Centre for Maritime Law NLUO is organising its 1st Academic Guest Lecture on January 31 2020

Centre for Maritime Law NLUO is organising its 1st Academic Guest Lecture on January 31 2020

27 Jan 2020

“Centre for Maritime Law, NLUO is organising its 1st Academic Guest Lecture on January 31, 2020”.

The Centre for Maritime Law, National Law University Odisha is delighted to invite Prof. (Dr.)  Proshanto Mukherjee, Professor Emeritus, World Maritime University for an Academic Guest Lecture on topics “Historical Evolution of Admiralty Jurisdiction and Law” and “Law of Collisions at Sea”. The Centre aims to deliberate on a latest aspect of Maritime law and get enlightened by his insightful words.

The guest lecture will be held on 31st January 2020 between 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The venue for the same is Seminar Hall, Second Floor, Academic Block. The Centre cordially invites all the faculty members and the students to attend the same.

A brief profile of Prof. (Dr.) Proshanto Mukherjee:

Prof. Proshanto K. Mukherjee is the former Vice President Research, Director of Doctoral Program and ITF Professor of Maritime Safety and Environmental Protection at WMU. He served as Co-Director of the WMU/Lund University joint LL.M. program. He is an Honorary Research Fellow of Swansea University (SU); Professor of Law at Dalian Maritime University, China; Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Human Resource Development of Chung-Ang University, South Korea; Visiting Professor at National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, India, and is Chancellor of CINEC Maritime Campus, Colombo, Sri Lanka. He has been doctoral supervisor and examiner for several Ph.D. candidates around the world.

He spent 16 years in a seafaring career which culminated to the rank of Master before he entered legal studies and the legal profession. He has served as Senior Adviser, Maritime Policy and International Affairs in the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, and later as Senior Deputy Director and Professor of Maritime Law at the International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) in Malta. He was formerly IMO Legal Adviser for the Caribbean Region. He has drafted shipping and marine environmental legislation for over twenty-eight jurisdictions around the world. He is a member of the Canadian Maritime Law Association and of the CMI Working Group on Fair Treatment of Seafarers.

Mr. Proshanto is the author of the book “Maritime Legislation” and lead author of the Fourth Edition of “Farthing on International Shipping”. He has numerous publications to his credit on virtually every subject in maritime law.