NLUO Mentorship Programme

NLUO Mentorship Programme

One of NLUO’s fundamental objectives is to ensure the dissemination of socially relevant education. The ideal of socially relevant education requires a value-conscious mind and a moral clarity on the part of the students. Our obligation as an educational institution cannot be confined to classroom teaching only. The institutional role of Loco Parentis can be duly fulfilled only when there is a meaningful interaction between the students and the faculty members beyond the class hours. Such interaction can facilitate support for young minds who are trying to cope with the world away from their homes and without any regular guidance in relation to various aspects of their lives. Mentoring and connecting with faculty members is one of the most important parts of student induction.Keeping the above in mind, the University will be continuing a Mentorship Programme for students of 1st Year to 5th Year, with the following objective:

  • To inculcate Universal Human
  • To encourage a spirit of discipline and
  • To provide general guidance to the students in terms of shaping their careers and their
  • To dissuade them from corrosive
  • To encourage a vibrant academic


  • Each Mentor shall have a minimum of 20 students as
  • Each faculty will conduct a minimum of one meeting in a month with the students allocated  to  him/her/ them.  The  meetings  have  to  be  group  meetings. However, Faculty members are also encouraged to hold individual meetings with their mentees.
  • The Faculty is required to conduct the meeting either in a classroom or online. The timing of the meetings must be agreed upon by the Mentor-Mentee.
  • If the student is unable to attend any organised group meeting, then reasons for not being able to must be sent to the Faculty in advance, and the meeting should be fixed on a later
  • The mentor is required to collect, update, maintain information collected on a monthly basis from each
  • The above-mentioned data can be saved on a continuous basis and the Examination Department be given access to the
  • All the collected data can be accessed by IQAC for institutional
  • The mentor shall identify the mentees whose performance/attendance is below The mentor will interact with the mentee to find out the cause of the problem. If required the mentor will involve the parents, Academic Coordination Committee, or any other official of the University.
  • The mentor may be a member of any disciplinary committee, where the mentee is involved in the
  • Mentor and Mentee are required to abide by the list of Do’s and Don’ts, as provided by the