“IDG’s 25th session- a panel discussion with Ms. Saba Naqvi and Mr. Harssh Poddar”.

“IDG’s 25th session- a panel discussion with Ms. Saba Naqvi and Mr. Harssh Poddar”.

27 Sep 2020

“IDG’s 25th session- a panel discussion with Ms. Saba Naqvi and Mr. Harssh Poddar”.

The Informal Discussion Group is elated to inform you about our?5th?ession- a panel discussion with Ms. Saba Naqvi and Mr. Harssh Poddar.

Ms. Saba Naqvi<?s an author, journalist, and a commentator. She is one of India’s best-known political analysts. An Oxford alumnus, she was a political editor with the Outlook Magazine under the legendary Mr. Vinod Mehta. She is now a leading name in national dailies and is often called to share her opinions on leading news channels.

Mr. Harssh Poddar<?s an IPS officer. After graduating from WBNUJS in 2008, he read for the BCL at Oxford University on a Chevening Scholarship and thereafter worked with Clifford Chance LLP, a London based Magic Circle law firm. Mr. Poddar cleared the Civil Services Examination in 2013 and came back to serve the nation. An all-rounder in college, Mr. Poddar is credited to be one of the strongest forces behind the origin of the NUJS Parliamentary Debate and the NUJS Law Review. A decorated police officer, Mr. Poddar is the youngest recipient of G-Files award for his exceptional work as a civil servant.

Theme of the discussion<: The Role of Media and Police in Deepening Democracy and Enforcing the Rule of Law in India.


  1. Role of Police and Media in the electoral process in India
  2. Social Media and e-media’s role in changing the nature of protests and Police’s role in dealing with them.
  3. Fake news and Migrant Exodus: Combating false news and misinformation

Date<: 5:00PM, 3rd?ctober 2020.

Platform:<?oom. Kindly join through this?a href=”https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7023623537?pwd=R00xazJaUnB1NGc1bnY5K3M2bDFGQT09″ data-saferedirecturl=”https://www.google.com/url?q=https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7023623537?pwd%3DR00xazJaUnB1NGc1bnY5K3M2bDFGQT09&source=gmail&ust=1601281864285000&usg=AFQjCNEAO2bkZ7RxUL627TC0IB9JuS30dw”>Zoom Link.