“NLUO – LEDC, SOAS Certificate course on climate change – law, justice and Global South.”

“NLUO – LEDC, SOAS Certificate course on climate change – law, justice and Global South.”

Centre for Research and Management of Natural Resources (CRAMON) of NLUO has successfully concluded the NLUO – LEDC, SOAS Certificate course on Climate Change – Law, Justice and the Global South. The course was conducted?nline?n association?ith the Law, Environment and development Centre (LEDC) of SOAS University of London. The course saw the participation of 35 individuals from varied disciplines like law, forest science, public policy and engineering. The resource persons for the course were from South Asian University, New Delhi, University of Birmingham, UK, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, SOAS University of London. The course maintained? strong?ocus on climate?hange?elated justice issues, particularly?rom a Global South perspective.?/p>

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