“Movie Screening & Discussion with Uma Chakravarti and Dr. Usha Ramanathan.”

“Movie Screening & Discussion with Uma Chakravarti and Dr. Usha Ramanathan.”

06 Mar 2023

The Gender Sensitisation committee has been set up for the students of the university to develop sensitivity regarding issues of discrimination of gender, sexual orientation identity and inclusion. The committee also emphasises on spreading awareness related to sexual harassment, rights of women and sexual minorities among other issues.

In a traditional setup, women are taught to fit into the boxes, to accommodate, adjust in the face of adversity. However, time and again, women broke these shackles,?ursued idealism,?ollowed their passion and actively shaped the world around them, becoming the agents of change.

In light of the upcoming International Women’s Day,?e invite you on?strong>6th March 2023?/em>to the Movie Screening of “Yeh Lo Bayaan Humaare“. A film about the idealism, passion, and the jail time of young women coming of age in the late 1960s, seeking to change the world, and throwing themselves into movements sweeping parts of India. It is about the voices of young women, of what drew them into abandoning the safety of their homes as they were not passive recipients of radical ideas but active shapers of politics, and provides a reflective critique of the politics of the decade of unrest in India.

It is a privilege?o have with us?strong>Uma Chakravarti, feminist historian and?filmmaker,?strong>Dr. Usha Ramanathan, Indian Law Researcher and Human Rights Activist and?ur very own?strong>Ved Ma’am?or their insightful thoughts and opinions on the subject?ost Movie Screening.?/p>

About Uma Chakravarti<

Uma Chakravarti is a distinguished feminist historian and filmmaker who has taught at Miranda House College for Women, Delhi University. She writes on Buddhism, early Indian history, the nineteenth century, and contemporary issues. Among her many publications are:?em>Social Dimensions of Early Buddhism,?em>Rewriting History: The Life and Times of Pandita Ramabai,?em>Gendering Caste through a Feminist Lens, and many edited volumes. She is closely involved with the women’s movement as well as the movement for democratic rights in India and has been part of many fact-finding teams to investigate human rights violations, communal violence, and state repression.

About Dr. Usha Ramanathan?

Dr. Usha Ramanathan is an Indian Law Researcher and Human Rights Activist. She has been awarded the?strong>‘Human Rights Hero’?y Access Now Organisation in 2018. She is a prolific writer and an editor of various reputed journals. Her columns appear regularly in leading Indian newspapers and magazines on issues relating to torts, displacement, and Reimagining technology.

Timeline of the Event and Venue:<

2:30PM :?strong>Flash Mob?y?strong>Cult Crew?n front of the Academic block?/p>

3:00PM:?strong>Movie Screening?t?strong>LH 2,?/strong>Academic Block