“Notification for admission to B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) / B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) / LL.M. Programme for the Academic Year 2024-2025 under Foreign Nationals Category”

“Notification for admission to B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) / B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) / LL.M. Programme for the Academic Year 2024-2025 under Foreign Nationals Category”

03 Jan 2024

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“Enquiry of quotation for supply of cartridge/toner for printers and photocopiers at NLUO, Cuttack.”

“Enquiry of quotation for supply of cartridge/toner for printers and photocopiers at NLUO, Cuttack.”

14 Dec 2023

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Quotation Call Notice for Repairing & cleaning of Over Head Tanks at NLUO, Cuttack.

Quotation Call Notice for Repairing & cleaning of Over Head Tanks at NLUO, Cuttack.

12 Dec 2023

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“List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Manager and Project Associate for the Project titled: Addressing Domestic Violence in Odisha through Institutionalized Anti-Domestic Violence Response Protocols.’ “

“List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Manager and Project Associate for the Project titled: Addressing Domestic Violence in Odisha through Institutionalized Anti-Domestic Violence Response Protocols.’ “

08 Dec 2023

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“Quotation Call Notice for Misc. Repair work & Supply of items at NLUO, Cuttack. “

“Quotation Call Notice for Misc. Repair work & Supply of items at NLUO, Cuttack. “

08 Dec 2023

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“Celebration of Jan Jatiya Gaurav Diwas, 2023 organised by the NLUO Centre for Tribal Studies”

“Celebration of Jan Jatiya Gaurav Diwas, 2023 organised by the NLUO Centre for Tribal Studies”

24 Nov 2023

Report on student submissions as per activities for Celebration of Jan Jatiya Gaurav Diwas, 2023 organised by the NLUO Centre for Tribal Studies

Date 23 -11 -2023

In commemoration of the birth anniversary of the legendary freedom fighter Birsa Munda, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs has declared 15th November as?strong>”Janajatiya Gaurav Diwas.”?/p>

To mark this occasion, the Centre for Tribal Studies invited

Under the letter No. 17020/09/2023-TRI -Part (3) (e file no. 26589)?/strong>of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs (TRI & Media Division), Government of India, declared 15th November was declared as the?strong>”Janajatiya Gaurav Diwas”?o commemoration of the birth anniversary of the legendary freedom fighter Birsa Munda.

Accordingly, the Centre for Tribal Studies under the initiative conducted a ‘Writing and Infographic Presentation Competition’, i.e. Article (1000 words), and?nfographic (10 slides). Emails were sent to the Student body dated 14- 11 – 2023.

The completion was themed on the role of tribal freedom fighters during Indian Independence and the contribution of Tribal leaders in attaining Independence while preserving tribal culture.

The broad themes for submissions were as follows:

  1. Role of tribal freedom fighters during Indian Independence;
  2. Tribal movement in the Freedom Struggle;
  3. Contribution of Tribal Communities to National History and Culture;
  4. Tribal Communities’ role in preserving cultural heritage and pride of India


The deadline for submission was kept as 20th November 2023.

The Centre selected 4 short articles from the University’s students for the purpose. The students will be provided with Participation Certificates in due course.


The submitted entries from the following students are as follows;

  • <a href="https://www.nluo.ac.in/storage/2023/1‘Birsa Munda’s Contribution in the Freedom Struggle and August Kranti’ by Tanistha Mangaraj bearing Roll no.21BA110 from BA.LL.B (Batch of 2021-2026)

“Voter Awareness programme Jointly organised by National Law University Odisha ? Cuttack Municipal Corporation on November 20, 2023”

“Voter Awareness programme Jointly organised by National Law University Odisha ? Cuttack Municipal Corporation on November 20, 2023”

21 Nov 2023

Voter Awareness programme

Jointly organised by

National Law University Odisha ? Cuttack Municipal Corporation

Date: November 20, 2023 at 11.30 A.M

Venue : Second Floor Conference Room, Administrative Block


National Law University Odisha in joint collaboration with Cuttack Municipal Corporation organized a Voters Awareness Programme on November 20, 2023 at 11.30 A.M in the Second Floor Conference Room, Administrative Block of NLUO.?Shri Narahari Sethy, OAS(SAG), Collector & District Magistrate, Cuttack joined as the Chief Guest for the programme, other distinguished dignitaries present in the programme are Prof. (Dr.) Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Professor of Law and Registrar,NLUO, Ms. Anita Patra, Joint Commissioner, Cuttack Municipal Corporation, Ms. Krishna Padhi, AERO, Cuttack. The programme was attended by the staff of NLUO and few teacher representatives of local election office.

Shri Narahari Sethy, Collector & District Magistrate, Cuttack started the programme with his key note address about the Voters awareness. He said that this is a flagship programme of Eelection Commission of India to Increase participation of people specially youth in voting process in all over India. He said that this programme is being organized in most of the colleges in the district to make create awareness among the eligible youth voters. He talked about why it is important to vote in the Indian democracy. He said that all citizens should be aware about their voting rights and they should properly exercise the rights being a responsible voter to choose the perfect representatives who could lead the Government. All citizens should realize the importance of voting and they also should encourage all eligible voters to register and vote. ?/p>

Ms. Anita Patra,Joint Commissioner, Cuttack Municipal Corporation said that the followings are the objective of this Voters awareness campaign

  • To create awareness among the youth and eligible voters to register and vote
  • To creating awareness among the people/public/voter regarding the importance of the three-tier local electoral system
  • To enhance people’s participation in the voting system
  • To create awareness to select effective people centric leaders
  • To ensure smooth implementation/execution of our planned activities


She said that not only you should vote but you as a responsible citizen should also create awareness in your family and in the society that you live to register and to vote. She specially emphasized to motivate the young generation who are eligible to vote as per the Indian Constitution should register themselves as voters and should exercise their voting rights. She said that “you should make it in your mind that being an Indian national it is crucial and it’s your responsibility to vote and make others motivated to vote”. ?he said that who have attained the age of 18 and are eligible voters should ensure by visiting the local representatives of election office that their name is there in the voters list. If their name is not showing up in the list, they should immediately bring this to the knowledge of the representative and make an inclusion following the process.


Ms. Krishna Padhi, AERO, Cuttack add on to the discussion by informing about the initiative of Election Commission of India by designing a Mobile Application for developing a culture of avid electoral engagement and making informed and ethical ballot decisions among citizens of the country. The app aims to provide a single point of service and information delivery to voters across the country. The eligible voters should download the Voter Helpline App from Google play store and should use this for all kind of service related to voting.


Both of them also addressed many concerns of the NLUO employees relating to the voting process.


The programme dissolved with a vote of thanks by Dr. Subhangini Singh, Assistant Professor of Political Science, she also stressed upon the importance of this Voters awareness programme to aware voters about their voting rights and also to motivate the youths and students to register who are eligible to vote and to exercise their voting rights.









The following are the guests for the Voters Awareness Programme:-

1)???Shri Narahari Sethy, OAS(SAG), Collector & District Magistrate, Cuttack

2)???Ms. Anita Patra,?he Joint Commissioner, Cuttack Municipal Corporation, Cuttack

3)???Shri Kamaljit Das, OAS (S), Sub-Collector & SDM, Cuttack

4)???Ms. Krishna Padhi, AERO, Cuttack

5)???Mr. Y. Ramdu Reddy


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“Quotation call notice for Supply of mosquito net (aluminium) for windows of hostels at NLUO, Cuttack”

“Quotation call notice for Supply of mosquito net (aluminium) for windows of hostels at NLUO, Cuttack”

15 Nov 2023

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“Quotation Call Notice for Drilling of Borewell in University Campus at NLUO, Cuttack.”

“Quotation Call Notice for Drilling of Borewell in University Campus at NLUO, Cuttack.”

09 Nov 2023

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“MoU with Sri Sri University”

“MoU with Sri Sri University”

09 Nov 2023

National Law University Odisha (NLUO) is excited to announce a strategic partnership with The Art of Living (TAOL), a volunteer-based, humanitarian and educational non-governmental organization renowned for its transformative programs. TAOL ?oins hands with NLUO to enhance the comprehensive development of our academic community. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by the Registrar, Prof. Rangin Tripathy and the faculty advisors of Health and Wellness Committee, Dr. Arjyalopa Mishra and Ms. Sonal Singh. This ?OU highlights two impactful programs: the Youth Empowerment & Skills Program (YES!+), a four-day workshop focusing on stress management, interpersonal skills, concentration enhancement and more. The success as well as the positive impact of the YES+ workshop conducted in the college served as a catalyst for this collaboration.?The second program ?s the ?aculty Development Program (FDP), a three-day intensive training designed to equip faculty and staff with essential mind management techniques, leadership skills, and overall well-being strategies. The programs cover essential topics including stress management, interpersonal skills, confidence-building, time management, healthy habits, social responsibility, and more. This collaboration places special emphasis on integrating elements of liberal arts, aligning with the vision of the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Through this unique approach, NLUO aims to provide a holistic, multidisciplinary, and value-based education that encompasses intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and moral?evelopment.