Centre for Consumer Law Centre(CCL)

Centre for Consumer Law Centre(CCL)

The Centre for Consumer Law is a specialised academic centre actively involved in furthering the cause of consumer welfare and hassle-free access to justice for consumers. In the 21st century, where consumers are not only pitted against the big tech-giants but also face various other grievances emanating from the new tech-world, they find themselves utterly helpless and devoid of any redressal mechanisms. The centre strives to bridge this gap by actively engaging the interests of the students towards policy-oriented study and extensive research in the field of consumer issues and the associated jurisprudence.


The centre, in its pursuits of consumer welfare, has previously worked closely with the State Government of Odisha in drafting the rules for State of Odisha under Consumer Protection Act, 2019. It involved legal luminaries’ academic discourses, webinars, certificate courses, essay writing competitions, and other learning avenues. The centre has tightened its belt to take its legacy to even newer heights in the coming years, with fascinating learning opportunities on its cards and contributing the best to consumer welfare and access to justice.

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Advisory Board Members