“Second Turncoat Debate Competition – Conducted by IPAAC, NLUO – 15th Feb 2023”

“Second Turncoat Debate Competition – Conducted by IPAAC, NLUO – 15th Feb 2023”

17 Feb 2023

The Intellectual Property Analysis and Advocacy Centre (IPAAC) conducted the Second Edition of the Turncoat Debate Competition on 15th February 2023. The event was organized with the objective to increase awareness about Intellectual Property Rights among the students to familiarize them with the contemporary issues revolving around Intellectual Property Rights. This competition was a platform through which they could engage in such discussions and enhance their public speaking skills.

Individual Participants from the first and second year engaged with different propositions ranging over several topics such as copyright in various social media platforms and AI, plant variety protection, patents and so on. The competition did not require prior specialized knowledge in Intellectual Property Rights and was aimed at serving as the starting point for students’ interest in the law related to Intellectual Property.

The competition concluded with Sidhanth M K Majoo (Batch 2021-2026) bagging the first position and Pratik Biswal (Batch of 2022-2027) coming in as a runner up.

The Centre highly encourages the enthusiasm of the participants and hopes to continue with similar initiatives to increase the awareness of Intellectual Property amongst the students.

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