“Women and Law Special Lecture Series: 3rd lecture by Dr Usha Ramanathan.”

“Women and Law Special Lecture Series: 3rd lecture by Dr Usha Ramanathan.”


Dr. Usha Ramanathan is an Indian Law Researcher and Human Rights Activist. She has been awarded the ‘Human Rights Hero’ by?Access Now Organisation in 2018. She is a prolific writer and an editor of various reputed journals. Her columns appear regularly in leading Indian newspapers and magazines on issues relating to torts, displacement, Reimagining technology.?On Monday, mam’s talk will be focused on Law, Reimagining technology.?/span>

To join please use the following details:?/span>

Event address for attendees: https://nluodisha.webex.com/nluodisha/onstage/g.php?MTID=e08195328e6b558416e17493b69b16031?/p>

Date and time: Monday, March 22, 2021 4:00 pm India Time

Duration: 1 hour

Event number: 184 457 0177

Event password: Dignity@2021