“A symposium on ‘The Right to Housing and Land’: Challenges and Access to Justice’ – September 23, 2023.”

“A symposium on ‘The Right to Housing and Land’: Challenges and Access to Justice’ – September 23, 2023.”

28 Sep 2023

A symposium on ‘The Right to Housing and Land’: Challenges and Access to Justice’ was organised on September 23, 2023 by Internal Quality Assurance Cell of National Law University Odisha in collaboration with The Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN) and The Centre for the Sustainable Use of Natural and Social Resources (CSNR). The program was conducted with the aims to strengthen the understanding of human right of adequate housing among lawyers, facilitate the development of common approaches and strategies for dealing with complex legal and policy issues related to housing rights, and to create a strong network of people working for the protection and promotion of the right to adequate housing.

The program was attended by 48 advocates from various regions of Odisha. The program witnessed presence of Hon’ble Justice Dr. Sanjeeb Panigrahi, Judge, High Court of Orissa; Prof. Dr. Ved Kumari, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, National Law University Odisha; Prof. (Dr.) Usha Ramanathan, Human Rights Activist, and Legal Expert; Mr. Dhirendra Panda, Director, CSNR; Mr. Pranab Chaudhary, Ecopreneur and Expert on Land Governance; Mr. Shankar Prasad, Advocate, National Green Tribunal; Ms. Akhankya Kabi, Advocate, High Court of Orissa; Miss Urmi Chudgar and Mr. Aishwarya Ayushmaan from (HLRN); Dr. Mayank Tiwari, Director, IQAC and Mr. Kumarjeeb Pegu, Assistant Professor of Law, NLUO.

The experts discussed with the participants about the legal and practical challenges involved in the issues related to housing rights.

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