Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

National Law University Odisha (NLUO), Cuttack was established by Act 4 of 2008 by the Odisha State Legislature and started imparting education in Law from the Academic Year 2009-10. NLUO was established keeping in mind a clearly enunciated vision. The Preamble to the Act itself outlines the University’s long-term goals, which include:

  • Advancement of learning, teaching, research, diffusion of knowledge in the field of law;
  • Catering to the needs of society by developing the professional skills of those intending to take up the professions of advocacy, judicial services, legal services, and so on.
  • Taking inspiration from this, the University identifies and pledges adherence to the following objectives:
  • To design and conduct regular courses of learning for dissemination of knowledge, advanced learning in legal subjects and other related disciplines with a view to meaningfully integrate, support and enhance professional knowledge of law and so also to appreciate the role of rule of law in national growth and development;
  • To develop in the students and scholars social and scientific research skills for enhancing a sense of responsibility to serve society as committed advocates and also develop skills relating to the profession of law;
  • To advance the professional education in convergence with knowledge of other related disciplines so as to provide adequate orientation and training including facilities of continuing education to law teachers, judicial officers, advocates and other persons in the civil society engaged or interested in legal field involved in the administration of justice;
  • To organize lecturers, seminars, symposia and conferences, to promote legal knowledge, and to transform law and legal processes into efficient instruments of social development;
  • To hold examinations and confer degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions; and
  • To undertake all such things as are incidental, necessary or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objects of the University, as an institution of higher learning and research and an institution of excellence.