Centre for Disaster Management and Law

Centre for Disaster Management and Law (CDML) is the research centre of the National Law University Odisha, Cuttack. The Centre was established in the year 2020 with a motive to understand disasters and laws regulating them. The center through different sources including research papers, competition and newsletter aims to spread the awareness regarding various disasters irrespective of its impact. The Centre for Disaster Management and Law has been set up with the objective to promote vivid research in the field of Disaster Management, which is emerging globally as a full- fledged academic discipline. In the backdrop of its evolution from the practitioner’s domain, its boundaries have been permeable. However, as a field of research, it demands specialization to meet with the dynamic challenges posed by not only conventionally categorized disasters but new ones not viewed traditionally as disasters. As India is a country vulnerable to disasters, comprehensive research on disaster management is quintessential to minimize its adverse impact on the growth of the country. The legal framework related to Disaster Management remains a grey area with a lot of ambiguities prevalent. Rehabilitation, systematic reconstruction and sustainable recovery post-disaster are areas which require persistent activism. The center suggests a holistic legal resolution to deal with the integral aspects of preparedness, response and recovery. The mission of the Centre is to cater to the advancement of knowledge in disaster management, to respond to the sectoral needs and promote positive practices.