“NLUO Odisha, under the aegis of Project KUTUMB, organized a Medico-legal Camp on 16th October, 2022 at Babatilka Nagar, CDA Cuttack, Odisha”

“NLUO Odisha, under the aegis of Project KUTUMB, organized a Medico-legal Camp on 16th October, 2022 at Babatilka Nagar, CDA Cuttack, Odisha”

16 Oct 2022

National Law University Odisha, under the aegis of Project KUTUMB, organized a Medico-legal Camp on 16th October, 2022 at Babatilka Nagar, CDA Cuttack, Odisha. During the culmination of the camp various activities in addition to the provisioning of medical services at the medical camp were undertaken by students from the Centre for Mediation and Negotiation, ranging from spreading awareness about mediation as a dispute resolution tool. Faculty and staff members from National Law University, Odisha in addition to the community leaders from the village attended the event. ?/p>

The students from NLUO presented a skit signifying the importance of mediation as a dispute resolution mechanism and information was also shared regarding the methods in which mediation can be conducted. The information was shared regarding mediation facility available at the University. The program was well received by the members of the community who welcomed the team from NLUO with open arms and whole-heartedly participated in the program by asking questions, sharing their concerns and issues and showing the team around the village to apprise it of the living conditions and the facilities provided by the government. It was a successful program with members of community and the University establishing a long-lasting relationship. Given below are some glimpses from the medico-legal camp.