“Pehchaan: Beyond the Boundaries, a Conference on The Rights of and Issues Faced by the Transgender Community to be held on 12th – 13th March 2022.”

“Pehchaan: Beyond the Boundaries, a Conference on The Rights of and Issues Faced by the Transgender Community to be held on 12th – 13th March 2022.”

08 Mar 2022

The Legal Services team at IDIA Odisha Chapter with great pleasure, would like to cordially invite you for its event,?strong>Pehchaan: Beyond the Boundaries, a Conference on The Rights of and Issues Faced by the Transgender Community?o be held on?strong>12th?nd 13th?arch 2022.



The 2-Day online Conference on the Rights and Issues Faced by the Transgender Community would commence with a Panel Discussion on the 12th?arch 2022. The discussion would aim at understanding the legal space that exists currently in the form of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2019 while also discussing upon the Socio-Cultural and Legal space that existed before the Act came into being.

The panellists, through their lived experiences would share with the audience their thoughts on the purpose of the Act and how far the Act has been successful according to them. Also, having discussed the current legal position of the Act, we strive to take the discussion forward by understanding how the pandemic has affected the community and what was the role played by the governmental and non-governmental institutions to alleviate the concerns of the community.


The second day of the Conference, 13th?arch 2022, will be an informal discussion and dialogue which?span lang=”EN-IN”>will be an open forum for the invitees to share their experiences as members of the transgender community in today’s society, which is deeply divided on issues of gender identity. The dialogue would open doors for discussion on how inclusive the law schools of the country are for the members of the transgender community and what are the changes which could be brought about to make the current situation better in a holistic sense.



We are grateful to announce that the panel will be graced by

1.?/span>Justice Joyita Mondal<??/strong>The first transgender judge and a social worker from West Bengal. She was the first transgender to cast a vote from her district and has provided legal aid to 200 transgenders during a foreign project since 2012.

2.?u>Ms. Vyajayanti V<. Mogli<??/span>Founding member of the Telangana Hijra Transgender Samiti and a Right to Information (RTI) activist. She has also been involved in filing various Public Interest Litigations in High Courts and Supreme Court to advance LGBTI+ rights.

3.?u>Ms. Kanmani Ray<??/span>Transwoman and a practicing advocate in New Delhi. She has deep interests in working around the issues of health, access to education, transport, and housing in the context of gender and sexual minorities.



The dialogue and informal discussion would be steered by

1.?u>Ms. Priyasha?-?/span>A second-year law student at NALSAR University of Law identifying themself as a Pansexual Non-Binary person. She has been leading the NALSAR Queer Collective and also a part of the Trans Policy Committee.

2.?u>Mx. Ajay Kranthi<-?/span>A fourth-year trans student at NALSAR University of Law and the co-founder of NALSAR Queer Collective. Also, member of the National Executive Council of All India Queer Association, New Delhi.



Dates and Timings:?/span>

12th?/sup>March 2022 – 6:30 – 7:30 pm

13th?arch 2022 – 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Mode:?nline (Google Meet)

Register here:?/strong>https://forms.gle/Jmm4pfbEPiuQ3f3o6

?span style=”font-size: 12pt;”>The last date to fill the form and register is?/span>11:59 PM, 11 March 2022.

Additionally, in order to ensure that the Conference is a fruitful one and answers all the questions you bear in mind, kindly communicate your questions, thoughts, or observations in the registration form itself.?/span>Further details will be informed to the registered participants in due course of time.


In case of any queries, kindly contact:

Srutee Priyadarshini: +91 7762924372

Rithika Mathur: +91 7357504628



  • <a href="https://www.nluo.ac.in/storage/2022/0Brochure_Pehchaan Beyond the Binaries