News Category: News
“Single Credit Course on “Negotiation and Mediation Training”, conducted on 24th and 25th February, 2024.”
28 Feb 2024
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“Fulbright-Nehru and other Fulbright Fellowships for study, research, teaching and professional development in the U.S. APPLY NOW! For details CLICK HERE “
27 Feb 2024
- APPLY NOW!<?or details?b>CLICK HERE<
- Flyer_2025-2026 Fulbright Fellowships for Indians
“Online Article Writing Competition Organized by Pro Bono Club of NLUO.”
24 Feb 2024
Post-Event Report for the 1st CLS-NLUO Essay Writing Competition
30 Jan 2024
The Constitutional Law Society, National Law University Odisha successfully conducted the First CLS Essay Writing Competition spanning the months of November and December, 2023, with results being declared in the first week of January, 2024. The submissions were accepted in the online mode.
There were a large number of submissions from students of various law schools throughout the country. The CLS Editorial Board carefully curated a range of themes relevant to contemporary constitutional discourse throughout the country. The following were the themes for the competition:
1. One Nation, One Election
2. The Uniform Civil Code
3. Data Protection Laws
4. Democracy vs. Popular Support- Constitutional Safeguards to Majoritarianism
The authors had the liberty to choose any sub-topic under this vast umbrella, with due cognizance given to varying, and contradictory view-points. Consequently we received articles arguing for diverse view-points and opinions.
Many of the submissions received by the Board were erudite, and written with scholarly precision.
To ensure fairness in declaring the winners, the Board constituted a rigorous two stage evaluation process. It was a double-bind peer review process. Technical indicators such as plagiarism, formatting, citations, and use of artificial intelligence was evaluated along with qualitative indicators such as style, novel points of law, case-laws cited, as well as creative solutions to problems posed. Such thorough evaluation ensured fairness and impartiality in evaluation.
The first stage was internally done by the seasoned editors of the CLS Editorial Board. The articles which were shortlisted from the first round went on to be evaluated by a panel of experienced external reviewers.
Following this rigorous process, the Board declared the results as per schedule on the 10th of January, 2024. The three winning articles were published on the CLS Blog, and can be accessed there.
In conclusion, this event was a massively successful one and contributed to spreading quality written discourse on burning issues of constitutional relevance around the country. As a society, promoting constitutional learning and scholarship, such events have a vital role in the execution of our mission. Given the immense success of this introductory edition of the Competition, the Board intends to continue organizing this competition with increasing grandeur and scope over the forthcoming years.
“Recruitment of Nurse and Counsellor.”
29 Jan 2024
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“NLUO celebrated the 75th Republic Day on the 26th of January, 2024.”
29 Jan 2024
“National Law University Odisha celebrated the 75th Republic Day on the 26th of January, 2024 with the gracious presence of Hon’ble Dr.?ustice Bidyut Ranjan Sarangi, Acting Chief Justice of Orissa High Court, renowned Odissi dancer, Sharon Lowen, Professor Jane Ellen Schukoske, Professor Ved Kumari, Vice Chancellor of National Law University Odisha, Professor Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Registrar of National Law University Odisha, members of faculty and staff and students of National Law University Odisha. The flag was unfurled, followed by inspiring speeches by Hon’ble Dr.?ustice Bidyut Ranjan Sarangi, Professor Ved Kumari and Professor Rangin Pallav Tripathy that invigorated the spirits of all the attendees. The day was celebrated with great vigour at National Law University Odisha. with cultural events organised by the Cult Crew of the university where the students of the university put up vibrant performances from energetic dances to melodious singing. The cultural event was filled with tributes to the country and there was an air of patriotism?nd?nthusiasm.”
“IDG NLUO conducted a Student Discussion, Tark- Vitark on ‘The War on Gaza’ – January 19th, 2024”
25 Jan 2024
The Informal Discussion Group conducted a Student Discussion, Tark- Vitark on January 19th, 2024. The event aimed to provide a platform for students to discuss and debate various aspects of the war and international relations.
The event featured discussion on a range of topics, including the history of the Gaza Strip, the border between the states of Israel and Palestine, the struggles of the civilians living in Gaza, the impact of the war globally and the India’s stance in this issue.
To ensure a well-structured and productive discussion, the event had a dedicated moderator who facilitated the conversation and maintained decorum throughout the event. Additionally, a fact-checker was appointed to verify the accuracy of information shared during the discussion, ensuring that all participants had access to reliable information.
To foster a well-informed and insightful discussion, links to relevant articles and videos were shared with students before the event to equip them with the valuable context and background information on the sub-themes, enabling participants to engage in a more informed and meaningful manner.
The Tark-Vitark student discussion event provided an enriching platform for participants to engage in constructive conversations about critical issues of the war in Gaza. The event served as a reminder of the importance of open dialogue and informed discussions in addressing pressing challenges, including international relations. It encouraged participants to think critically and offered a space for diverse perspectives to be heard.
“Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: NLUO’s Inclusive Sports Initiatives for Women, Children and Adolescents”
18 Jan 2024
The Sports Committee of National Law University Odisha (NLUO) visited Baba Tilkanagar, Cuttack, Odisha on 15th January 2024 and conducted various sports and interactive activities. The said visit was undertaken as part of the KUTUMB initiative of the university that aims at building child-friendly communities that meet children’s rights to survival, protection, development, and participation. Through games and other activities, the visit aimed at inculcating team spirit and leadership among communities of the village.
The event witnessed enthusiastic participation of about 60 people including children and women from the community and Anganwadi workers. The event began with an address to the village communities on importance of games and sports in Odia language.?This was followed by the various games and sporting events like Marble Race, Bucket Ball, Ludo, Musical Ball and the like which oversaw energetic participation of children, men and women from the village.?/p>
The winners were awarded by the Faculty Advisor of the Sports committee, NLUO, Mr Mohd Sikandar. Sports committee members and students of the university – Anirudh, Saroj, Rachit – interacted with the community members of the village especially the children and highlighted the sports competition that NLUO will organize between the four villages.?The Sports Committee of NLUO will keep on sensitizing the communities about the importance of games and sports by organizing these events in all the villages leading up to a mega event which will witness, among others, an Inter-village sports competition. A four-month weekend plan has been chalked out and has been communicated to the villagers in this regard. The programme could not have been successful without the active help of the enthusiastic students of NLUO and support of Mr. Durbadala Mantry, Special Officer, Legal Aid, NLUO. Last but not least, the NLUO team is grateful to the community members for coming out in such large numbers and participating actively in all sporting extravaganza.
“Call for Participation in the 9th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI)”
17 Jan 2024
National Law University Odisha is happy to announce that we are hosting the 9th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI) on theme?strong>”Global Childhoods: Critical Perspectives Promoting Theoretical, Empirical and Policy Understandings”?rom 14-16 Feb 2024?/span>in?/span>Bhubaneswar Odisha. The venue for the Conference is Hotel Swosti Premium, Jaydev Vihar, Bhubaneswar.
This Conference will focus on three aspects of child rights, welfare and wellbeing with reference to Sustainable Development Goals at the policy and implementation levels as well as children’s perception about the same at home, school and neighbourhood. Participants can be from the field on Law, Child Rights, Sociology, Anthropology, Child Psychology, Political Science and other social sciences, Paediatric medicines, Paediatric nursing, Community medicines etc.
Close to 100 International experts from more than 24 countries in child rights, health education, happiness, wellbeing, education and related areas will be presenting papers and conducting panel discussions sharing their research and impact of ground level interventions and programmes being conducted by them.
In order to facilitate wider learnings from this rich presentations and discussions, we invite you to register for this Conference as participants. Registered participants will have a great opportunity to interact with International experts, expand their network in addition to the learnings from the Conference. There will be dedicated opportunities for networking with global experts and practitioners. Interested persons from various fields with a body of work and passion in children, their happiness and wellbeing, basic rights, health, education etc. may register by clicking on the following link.
Link to register for the ISCI Conference 2024:
All registered persons will be provided with Certificate of Participation. There is a nominal registration fee of Rs. 3000/- per person for the full conference. This will give them access to conference materials, Lunch and participation certificate. Travel, boarding (except lunch) and lodging, if required, will have to be borne by the participants themselves.
Seats are very limited. Registration will close very soon. So Hurry!
Please find attached here the Concept Note and Draft Schedule of the Conference. More details about the Conference are available at?/span><?
We look forward to your enthusiastic participation in this International Conference.
“Notification for Admission to B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) / B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) / LL.M. Programme under NRI/NRI Sponsored/ PIO / OCI Category for the Academic Year 2024-2025”
03 Jan 2024
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