“Virtual consultation on Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill

“Virtual consultation on Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill

30 Mar 2021

Virtual consultation on Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill, 2021


The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill, 2021 that has been introduced in the Lok Sabha seeking to strengthen child protection system to effectively address issues relating to children in conflict with law and children in need of care?and protection has been passed.

The amendments envisage strengthening district level monitoring by empowering and authorizing District Magistrate to orders adoption and to ensure effective coordination and monitoring the functions of various agencies responsible for the implementation of the Juvenile Justice Act.

This calls for public discourse and commentaries on the quality of the changes or any ambiguities or contradictions that are likely to be confronted by virtue of the proposed amendments in the implementation of the Juvenile Justice?? Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015.?/p>

?n this context, the Centre for Child Rights, National Law University Odisha proposes to organize virtual consultation on April 3, 2021 to discuss and deliberate upon the usefulness and adversaries of the proposed amendments in practical administration of juvenile justice in the perspective of the best interest of the child. The Consultation aims at:

  • Understanding the implication of changes in the practice of juvenile justice administration and the accountability among the multi-stakeholders;
  • Collecting opinions of?egal professionals, policy makers, academics, child rights activists, civil society organizations to identify key areas and other cross cutting issues?hich are still untouched in juvenile justice law or child protection policy;
  • Formulating action oriented recommendations and advocacy issues ?

Thematic discussions will be on the following

  1. Understanding the implication of changes in the practice of juvenile justice administration
  2. Adoption orders by District Magistrates: Effectiveness and consequences


Join Event as an attendee on Webex platform: https://nluodisha.webex.com/nluodisha/onstage/g.php?MTID=ec2ed76e1a9fb61e3a10f1783929766a9

Date and time: Saturday, April 3, 2021 10:30 am, India Time (Mumbai, GMT+05:30)

Event number: ???? 184 048 6514

Event password: ???CCR@NLUO