“One-Day Online Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights Awareness Programme on ‘IP Enforcement and Copyright Societies in India’ “

“One-Day Online Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights Awareness Programme on ‘IP Enforcement and Copyright Societies in India’ “

06 Sep 2022


On September 1st, 2022, the Intellectual Property Analysis and Advocacy Centre (IPAAC), NLUO, in collaboration with Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM), conducted a one-day online workshop on “IP Enforcement and Copyright Societies in India.” The workshop was open to the public and more than 500 participants had registered for the event.

The workshop had two esteemed industry experts as speakers: Mr. Dhruv Maingi, Director, Netrika; and Ms. Sonal Chhablani, Senior Associate, Sai Krishna & Associates.

Mr. Dhruv Maingi held a detailed discussion on “Intellectual Property Enforcements.” He talked about various threats to IP, like counterfeiting, copyright infringement, etc., and his own experience in tackling them. He also talked about the role of police and law enforcement authorities in IP enforcement and the pre-requisites for initiating an enforcement action. His session provided an overview of the needs and ways of IP enforcement to the participants.

Ms. Sonal Chhablani talked about “Copyright Societies in India.” She discussed the Copyright Act and the amendments introduced to it in 2012. Topics which are covered in this session include, but are not limited to, “Distribution Scheme”, “Performers Society”, “Statutory License”, “Special Rights of the Authors,” etc. Furthermore, Ms. Sonal also elaborated upon the remedies that are available in the case of copyright infringement, like injunction, damages, etc.

During the workshop, the attendees were allowed to ask their questions regarding the topics that were being discussed, and many did so. Overall, it was a fruitful session that provided a basic understanding of IP enforcement and copyright societies to the participants, and it will act as an impetus for those who want to explore these fields further.


Date of the Event: 1/09/22<

Location of the Event: Online<

Platform: Cisco Webex<

Time: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM<

Speakers<: Mr. Dhruv Maingi, Director, Netrika & Ms. Sonal Chhablani, Senior Associate, Sai Krishna & Associates.<

Organized by: Intellectual Property Analysis and Advocacy Centre (IPAAC), NLUO in collaboration with Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM)<