About Dr. Itishree Mishra
Dr. Itishree Mishra is an Associate Professor at National Law University, Odisha in 2023. Dr. Mishra completed and got awarded her Ph.D. From Berhampur University in year 2015 on the topic “STUDY OF PATENT LAW PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR BIOTECHNOLOGICAL INVENTIONS”. She has completed her masters from Berhampur University in Law in the year 2003 as well as management in the 2014. She was the topper in graduation from the Department of Psychology, from Berhampur University in the year 1998. She has 12 +years of teaching and 6 years of research experience as she had a keen interest in various social and global issues has published many in terms of article, book chapters and as an Editor. Dr. Mishra has guided 20+ dissertation topics in LL.M since 2017. She attended and presented on both 30 + national and international seminars. Attended many Faculty Development Program across various the Universities in India. She was the Coordinator of UG program in Birla School of Law and was an academic member for NEP implementation force in Birla Global University. Dr. Mishra has conducted many events such as International Conference, Webinars, Seminars ,lecture series on various emerging topics. Dr. Mishra believes in hard work and determination of doing things in time.
Subject taught & Research Interest:
- Intellectual Property Rights,
- Banking law,
- Law of Contract,
- Insurance law,
- Cyber law.
- Law relating to Women and Children
Currently Teaching:
- Law and justice in globalizing world
- Law of Contract-I
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Book Publication:
- Unfolding Innovation, IPR, Entrepreneurship ,Mishra Itishree &Das Pallab(Editor) ,(Edited Volume) ,Whitesmann Publication&Co,2023.
- “Study Of Legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions” International Journal of Research (IJR); ISSN 2348-6848,Vol 4 Issues 8;July;2017.Journal Serial No:-44396;
- “ The Rise of Intellectual Property Right and The New IPR Brigade ”International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts; Vol 6,Issue1;January 2018;Issn 2323-2882,
- “Resoluteness Of Digital Signature-Issues and Challenges” International Research Journal of Commerce and Law(IRJCL)Vol 6 Issue 5;May 2019,Issn 2349-705x
- “Prejudice And Stigma Against Women Living With HIV/Aids” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR);Vol 5,Issue 3,August 2019,
- “Increase Of Domestic Violence Leading to Mental Instability Across During Covid 19, Solid State Technology, Vol 63,Issue 06,2020,
- “The National Commission for Women Act” Psychology and Education Journal 2020 ,Issn-0033077 Topic Vol 57 Issue 9: 1000-1002.
- “Legal Protection of Women in Dowry Death.” Psychology And Education Journal 2020 ,Issn-0033077 ,Vol57(9) 925-928
- “Cyber Crime in India and Related Laws” Psychology and Education Journal 2020 ,Issn-0033077,(2020) 57(9): 757-760
- “ A Descriptive Study of Doctrines Under Law of Contract” Pa Larch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 17(6). ISSN 1567-214x ,
- “Legislative Powers: Delegated Legislation “,Pa Larch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 17(6). ISSN 1567-214x , ,Pg No-5301-5305.
- “Design Law and Copyright Law Conflicts India”, Psychology and Education Journal 2020 ,ISSN-0033077 Topic : Pg No-925 -927.
- “Protection Of Refugee Rights-Analysis and Challenges” International Education and Research Journal” E-ISSN 2454-9916;Vol 7 Issue 11,Nov 2021; .
- ” The Information Technology Act,2000-Pros and Cons,(IJCRT),International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts; Vol 9;Issue :11
- “ A Statutory Approach in Protecting Child Rights.” International Journal of Research and Analytical Review “(IJRAR) Vol 8,Issue 4 In Nov ,2021.
- “ A Comprehensive Study on Surrogacy (Regulation )Act 2021 Vis A Vis the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation)Act 2021.Ymer,Vol21 Issue 06 ,June ,2022
Book Chapters:
- “A Comparative Analysis on Issues Related Cyber Crime”. Has Published In Satyam Law International ;New Delhi Publishers ;Title Of Book-Dynamics Of Socio-Economic Offences; ISBN:- 978-93-87839-90-8:
- “Concept of Bail and Role of Bail Law in Criminal Justice Administration”, Has Published Chapters in Book Law of Bail Practice and Procedure, ISBN: 97881926987-1-7 ,
- Presented paper on “Development of crypto-currency leading to financial instability with reference to economic structure of India on 25th Feb,2023,PG Department of Law ,Sambalpur University
- Presented paper on “Non discrimination towards vulnerable groups :Claim of human Rights “held at BU on 6th &27th March,2019
- Presented paper on “Child Abuse :A violation of Human Rights” on 9th March 2019 at MS Law College ,Cuttack.
- Presented paper on “Trafficking Across the country-An International Concern” at Utkal University on 19th and 20th January,2018.
- Presented paper on” Corruption in India” at ULC on 25th February,2018.
- Presented paper on “Consumer Rights and Protection “, LR Law college on 15th and 16th March,2018.
- Presented paper on ”Rethinking of fundamental Rights’ Law College on 27th and 28th January ,2018.
- Presented paper on “Media and Information Technology” LR Law college on 16th and 17th Nov ,2019
- Presented paper on “ Discrimination of women living with HIV “ Women’s Studies Research Centre ,BU on 28th and 29th March 2019.
- Presented paper on A Moderated Mediation Model: Exploring Wellbeing through Job Crafting and Meaningful Work to Promote Sustainability in the Backdrop of Indian Ancient Wisdom held at SMS Varanasi,5th & 4th March,2023.
- Presented paper on “ Nobility of legal profession :With special reference to bar and bench held at SOA (SNIL) on 23rd and 24th Nov,2019
- Presented Paper on “The Refugee Law: A Legal tool towards International Justice” ULC, Utkal University on 27th and 28th April ,2019.
- One Week FDP on Intellectual Property rights, Research and Academic Integrity conducted by DPIIT ,Chair and Centre for Research in IP , MNLU ,Mumbai from 20th -26th February 2023.
- Completed Two-week Refresher Course on “Law in Contemporary Times” by TLC Ramanujam College ,University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education from 27th-10th Feb,2022.
- Completed Guru Dakshata FIP Jai Narain Vyas University, Rajasthan with UGC -HRDC from 13th Sept-11th Oct,2021.
- One day workshop on Law, Legal and Profession organized by GLC,BU on 31st Oct,2018.
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- Got a recognition for the being in organizing committee in SOA “Deemed to be University” in 26th National Children Science Congress held from 27th-31st December,2018.
- Had organized International conference in Birla School of Law ,Birla Global University on Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship on 7th and 8th April,2022.