About Dr. Arjyalopa Mishra
Dr Arjyalopa Mishra graduated as a topper of the state of Odisha in Sociology in 2005. With a background in Sociology and Psychology, she futher explored her interest by doing a Masters in Personnel Mangement and Industrial Relations followed by a Masters in Philosophy in PMIR. She attained her PhD from Utkal University with the topic, “Transformational Leadership and its Effect on Follower’s Organizational Commitment in the Telecom Sector: The Mediating Effect of Trust” from the PG Department of PMIR. She has been awarded the Post Graduate Scholarship by Hyderabad Central University and also the prestigious University Rank Holder Award from UGC. She holds an equal interest & talent in dance and other cultural activities. Her concerns for society related issues made her reasonably competent and do an in depth study in related areas of research and consultation and present papers at various State and National level conferences. She is an avid writer and her numerous articles give insights to various areas like HR, land acquisition and CSR. She has also published articles in leading newspapers and magazines like the Hindu, Indian Express, The Telegraph, Frontline and India Today. She is conversant with administering the psychological tests on achievement motivation to identify a group of dedicated young people to commence their enterprise through the process of business incubation. To add further she has been actively involved with children coping with developmental disabilities, wellbeing of women offenders.
Research Interest:
- Social Psychology
- Positive Organizational Behaviour
- Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management
Subjects Taught:
- Principles and Practices of Mnagement
- Organizational Behaviour
- Human Resource Management
- PhD (Utkal University, Bhubaneswar) 2016
- M.Phil. PMIR (Utkal University, Bhubaneswar) 2011
- Masters PMIR (Utkal University, Bhubaneswar) 2009
- MA Sociology (University of Hyderabad) 2007
- BA Sociology (Ravenshaw University) 2005
Book Publications:
- Mishra, Arjyalopa. (2013) Management Development for Technological Change. New Delhi: Vikash Publishing House.
- 2021: Mishra, A., Shreya, A., & Shukla, A. (2021). “Promotion of mental health and well-being in Indian prisons. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 8(1), 482-488.
- 2020: Mishra A, (2020) Positive Organizational Capacities as an effective strategy to combat initial vulnerabity among the new employees at workplace: An empirical insight. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research9(10) ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020);
- 2018: Mishra A, Pradhan A, Bisht O (2018) “The Impact of Trust on leadership during Mergers and Acquisitions: Case studies from the Indian Telecom Sector” People: International Journal of Social Sciences Volume 4. No 2
- 2017: Rout Debasis, Mishra Arjyalopa, Saha Tamoghna (2017) “Prioritizing the financing of MSME’s” published in ABHILASHA, A Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences: Journal of USBM RNI No: 1316812/17.
- 2016: Mishra, Arjyalopa, Tripathy K. Santosh (2016). Leadership Attributes and Their Impact on Organizational Effectiveness. International Journal of ASBM, 10(2), 14-22.
- 2015 Mishra, Arjyalopa. (2015). Interface between Labour Law Reforms and Social Justice. NLUO Journal, 2(1), 176.
- 2014: Mishra, Arjyalopa. (2014). Creating Shared Value, A CSR Initiative. NLUO Journal 1(1), 147.
- 2012: Mishra, Arjyalopa. (2012). Benefiting The Masses Profitably – An Opportunity for Indian Technology Industry. International Journal of Information technology and Systems 1(2), 53-58.
Book of Proceedings:
- Mishra, Arjyalopa., Jha, Anamika., & Banerjee Swagata. (2017). A study on the coping styles and wellbeing of female prison inmates in Odisha, International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends.Budapest, Hungary.
- Mishra, Arjyalopa. (2016). A Critical Analysis of the Labour Law Reforms under the Branding of Make in India, National Industrial Relations Conference. Jamshedpur, India: XLRI.
- Mishra, Arjyalopa. (2012). Gender Stereotypes pertaining to women Entrepreneurship. International Conference on Management in the New World Order. Ranchi, India: IIM Ranchi.
International Conferences:
- June 2018: Awarded the Best Paper Presenter Award for the paper “The Impact of Trust on leadership during Mergers and Acquisitions: Case studies from the Indian Telecom Sector” at the 9th ICPLR held at University of Washington, Rome Centre from 9th June2018-10th June 2018.
- April 2017: Presented a paper on A study on the coping styles and wellbeing of female prison inmates in Odisha” at the International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends organized at Budapest, Hungary from 29th April-1st May, 2017.
- Jan 2016: Presented a Paper on “The need for Spiritual Leadership traits in Teachers for Reviving Educational System” at the International Conference on Spirituality and Management organized by IIM Bangalore held from 4th Jan2016 – 6th Jan 2016.
- May 2016: Presented a paper “Positive Leadership traits for Start-up Ventures” at the International Conference on Human Capital Management organized by the Department of PMIR, Utkal University.
- May 2013: Presented a paper “Transformational Leadership and Productive Engagement” at the International Conference on Leadership Issues and Challenges organized by the Department of PMIR, Utkal University.
- Dec 2013: Presented a paper titled Leadership and its effect on Organizational Effectiveness at the 3rd Indian Academy of Management Conference 2013 at IIM Ahmedabad from 14th Dec 2013 -16th Dec 2013.
- April, 2012: Presented a paper titled “Land Acquisitions Issues a Corporate Governance Perspective” at the International Conference on Resettlement and Rehabilitation at XIMB jointly organized by XIMB, TISS, Mumbai and XLRI, Jamshedpur
National Conferences:
- May 2014: Presented a paper on “A Critical analysis of the Constitutional provisions of Labour Laws” at the National Seminar on Labour Laws organized by the Department of PMIR, Utkal University
- Dec 2013: Presented a paper titled “Transformational Leadership and its effect on Organizational Commitment, the mediating Effect of Trust” at the 7th Doctorial Colloquium, IIM Ahmedabad.
- February,2012: Presented a paper titled “Creating Shared Value: A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative at the National Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility: NCCSR Issues in the Implementation jointly organized by XIMB and TISS.
- May 2012: Presented a paper titled “Technological Innovations and its Impact on Quality of Life “at the National Conference on HR organized by the Department of PMIR, Utkal University
Invited as Resource Person:
- February 2017: Chaired a session on Confidence building at the State Level Workshop Sponsored by UGC under XII Plan organised by Department of Psychology, Christ College, Cuttack.
- May 2016: Invited as a Panel Speaker for the Topic “Sustainability in Action” at the Salt Workshop Organized by XIMB and XUB Along with Wipro Technologies.
- October 2016: Chaired a session on Corporate Social Responsibility at the National Conference on Emerging Trends of Corporate law, organized by National Law University, Odisha.
- October2014: Co-chaired a session at the National Workshop on Building Institutional Capacity for mainstreaming Human Development organized by Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar and UNDP on 29th -30th October, 2014
Participation in Workshops and FDP:
- July2018: Management Development Programme on Multivariate Data Analysis organized by Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur from 2-7 July,2018
- June 2018: Faculty Development Programme on Curriculum Development organized by National Law University, Odisha from 25-30 June, 2018
- Nov 2017: Faculty development Programme on Professional Development Programme on Teaching, learning with Technology with Moodle Mooc Platform” organized by NLUO in association with NLUO in association with National University of Educational Planning and Administration(NEUPA), New Delhi from 20th -22nd November 2017.
- May 2017: Faculty development programme on Development of Learning Materials for teachers organized by NLUO 8th May 2017- 10th May 2017. May 2017: Faculty development programme on Development of Learning Materials for teachers organized by NLUO 8th May 2017- 10th May 2017. • July 2017: Faculty Development Programme on Development of Casebook, Reading Materials, Research organized by NLUO from 29th June, 2017- 1st July2017
- September 2016: Participated and enrolled for the single credit course on Corporate Governance in India, Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) organized by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and National Law University, Odisha
- Nov 2015: Participated in a FDP on Labour Law Reforms organized by Department of PMIR, Utkal University on 14th November 2015
- June 2012: Participated in a workshop on “Case teaching, Teaching and Research organized by IIM Calcutta, 14th -15th June 2012
- April, 2012: Participated in a workshop on “Developing Research Networks and publishing Strategies” organized by IMI, Bhubaneswar
- June, 2011: Participated in the Doctoral Summer School’2011 organized by Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB)
Programme Coordinator:
- May 2015: Coordinated the National Trade Union Conference on Labour Law Reforms, Industrial Relations and Industry Development organized by National Law University, Odisha and International Labour Organization from 4thMay-6th May 2015.
- Feb2015: Coordinated the Second Management Development Programme on “Contract Labour Realities and Challenges” at NLUO on 7th Feb-8th Feb, 2015. This MDP saw participation from companies like L&T, Jindal Steel and Power LTD, Indian Oil Corporation, NALCO, Aditya Birla Group, Orissa Stevedores LTD, Adhunik Metallic’s LTD, Paradeep Phosphates LTD and Mahanadi Coal LTD.
- December 2014: Represented National Law University, Odisha and presented the projects undertaken by the Centre of Industrial Relations and Labour Law, NLUO at the International Volunteer Day on 5th Dec’2014 with the theme Make Change Happen- Volunteer. This event was organized by UNDP, CYSD, Bakul Foundation and RCDC.
- April 2014: Coordinated the First Management Development Programme of National Law University, Odisha on Industrial Relations and Labour Laws from 12th April 2014- 14th April 2014. The MDP saw participation from Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, Tata Steel, TRL Refractories Limited, IFFCO & NALCO
- 2019: Awarded the ICCSR, Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (IMPRESS) project titled “Patterns of Prison Adjustments and Psychological Intervention for Correction Facilities in Prisons in Odisha”
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