Alumni are the brand ambassadors of an educational institution.They act as the backbone for building a great institution.Alumni association is an attempt to bring together all our alumni who are the integral part of our NLUO family. The experience and expertise of alumni helps an institution to smoothly transform and flourish with the evolving world. They act as a catalyst for a positive change. Their support and guidance is highly beneficial not just for the students but for every individual associated with the University. Having a strong positive relationship between the alumni and university can be immeasurably beneficial for any educational institution.
Registration of Alumni Relations Society under Societies Registration Act, 1860
Alumni Relations Society with immense pleasure and pride would like to inform that the NLUO Alumni Association is now officially registered and has been granted the certification under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The Alumni Relations Society, NLUO was established in the year 2017 with the aim of bridging the gap between the Alumni and the university. The society has been constantly working in its pursuit of keeping the alumni engaged with the university and acting as a ladder in their communication with the students. The society intends to bring in the experience of our alumni for the upskilling of our students and making them industry prepared. So far, the society, through its various initiatives, has been successful in keeping our alumni closer to their alma mater.
Further, to provide for a vibrant forum that promotes interaction and networking among the alumni of the university and to keep our Alumni in the loop with university’s efforts for achieving excellence in academics and research through sharing of knowledge and expertise, the society has been registered as an independent society of the alumni of our university. This association is now called the Alumni Association, National Law University Odisha, Cuttack. It will run on a ‘no profit no loss’ basis and will keep a roster of all alumni of the University. The aim of the formation of the Association is also to facilitate the university’s presence in local, national, and international communities.
Dear Alumni,
Since its founding in 2009, the National Law University, Odisha has grown to become one of the top National Law Schools in our country along with its recognition in Moot Court Competitions, its teaching, its research and its service to local as well as national communities. An Alumnus or an Alumna, because of his/her achievement brings value to his/her alma mater and in reciprocal to that the brand of the alma mater adds value to its graduates if that alma mater commands a brand value. It is essential that the institution imparts education to its students with a sole objective of converting them into global citizens with an excellent knowledge in their chosen discipline, interpersonal skills, critical skills, societal engagement and respect for all cultures. I am immensely proud to be the Vice-Chancellor of all the astonishing people named the Alumni of National Law University, Odisha spread all across the globe. You are such an important part of our University and you make so much of our success possible and I feel a great sense of joy when I hear about your successes. Thank you for all that you do for our University. Our reputation is based in large measures on your success. You are our ambassadors, our donors in the society. Your generosity in all its forms makes a world of difference to our students and to the University. I wish you all a safe and prosperous year ahead and I look forward to working in the forthcoming as we plan to work towards our ambitious plan to build an even better National Law University.
Professor Ved Kumari
Vice-Chancellor, NLUO
Dear Alumni,
It is indeed an honor and privilege to be a part of the National Law University, Odisha which has traversed a long distance in a short span of time by setting up new bench marks in the field of legal education. Higher education in general holds great promises for individuals as well as to national economy. Besides, our University produces a sense of self-esteem and dignity with the intention of becoming a dominating factor in every sector of the society. National Law University, Odisha with its vision of expanding the frontiers of knowledge and human base is committed to focusing trinity namely the academic excellence, eternal human values and social concern with a view to enabling the young minds to realize their fullest potential. I take this opportunity with utmost pleasure to thank the Alumni of this esteemed University from the depths of my heart. I look forward earnestly to your continuing involvement in the coming years as we march ahead in Unison towards a new zenith of new achievements. It is an earnest request to the entire Alumni of National Law University, Odisha to keep this valued association strong and steadfast to help elevate the quality of our academic programmes and various other facets of our operations. It will be a matter of pride to follow you all as you chart an eventful and accomplishing journey in your career and life beyond your graduation from NLU, Odisha. Thank you.
Registrar, NLU Odisha
The elections were held on 24th August 2024 and the entire election process was carried out by the members of election committee who are part of Alumni Relations Society. Based on the criteria provided, out of 590 votes only 281 were considered valid.
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