EPWRF India Time Series is an online database with its comprehensive coverage of Indian economy, aims to provide authentic time series data in socio-economic research and analysis and it comprises over 50,000 variables capsuled in 18 modules from year 1950 depending on the availability.
Access: Password
HeinOnline is Hein’s premier online research product with more than 120 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable, image-based format. HeinOnline bridges the gap in legal history by providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2,100 law and law-related periodicals. It also contains the Congressional Record Bound volumes in entirety, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, famous world trials dating back to the early 1700’s, legal classics from the 16th to the 20th centuries, the United Nations and League of Nations Treaty Series, all United States Treaties, the Federal Register from inception in 1936, the CFR from inception in 1938, and much more
Access: IP Address
Indiastat.com provides a secondary level secondary level socio-economic statistical information about India, its states, regions and sectors. Indiastat.com is a cluster of 56 associate websites where in 19 websites are sector-specific, 6 are regional websites and 31 websites are state-specific.
Access : Single user license through IP Authentication. To authenticate through IP, click on the Login link appearing on the top (right) side of the home page and then click Through IP Login.
The On-Line Index developed by Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) covers 252 Indian social science journals covering the disciplines of economics, political science, public administration, sociology, social anthropology, business management, finance, geography, social work, health and education, etc and 15 newspapers. The Journal database in the On-Line Index provides only bibliographic references to the Indian social science journals while English newspapers database provide the image of the relevant news piece online and offline.
Access: IP Address [Through e-ShoudhSindhu Consortium]
JSTOR is a digital library currently including more than 2,000 academic journals of both multidisciplinary and discipline-specific collections, dating back to the first volume ever published, along with thousands of monographs and other materials relevant for education. Because of JSTOR’s archival mission, there is a gap, typically from 1 to 5 years, between the most recently published journal issue and the back issues available in JSTOR.
Access: IP Address [Through e-ShoudhSindhu Consortium]
KluwerArbitration.com is the world’s leading online resource for international arbitration research. It contains a wealth of commentary from expert authors and an extensive collection of primary source materials. Plus, it gives access to exclusive materials including ICC cases and awards.
Access: IP Address
The Lloyd’s Law Reports contains a vast archive of over 18,000 maritime and commercial cases from the UK and other foreign jurisdictions dating back to 1919. It contains online-early and online-only judgments. It also contains an annual citator containing all judgments reported in the maritime and commercial, insurance, financial crime and building law report series.
Access: Email domain based access
The SCC Online Web Edition is an extensive database on Indian Law, Stature law and other material with a high performance search engine and familiar user-friendly interface. It gives access to case laws and judgments of Supreme Court of India (1969-current), Privy Council, Federal Court, all High Courts, Central Statutes with Rules, Regulation etc., journal articles (from SCC, LW, NUJS, SAL etc.), Law Commission Reports, Constituent Assembly Debates and Commissions and Tribunals. It also gives access foreign and international law such as LR, WLR, Bus LR, Supreme Court of United States (1754-2013), Supreme Court of Canada (1876-2011), Singapore Law Reports (1932-2013), Constitutional court of South Africa (1995-2013), Bangladesh Legal Decisions, International treaties and conventions.
Access: IP Address
It contains Supreme Court cases & orders, High Court cases, Tribunals, central legislation, rules & regulations, notification & circulars, state & subordinate legislation. Alongside Indian case law, Westlaw India also includes case law materials from the UK, EU, United States and other Commonwealth jurisdictions.
Access: IP Address
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