Centre for Competition Law and Policy, NLUO is organizing Regional Competition Advocacy Programme (Eastern Region) on 11th June, 2022 in hybrid mode.

Centre for Competition Law and Policy, NLUO is organizing Regional Competition Advocacy Programme (Eastern Region) on 11th June, 2022 in hybrid mode.

31 May 2022

National Law University Odisha has been chosen by Competition Commission of India (CCI) as a partner institution for organising the?b>Regional Level Competition Advocacy Programme (Eastern Region)?as part of Ministry of Corporate Affair’s?i>Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav?elebrations. The idea behind the advocacy programmes is to sensitise stakeholders at the regional level on the nuances of competition law and its enforcement.

To ensure greater participation, the programme is being held in the?b>hybrid mode<?.e.?combination of physical and virtual mode from?b>11.00 am to 4.00 pm on 11th?une, 2022<.?span lang=”EN-US”>The programme is open to all students and academicians (from disciplines of?/span>law, economics, business, management and finance),?span lang=”EN-US”>practitioners, industry professionals, representatives of trade and industry associations and other professional associations.
Resource person(s) from Competition Commission of India will be holding some sessions, followed by interaction with the stakeholders and question and answer session.
Interested participants are requested to?b>register<?hemselves by filling up the form?a href=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1L0vT3KRPURF2XrmOgfkCcUKhaezxel43urwylZ0Syuw/edit” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer noreferrer” data-saferedirecturl=”https://www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1L0vT3KRPURF2XrmOgfkCcUKhaezxel43urwylZ0Syuw/edit&source=gmail&ust=1654084726485000&usg=AOvVaw1ak5IByLsqqAEjt9_ba01d”>https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1L0vT3KRPURF2XrmOgfkCcUKhaezxel43urwylZ0Syuw/edit? There is?b>no registration fees?for the programmme. A certificate of participation will be provided to all the attendees.
In case of any queries or concerns, write to?/span>

nikita@nluo.ac.in?r?a href=”mailto:cclp@nluo.ac.in” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer noreferrer”>cclp@nluo.ac.in.