“Team NLUO Brings Glory in the 2nd GMU-CIArb International Maritime Arbitration Moot Court Competition 2021.”

“Team NLUO Brings Glory in the 2nd GMU-CIArb International Maritime Arbitration Moot Court Competition 2021.”

17 Jul 2021


Team NLUO ?omprising?unyashlok Panda, Karshana Agarwal, and Srutee Priyadarshini have won the Best Memorial Award in the 2nd?MU-CIArb International Maritime Arbitration Moot Court Competition 2021.

Additionally,?unyashlok Panda was awarded the citation of 2nd best Researcher in the competition.

Everyone from the university congratulated?he team for their outstanding performance and wished them the very best for all their?uture?ooting?ndeavours.