Society (TMS)
The Moot Society (TMS) of NLUO is managed by the University’s students under the guidance of a faculty advisor. It enjoys the mandate to coordinate all aspects of the University’s involvement with mooting, which includes organising the annual Intra-University Moot Court Competition (IUMCC) for selecting students to represent NLUO in National and International moot court competitions; co-ordinating lectures, workshops etc. by experts; and conducting on a regular basis informal discussions, workshops, practice moots, and special classes. NLUO boasts a policy of extending financial assistance to students for participating in national and international level moot court competitions. NLUO is remarkable for achieving in its very first year of existence consistently high levels of competitiveness in moot court competitions. This eventually paid off in the form of several outright wins and podium finishes in top- tier competitions. In the academic year 2013-14 the University stood seventh overall in the Mooting Premier League (MPL) organised by the website Legally India.


Cult Crew is the official cultural committee of NLUO. The Committee organises all the cultural programs in the university including religious and ethnic events. Further, the NLUO Cult Crew also prepares and sends the official NLUO contingent to cultural events organised by other colleges throughout the nation.

Since its inception, NLUO Cult Crew has put in enormous efforts to build a full of live and happening culture within NLUO. Some of the marquee events organised by the Cult Crew is the Independence Day celebrations wherein the first years hop on stage for the first time in college and present their talent and skills before the entire university with great patriotism. Further, the NLUO Cult Crew also organises the celebration of Saraswati Pooja and Ganesh Pooja so that students can feel at home and close to loved ones.


Friends Beyond Species – Society for the Advancement of Animal and Environmental Welfare (SAAEW) was conceived in 2017.It was created to promote affirmative discourse on issues related to animal and environmental welfare. The goal of this Society is to promote greater discussions and create a dialogue on the marginalized rights of animals and the environment. The Society has conducted several events in the last few years to increase awareness amongst the masses and promote animal and environmental welfare, including a 2-day National Conference on Animal and Environmental Welfare in 2018, selected papers of which have been successfully published into an edited book. It has further conducted an Online Certificate Course on Animal Welfare Laws, nukkad nataksas part of awareness drive, poster-making competitions and National Essay-writing competition.

SAAEW is a strong advocate for creating a harmonious and comfortable environment for humans and animals alike, and works with complete dedication to promote peaceful coexistence.

The Sports Committee of NLUO is a student-run committee constituted ever year under the guidance of the respective faculty advisers. The primary objective of the committee is to promote inclusivity and inculcate a culture in the campus with the strong affirming belief that sports knows no bounds.

The committee embraces the values which extend the idea of sportsmanship, while building the foundation for excellence, teamwork and leadership thereby fulfilling the mission of the committee. The Sports Committee endeavours to value the importance of integrity, collegiality and hard work in a bid to carry forward the legacy as the baton passes on from one batch to another.

The committee supports sports enthusiasts who have the passion to hone their skills in every possible way by providing a platform and a healthy environment for them to grow into better athletes. The intra-university events hosted by the sports committee include Cricket Premier League, Basketball Premier League, Volleyball Premier League, Football Premier League, Gully Cricket, Chess Tournaments among others. In addition to this, the Sports Committee also takes pride in hosting and organising the flagship inter-university sports fest named ‘VIRAJ’ every year attracting participation of numerous colleges and university across the country.

The committee aims to work to the best of its abilities and intend to make the most out of an academic year by setting the bar extremely high every year. With these, the committee strives to ensure the holistic development of all students while leaning into the idea that sports play a pivotal role in shaping our professional and personal lives going forward.


The Legal Services Committee, National Law University Odisha, is a student- run committee of the university, constituted in 2012. The Society carries out its functions with an aim to provide access to justice to the disadvantaged and marginalized sections of the population, primarily by spreading legal awareness and legal education in educational institutions and underprivileged communities. The Legal Aid Society in the past years has worked successfully in spreading legal outreach in the nearby rural areas, especially during the period of collaboration with UNDP i.e. 2014-2017. Since its inception, the Society has conducted numerous Legal Literacy Programmes in remote areas of Odisha, predominantly in schools, colleges, orphanages, prisons, brick kilns and old age homes, in addition to conducting several legal surveys in order to identify issues faced by the target groups and formulating solutions to solve the same. The committee recently inaugurated its Legal Aid Clinic in the university which will work in tandem with DLSA, Cuttack. The trained paralegal volunteers and panel lawyers of DLSA aid the clinic in resolving disputes. The clinic aims to provide free legal aid services to the underprivileged. It further aims to amicably resolve disputes by providing pre-litigation services, including developing legal Awareness.

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The role of Literary and Debating Committee is not just limited to organising debates and preparing students for them. It also organises writing workshops and conducts essay competitions. In addition, the Committee holds informal seminars where students and faculty members discuss topical issues, both legal and otherwise.


The Social Media Committee of National Law University, Odisha is a unique student-run committee that is constituted yearly under the guidance of the faculty advisors of the University.

The Social Media Committee is focused primarily with presenting the University to the world at its best. Starting from capturing the events of the University in photographs and videos, to managing the various social media accounts and showcasing life at the University and organising photography competitions, the committee is actively involved in all the minor and major events of the University. The committee provides an excellent opportunity for students in order to display their skills in photography, videography, designing, video and image editing, writing, networking and a plethora of other talents. The committee also takes interviews of visiting dignitaries to the university.

The committee believes in working in collaboration with the rest of the committees and putting forward the best image of the University.


The Internship and Placement Committee helps students reach international organisations like WHO, CRY, UNICEF and Greenpeace among many more. Students have also interned at many national institutions such as RLEK, Muktidhara, and Janjeevan. The Committee strives to secure better internships, and eventually better placements, for the students of National Law University Odisha so that they, and also the University, benefit at the end of the day.


The Constitutional Law Society of National Law University Odisha was established in 2018 with a vision to provide a platform for public discourse and deliberation vis-à-vis Constitutional Law. The Society endeavours through the course of its activities to foster awareness about the subject and its importance. The purpose behind the establishment of the Society is to generate debate and dialogue on various nuances of the subject of Constitutional Law. In furtherance of the vision of the Constitutional Law Society, a student-edited, peer-reviewed and completely open-access blog is maintained by the Constitutional Law Society, NLUO aimed at providing crisp, succinct analysis of contemporary Constitutional issues.
The Constitutional Law Society blog can be accessed here


The Informal Discussion Group (IDG), NLUO was established in 2016 along the lines of similar groups in St. Stephens (1959), NALSAR (2004) and NUJS (2011). The IDG organises Guest Lectures by inviting people who have done exemplary work in their respective fields with an intent to motivate and guide law students and provide them a multi-dimensional understanding of a variety of subjects. In pursuance of this, the IDG, provides them with a platform where they are exposed to different perspectives of the guests. The discussions ensue in an informal manner and are strictly closed to media presence. The IDG has organised lectures by Ms. Indira Jaising (Senior Advocate), Mr. Shivshankar Menon (Former Foreign Secretary), Dr. K Kasturirangan (Ex-chief ISRO and Padma Vibhushan awardee), Manishankar Aiyyar (Politician) and Mr. Yogendra Yadav (Politician and Psephologist) to name a few. The kind of support the IDG receives every year is appreciable which only drives it to outdo itself at every opportunity.

Society of Law and Literature, as the name suggests, not only revolves around various legal literary works but also certain extra-curricular activities, for instance, street play, theatre etc. It is a known fact that judges while deciding various cases, tend to talk more about literature because, to look into the depths of a particular matter, one may have a different path. Literature brings interpretation skills and opens the gateway of perspectives. Legal jurists have, since the creation of law, resorted to literature’s flexibility and fluidity to annex definition to legal norms, to fill the loopholes of legal mistakes, or simply to convert complex legalese to the layman’s tongue.

For more detail please visit:


The ILPS has been established to provide via research, working papers, publications, seminars, conferences, projects, and engagements, a platform for intellectual dialogue on contemporary issues of international law and foreign policy. The society aims to engage with various stakeholders such as scholars, universities, policymakers, think tanks, and intergovernmental organisations. It provides students from different law universities the opportunity to publish their blogs and articles on international laws and policies on our distinguished website.


The Health and Wellness Committee of National Law University Odisha aims to is to create a holistic environment that fosters the health and well-being of all students at the University. Through a diverse range of events, initiatives, and partnerships, it aims to promote physical fitness, mental resilience, and emotional vitality. It is dedicated to providing a supportive network that empowers students to prioritize their well-being and equips them with the tools to lead balanced and fulfilling lives. By fostering a culture of openness, empathy, and inclusivity, it aspires to be a catalyst for positive change and well-being within the campus community.

Contact Us–The committee can be contacted either through its batch representatives personally if required or by mail us which is

  • Bhavya Jain ( Mentor)- 9584809001
  • Maloti Hembram ( Convenor)- 7296049363
  • Supriya ( Co- Convenor)-7348004428

Ambedkar Study Circle (ASC) of National Law University acknowledges the pervasive caste-  based discrimination in Indian society and within our institute campus, affecting Dalit, Bahujan, and Adivasi students. These students often face exclusion, stereotypes, and biases that hinder their educational opportunities. In addition to caste-based discrimination, we recognize the significance of addressing other forms of marginalization within the educational system. ASC consists of a Core Group and a Reading Circle. The function of the Core Group is to organise the reading session and other activities of ASC.

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The University Website Committee ensures dissemination of requisite information within its domain through the university website. The committee works in close coordination with the ICT Department of the university and ensures that the university website is updated with the relevant information routed through it for the uploading or updating on the university website.
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The Campus Development Committee is a student driven committee which orchestrates the planning, execution, and management of construction projects in educational institutions. Comprising administrators, faculty, students, and experts, the committee ensures that campus spaces align with educational goals. They consider finances, sustainability, and accessibility while collaborating with architects and the community to create an innovative and adaptable campus environment.

The Campus Development Committee’s vision and mission encompass shaping and enhancing the physical campus environment to align with the institution’s educational goals, values, and aspirations. Through strategic planning, innovative design, and sustainable practices, the committee aims to create spaces that foster learning, research, and community engagement. By facilitating effective communication, collaboration, and stakeholder involvement, the committee strives to ensure that the campus remains adaptable and inspiring, reflecting the institution’s identity and contributing to an enriched educational experience.
