Faculty Publications

S. No. Name of the Faculty Publication – Journal Publication – Book Publication- Book Chapter Year of Publication
1 Aruna Srilakshmi Pramati Educational and Cultural Trust and Ors v. Union of India and others (AIR 2014 SC 2114)”, NLUO Law Journal, Volume- III (2016) 2016
2 Aruna Srilakshmi National Campaign Committee for Central Legislation for Construction Labour”, Human Rights Law Journal, NLUO, Vol-I, Issue-I 2016
3 Aruna Srilakshmi 1. “India’s Ratification of ILO core Conventions 138 and 182- A way Forward to eliminate child labour in India”, Journal of Rights of the Child of NLUO, Vol. 2 Issue 1, p. 20-40 2017
4 Aruna Srilakshmi “Child labour, human trafficking and corruption in India Problems and Prospects”, Lawmantra International Journal of Legal Research and Governance Vol. 1 Issue 4 Vol. 2 Issue 1 (Special Issue) p. 188-200 2017
5 Amrendra Kumar Ajit “Theological perspective of human gene patenting” Journal Law and Society, Vol.2. 2016 2016
6 Abhik Majumdar Simon Shetreet, Hiram E Chodosh, “Uniform Civil Code for India: Proposed Blueprint for Scholarly Discourse” (Oxford University Press 2015) (published in KIIT Journal of Law and Society vol. 6 (2016)). 2016
7 Abhik Majumdar Codification of Islamic Law in South Asia, or How Not to Do Comparative Law’, South Asian History and Culture 2019
8 Abhik Majumdar Exploring the Non-Deontic in Ancient Indian Legal Theory: A Hohfeldian Reassessment of Kautilya’s Arthashastra’, Journal of Indian Philosophy 45(3), 513 2017
9 Ananya Chakraborty Animal and Environmental Jurisprudence: A Wildlife Perspective, Satyam Law International, Edited by A Aruna Srilakshmi, Yogesh Pratap Singh, Ananya Chakraborty and Sohini Mahapatra, ISBN 13 : 9789387839618 [2020] 2020
10 Ananya Chakraborty Extradition Laws in the International and Indian Regime-Focusing on Global Terrorism, Ananya Chakraborty, Palgrave Macmillan(Springer); ISBN 978-981-13-6396-2; ISBN 978-981-13-6397-9 (e-Book); https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-6397-9 2019
11 Ananya Chakraborty 2015: Child Soldiers: International and Indian Perspective, Ananya Chakraborty, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; ISBN-10:3659616729 ISBN-13: 978-3659616723 2015
12 Ananya Chakraborty Challenges To Accessibility: Assessing The Committee Jurisprudence, NLUO Human Rights Law Journal, Vol.5, [2020] 2020
13 Ananya Chakraborty Companies Act 2013: Beginning Of a New Era; Manav Prakashan; ISBN-978-93-80332-95-6; ‘One Person Company and the Company Act 2013’ 2016
14 Arjyalopa Mishra Positive Organizational Capacities as an effective strategy to combat initial vulnerabity among the new employees at workplace: An empirical insight. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research9(10) ISSN:2277-7881 2020
15 Arjyalopa Mishra Mishra, A., Shreya, A., & Shukla, A. (2021). “Promotion of mental health and well-being in Indian prisons. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 2021
16 Arjyalopa Mishra A Review of Tele-Therapy Possibilities in Combating Psychological Distress of COVID-19′ in India in International Journal of Indian Psychology 2021
17 Arjyalopa Mishra The Dilution of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)’, Yogesh Pratap Singh, Afroz Alam (eds) in Institutional Decline in the Neo-Liberal Regime: Notes from India, (Thomson Reuters 2022) ISBN -10 9392630239 2022
18 Arjyalopa Mishra Mishra, Arjyalopa, Tripathy K. Santosh (2016). Leadership Attributes and Their Impact on Organizational Effectiveness. International Journal of ASBM, 10(2), 14-22 2016
19 Arjyalopa Mishra Mishra, Arjyalopa., Tripathy, Shreya. (2016). Positive Leadership traits for start-up Ventures. In author, Human Capital Management: A Paradigm Shift. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House. 2016
20 Arjyalopa Mishra Impact of leadership on Organizational Commitment. In, Corporate Governance in Financial Sector. New Delhi: S.K Agencies. 2016
21 Arjyalopa Mishra Withdrawal Behaviours and Absenteeism at Work Post Covid 19, Organization and Human Capital Development,1(2),62 75 2022
22 Arjyalopa Mishra “Prioritizing the financing of MSME’s”, ABHILASHA, A Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, Job Crafting, measuring its need assessment among employees” FMU Journal of Management Volume 6, 2018 2018
23 Arjyalopa Mishra Rout Debasis, Mishra Arjyalopa, Saha Tamoghna (2017) “Prioritizing the financing of MSME’s” published in ABHILASHA, A Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences: Journal of USBM 2017
24 Arjyalopa Mishra Mishra, Arjyalopa., & Mattam, Manoghna. (2017). The Need of Spirituality traits in Teachers for Reviving Educational System. In Swami, Ramanathan., & Sengupta S. S. Indigenous models of Sustainability, Good Governance and Spiritual Transformation (pp. 32-37). Mumbai: ISOL Publications 2017
25 A B Debasis Rout Dynamics of Cotton Farming in Kalahandi District of Odisha, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, Vol 19, No 2, June 2023, 360-368 2023
26 A B Debasis Rout Dynamics of Cotton Farming in Kalahandi District of Odisha, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, Vol 19, No 2, June 2023, 360-368. 2023
27 A B Debasis Rout Castor Seed Futures Trading in India – Accessing Price Discovery Efficiency of Futures Market, Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol 12, Issue 3(1), March 2023 2023
28 A B Debasis Rout 1. Forecasting of Cotton Prices in Major producing states using ARIMA,” IEJRD – International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 6, no. ICIPPS21, p. 8, Apr. 2021. 2021
29 A B Debasis Rout A Study on Efficacy of Cotton Futures in India – Shodh Sarita, Vol 8, Issue 29,January to March 2021.(pp 87-92) ) 2021
30 A B Debasis Rout Impact of Raw Jute Futures Trading on Spot Prices- Shodh Sarita, Vol 7, Issue 28, October to December 2020(pp 77 – 82 2020
31 A B Debasis Rout 1. Efficiency of Maize Futures and Spot Price Volatility”, IEJRD – International multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 5, no. ICIPPS, p. 10, Jun. 2020. 2020
32 A B Debasis Rout Futures Markets and Price Risk Management -Experience from Indian Commodity Exchange- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews/2019 2019
33 A B Debasis Rout Prioritizing the financing of MSME’s- ABHILASHA, A Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences: Journal of USBM 2017
34 A B Debasis Rout India’s Tryst with GST: Is India ready for the moment- ABHILASHA, A Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences: Journal of USBM 2017
35 A B Debasis Rout “Contemporary Issues on the Laws of Insolvency and Bankruptcy”,- Debasis Rout, Mayank Tiwari, and Koushiki Brahma(eds) (ISBN: 978819614549) published by the Eastern Book Company Pvt. Ltd 2023
36 A B Debasis Rout Undermining democracy by weakening economic institutions of India- The Case of RBI and NITI Ayog’, Yogesh Pratap Singh, Afroz Alam (eds) in Institutional Decline in the Neo-Liberal Regime: Notes from India, (Thomson Reuters 2022) 2022
37 Akash Kumar India’s Maritime Awakening: Need for Urgent Reforms in Shipping Laws, Nalsar Law Review, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2023, 225 2023
38 Akash Kumar Regulatory Challenges to Clinical Drug Trials in India: Balancing Medical Opportunities and Public Health, Galgotias Journal of Legal Studies, 2021 GJLS Vol. IX, No. 2 2021
39 Akash Kumar Accountability issues in Child Sponsorship Programmes: Ethics of generosity’, Journal of the Rights of the Child of National Law University Odisha, Volume 2, Issue 1, November 2017 2017
40 Ankeeta Gupta Chit Funds in India: Analysis of Regulatory Framework, Alpha Edition, Vij Publications, 2017 2017
41 Ankeeta Gupta A Critical Analysis of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, of India, Journal of Law Teachers of India, Vol 8, 27-46, 2019 2019
42 Ankeeta Gupta Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016: A paradigm shift within Insolvency Laws in India, Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies,75, Vol 36 No.2, 2018 2018
43 Ankeeta Gupta Case Comment on Innoventive Industries Limited v. ICICI Bank Limited, identifying the applicability of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,7 Journal of Law Teachers of India, 140, 2018
44 Ankeeta Gupta Provision for Women Directors: Can this be the revolution we were awaiting in corporate governance?, Labour and Development, 89, 25 No.1 June 2018 2018
45 Ankeeta Gupta GST: A Journey Through the Finance Commission, Indian Journal of Public Audit and Accountability, 64, Vol X No.3 and 4.July-Septemebr and October-December, 2017 2017
46 Ankeeta Gupta Right to Employment: A Question of to be or not to be? Indian Journal of Public Audit and Accountability, 14, Vol IX No.3 and 4, July-September and October-December, 2016 2016
47 Ankeeta Gupta Legalising Homosexuality: A case of missed opportunities and gained mistrust, International Journal for Legal Research, 72, Volume 3, Issue 1 (July- September 2016) 2016
48 Ankeeta Gupta Need for Reforms within theChit Funds: An Unchartered Territory,Labour and Development 60, Vol, 23 No.1June 2016 2016
49 Ankeeta Gupta Enforceability of Shareholder Agreements in India, Journal of Legal Research and Analysis 41, Vol 1. Issue 2. 2017
50 Ankeeta Gupta Addressing Challenges if Information Asymmetry in Financial Sector Using Information Utility, The University of Western Australia Law Review Vol 50 issue 1 2023
51 Akshay Verma 1. Negotiation For Human Beings: What, Why And How?, Revista Brasileira de Alternative Dispute Resolution, 04, n. 08, p. 17-37, jul./dez. 2022 2022
52 Akshay Verma Multi-tier Arbitration: A Right to Write your own Arbitral Award’ (2021) DMEJL, Volume 2. 2021
53 Akshay Verma The Non-Binding Nature of the Binding Mediation’ NLUA Law and Policy Review (NLUALPR), Volume IV, 2020 (ISSN No.: 2455 – 8672). 2020
54 Ayushi Srivastava Maintenance of Second Wife ‘ (2018) Vol.23, Issue 10 Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 2018
55 Ayushi Srivastava Jurisprudence behind the concept of Marital Rape’, Human Rights Law Review, Amity University Kolkata. 2022
56 Ayushi Srivastava The Aspects of Non -Criinalisation of Marital Rape, Centre For Research and Studies in Human Rights, Dharmarashtra National Law University, Jabalpur 2022
57 Ayushi Srivastava Gender Inequality and Indian Culture’, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities 2023
58 B. Hydervali “Gender Justice: Recent Developments in the womens right to Temple entry – A Human Rights perspective”, Published in Human Rights Law Journal, NLUO , Vol-I, Issue -I (2016), Page 168179. 2016
59 B. Hydervali Gender Justice- Recent developments in women’s right to temple entry-A Human Rights perspective, NLUO Human Rights Journal, Vol 1 -May 2017 2017
60 Dolly Jabbal “Child Rights in India- A premier.” – NLUO Law Journal, Volume- III (2016) 2016
61 Divya Singh Rathore Life Insurance of Live-in-Partners: Time to address the Elephant in the Room, Parikalpana – KIIT Journal of Management Vol. 19.1, June-2023 2023
62 Divya Singh Rathore Role of Technological Science in Managing Water Related issues, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Volume 13 Special Issue 7 2022 2022
63 Divya Singh Rathore Judicial Interventions and Consumer Protection Law in India 2021
64 Divya Singh Rathore “Folklore and the need for intellectual property status: a study of phad painting in Bhilwara district of Rajasthan” in International Academic Journal of law, KENYA 2021
65 Divya Singh Rathore Folklore and the need for Intellectual Property Status: A Study of AIPAN – the folk art of Uttarakhand” in Volume 1 issue 2 of Journal of Uttarakhand Academy of Administration Nainital with ISSN 2582-5798 2020
66 Divya Singh Rathore “COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT BY AND IN BOLLYWOOD- Time to Wake Up and Smell the Coffee” in Flair Talk by AIR in February 2020 2020
67 Divya Singh Rathore “Protection of Traditionl Knowledge- Distance covered and the Road ahead” in Flair Talk by All India Reporter in April 2020 2020
68 Divya Singh Rathore “India’s Fight against Covid-19” in Flair Talk by All India Reporter in May 2020 issue 2020
69 Divya Singh Rathore “Right to Dignified Death Amid the COVID-19 Crisis” in Flair Talk by All India Reporter in June 2020 2020
70 Divya Singh Rathore NPA recovery by Co-operative banks in India” in Flair Talk by All India Reporter in July 2020
71 Divya Singh Rathore “Recovery of Non-Performing Assets by Cherry Picking Secondary Ways” in Flair Talk by All India Reporter in August 2020 2020
73 Divya Singh Rathore Recovery of Non-Performing Assets in India- a tough row to hoe in Volume 2 Issue 12 of International Journal of Creative and Innovative Research in all Studies 2020
74 Divya Singh Rathore “Indian Banking Industry & Artificial Intelligence: The Road ahead” in Volume VI Issue 1 (2020) of Chhattisgarh Law Journal 2020
75 Divya Singh Rathore “Demystifying the conundrum around Angel Tax in India – A cause célèbre for the start- ups in India” in Volume 1 Issue 9 of White Black 2020
76 Divya Singh Rathore “Co-operative Banks and the new roadmap for recovery of NonPerforming Assets in India” in Volume IX Issue 19 (2020) of Indian Journal of Socio Legal Studies 2020
77 Divya Singh Rathore “Wilful Defaulter: Mechanism to combat NPA” in Flair Talk by AIR in August 2019 issue ISSN 2349-6649 2019
78 Divya Singh Rathore “Demystifying the Concept of Angel Tax in India” in Flair Talk by AIR in November 2019 issue ISSN 2349-6649 2019
79 Divya Singh Rathore “The Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, 2019 and Effect on Ponzi Schemes” in Flair Talk by AIR in September 2019 2019
80 Divya Singh Rathore “Intensifying Domain of Tortious Liability in Environmental Litigation: A Critical study of Judicial Response in Chanakya National Law Uinversity Law Journal Volume 8 2018
81 Divya Singh Rathore “Vanishing Folklore and the need for Intellectual Property Protection” in GLC Law Policy Review Volume-2 with ISSN 2518-9135 2018
82 Divya Singh Rathore “Trade Secret Licensing under Intellectual Property Law” in LEX REVOLUTION Volume III, Issue-2 with ISSN 2394-997X 25. 2017
83 Divya Singh Rathore “Patenting life forms: distance covered and the way ahead” in a book – Law, Justice and Emerging Trends with ISBN no. 978-93-85758-21-8 2017
84 Divya Singh Rathore “Analysis of Legal Protection to Rights of Victims of Violent Crimes” in Droit Penale: Indian Law Journal On Crime And Criminology (Online) Vol.1 Issue.3 2017
85 Eluckiaa Litigation Management in Higher Education: A Case Study of Odisha co-written with Srikrishna Deva Rao, Manasi Patro, Subhaprad Mohanty and Vasa Jaishanth, Eastern Book Company (2021) 2021
86 Eluckiaa Guide to WTO Appellate Body Reports (Volume 1) co-edited with Sheela Rai and Kapil Sharma, Satyam Law Internationa 2021
87 Eluckiaa Role of WTO in Aiding the Economic Growth of Developing Countries: Towards Achieving SDG Goal 8 within WTO Framework,Chapter 13, book chapter in “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Issues and Challenges” edited by Sukanta Ku. Nanda, 2021
88 Eluckiaa WTO and Fisheries Conservation: Need for Balancing Sustainability and Development Consideration, Chapter 13, book chapter in “Animal and Environmental Jurisprudence: A Wildlife Perspective” edited by A. Aruna Srilakshmi, Yogesh Pratap Singh, Ananya Chakraborty and Sohini Mahapatra, Satyam Law International (2020) 2020
89 Eluckiaa Censorship versus Right to Free Speech, Chapter 16, book chapter in “Reclaiming Dignity, Rights and Justice: A Festschrift in Honour of Justice Dipak Misra” edited by Professor Srikrishna Deva Rao, Thomson Reuters Press (2020) 2020
90 Eluckiaa Investment Facilitation Under WTO: Is it Necessary?, Chapter XI, book chapter in “Trade Facilitation and the WTO” edited by Sheela Rai and Jane Winn, co-authored with Kapil Sharma, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2019) 2019
91 Eluckiaa Prelude to the Trade Facilitation Agreement: GATT Jurisprudence on Trade Facilitation, Chaper I, book chapter in “Trade Facilitation and the WTO” edited by Sheela Rai and Jane Winn, co-authored with Sheela Rai and Kapil Sharma Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2019), 2019
92 Eluckiaa Investment Agreements and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Way Forward, Chapter 9, book chapter in “Tribal Rights and Rights of Indigenous People” edited by Sukanta Ku. Nanda, The Law House (2017) 2017
93 Eluckiaa Policing the Police: Accountability in India, NLUA Law and Policy Review (ISSN: P: 2455-8672) Volume 3 Number I (2017) 2017
94 Eluckiaa P.N Bhagwati’s Vision of Public Interest Litigation: Then and Now, Cochin University Law Review (ISSN No. 0970-0331) Volume XLII Numbers 1 & 2 (January-June 2018) 2018
95 Eluckiaa A case study on Coal India Ltd vs GOCL, Hyderabad & Ors., MNLUA Corporate & Competition Law Review, Volume I Issue I 2018
96 Eluckiaa Corporate Governance in Family-based Businesses, The NUSRL Journal of Law & Policy (ISSN: 2349-9982), Volume IV 2017
97 Itishree Mishra Study Of Legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions” International Journal of Research (IJR); ISSN 2348-6848,Vol 4 Issues 8;July;2017.Journal Serial No:-44396 2017
98 Itishree Mishra ” The Rise of Intellectual Property Right and The New IPR Brigade “International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts; Vol 6,Issue1;January 2018;Issn 2323-2882 2018
99 Itishree Mishra Resoluteness Of Digital Signature-Issues and Challenges” International Research Journal of Commerce and Law(IRJCL)Vol 6 Issue 5;May 2019,Issn 2349-705x 2019
100 Itishree Mishra “Prejudice And Stigma Against Women Living With HIV/Aids” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR);Vol 5,Issue 3,August 2019 2019
101 Itishree Mishra “Increase Of Domestic Violence Leading to Mental Instability Across During Covid 19, Solid State Technology, Vol 63,Issue 06,2020 2020
102 Itishree Mishra “The National Commission for Women Act” Psychology and Education Journal 2020 ,Issn-0033077 Topic Vol 57 Issue 9: 1000-1002 2020
103 Itishree Mishra “Legal Protection of Women in Dowry Death.” Psychology And Education Journal 2020 ,Issn-0033077 ,Vol57(9) 925-928 2020
104 Itishree Mishra “Cyber Crime in India and Related Laws” Psychology and Education Journal 2020 ,Issn-0033077,(2020) 57(9): 757-760 2020
105 Itishree Mishra A Descriptive Study of Doctrines Under Law of Contract” Pa Larch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 17(6). ISSN 1567- 2020
106 Itishree Mishra “Legislative Powers: Delegated Legislation “,Pa Larch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 17(6). ISSN 1567-214x , ,Pg No-5301-5305 2020
107 Itishree Mishra Design Law and Copyright Law Conflicts India”, Psychology and Education Journal 2020 ,ISSN-0033077 Topic : Pg No-925 -927 2020
108 Itishree Mishra Protection Of Refugee Rights-Analysis and Challenges” International Education and Research Journal” E-ISSN 2454-9916;Vol 7 Issue 11,Nov 2021; 2021
109 Itishree Mishra The Information Technology Act,2000-Pros and Cons,(IJCRT),International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts; Vol 9;Issue :11 2021
110 Itishree Mishra A Statutory Approach in Protecting Child Rights.” International Journal of Research and Analytical Review “(IJRAR) Vol 8,Issue 4 In Nov ,2021 2021
111 Itishree Mishra A Comprehensive Study on Surrogacy (Regulation )Act 2021 Vis A Vis the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation)Act 2021.Ymer,Vol21 Issue 06 ,June ,2022 2022
112 Itishree Mishra Unfolding Innovation, IPR, Entrepreneurship ,Mishra Itishree &Das Pallab (Editor) ,(Edited Volume) ,Whitesmann Publication&Co,2023 2023
113 Itishree Mishra A Comparative Analysis on Issues Related Cyber Crime”. Has Published In Satyam Law International ;New Delhi Publishers ;Title Of Book-Dynamics Of Socio-Economic Offences; ISBN:- 978-93-87839-90-8 2021
114 Itishree Mishra Concept of Bail and Role of Bail Law in Criminal Justice Administration”, Has Published Chapters in Book Law of Bail Practice and Procedure, ISBN: 97881926987-1-7 2020
115 Kapil Sharma Guide to WTO Appellate Body Reports (Satyam Law International 2021). 2021
116 Kriti Srivastav Humanism and Constitutionalism: A Study of Healthcare in India” Supremo Amicus (ISSN – 2456-9704) | 24 2021
117 Kriti Srivastav Functioning of Cabinet system in India and U.K” 1 International Journal for Research in law 2021
118 Kriti Srivastav The Doomed Tale of Love: Has it really changed over time?” Journal of Juvenile and Family Law (ISSN: 2446-2101) 2018
119 Kriti Srivastav Geographical Indications vis-à-vis Protection of Traditional Knowledge. Naresh Kumar Vats, SC Roy and Aditya Mishra (eds) Emerging Trends of Intellectual Property Rights (Bharti Publications 2022) 2022
120 Kanishka ‘Waging A Losing Battle: The Fight against Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs’ in Manoj Kumar (ed) in Health Laws & Policies in India (Thomson Reuters 2021). 2021
121 Kumarjeeb Pegu, Is SAFTA Relevant? A Critical Scrutiny of its Competitive Edge, KIIT Journal Of Law And Society Vol 11, 2021, Page 18 2021
122 Kumarjeeb Pegu, Impact of Legal Instruments in Improving Domestic Water Supply, Case Study Involving Two Nations Tagged with Most Significant Improvement’ (with Mohanty, T., Samal, K.P.) in B. B. Das et al (eds), Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure (ICRDSI-2020), May 2022, 207 2022
123 Kuntirani Padhan case comment on ‘National Campaign Committee for Central Legislation for Construction Labourers’ published in the Human Rights Law Journal, Volume 1 , Issue 1, NLUO in May, 2016 2016
124 Kuntirani Padhan Khap- The Unjustified Guardian, Interpreting the Verma Committee Report of 2013, International Journal of Social and Legal Research, Volume I, Issue I,(Pg 46-50) 2019
125 Kuntirani Padhan The Notion of “Honour” in Honour Killings – Justified or Fallacious, Journal of Legal Studies and Research, Volume 5 Issue 5, ISSN 2455-2437. 2019
126 Kuntirani Padhan “Legal Aid and PIL” of the “Legal Awareness Programme” to be offered by Odisha State Open University under ODL method in June 2019 2019
127 Kondaiah Jonnalagadda Affirmative Action in International Law and Indian Judicial Approach: “Affirmative Action in India: Issues and Perspectives” as edited by Dr. Bir Pal Singh. The book is having ISBN No. ISBN 81-8324-815-2 to be published by Mittal Publication(2017 2017
128 Kondaiah Jonnalagadda “Role and Responsibility of Key Managerial Personnel and Independent Directors under the Companies Act,2013”, In “Key Changes to the Companies Act, 2013” edited by Prof. Mamata Biswal, Lexis Nexis, (2017) (Under Publication in Press) 2017
129 Kondaiah Jonnalagadda Role and Responsibility of Key Managerial Personnel and Independent Directors Under the Companies Act, 2013, The Companies Act 2013, Key Conceptual Transformation, Ed , Bimal N Patel, Dharmishta Raval and Mamata Biswal, Universal Publications(2017), page no.106-121 2017
130 Kondaiah Jonnalagadda Affirmative Action in International Law and Indian Judicial Approach: An Analysis in the book titled Affirmative Action in India: Issues and Perspectives as edited by Dr. Bir Pal Singh.. ISBN 81-8324-815-2 Mittal Publication(2017) 2017
131 Kaushiki Brahma “Legal Analysis of Related Party Transactions Regulations in BRICS”. BRICS Law Journal 2022
132 Kaushiki Brahma Legal transplantation and related party transactions in emerging markets.” International Journal of Disclosure and Governance(2022): 1-18 2022
133 Kaushiki Brahma Promoters Enrichment in the garb of Related Party Transaction in India NMIMS Law Review 2021 2021
134 Kaushiki Brahma Abortion as a Fundamental Choice in Z V. State of Bihar Amity Law Review ISSN:2249-2232 Volume 15 2019 ( formerly UGC referred Journal) 2019
135 Madhubrata Rayasingh Dynamics of Cotton Farming in Kalahandi District of Odisha, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, Vol 19, No 2, June 2023, 360-368 2023
136 Madhubrata Rayasingh Castor Seed Futures Trading in India – Accessing Price Discovery Efficiency of Futures Market, Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol 12, Issue 3(1), March 2023 2023
137 Madhubrata Rayasingh Forecasting of Cotton Prices in Major producing states using ARIMA,” IEJRD – International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 6, no. ICIPPS21, p. 8, Apr. 2021. 2021
139 Madhubrata Rayasingh Efficiency of Maize Futures and Spot Price Volatility “, IEJRD – International multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 5, no. ICIPPS, p. 10, Jun. 2020 2020
140 Madhubrata Rayasingh Forecasting of Cotton Area, Yield and Production in India’s Using ARIMA Model – Shodh Sarita, Volume 7, Issue 28, October to December 2020 2020
141 Madhubrata Rayasingh Prioritizing the financing of MSME’s- ABHILASHA, A Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences: Journal of USBM 2017
142 Madhubrata Rayasingh Undermining democracy by weakening economic institutions of India- The Case of RBI and NITI Ayog’, Yogesh Pratap Singh, Afroz Alam (eds) in Institutional Decline in the Neo-Liberal Regime: Notes from India, (Thomson Reuters 2022) 2022
143 Madhubrata Rayasingh Impact of Covid-19 on Tribals of Odisha’ in Yogesh Pratap Singh & Suvashree Panda (eds) in Tribal Justice (Eastern Book Company Lucknow 2021). 2021
144 Madhubrata Rayasingh Human Rights and Economic Policy Analysis of Transgender Rights in India’-NLUO Human Rights Law Journal ,2020 2020
145 Mayank Tiwari Law relating to Insider Trading in India” (2017)56 Panjab University Law Review207 2017
146 Mayank Tiwari Microfinance and Its Impact on Women Empowerment” (2018) 7 International Journal of Enhanced Research in Management & Computer Applications 49 2018
147 Mayank Tiwari Corporate Social Responsibility viz-a-viz Corporate Environmental Responsibility” (2019) 10 Indian Journal of Law and Justice 99. (UGC Care Journal 2019
148 Mayank Tiwari Corporate Governance as Shareholder’s Activism as a toll for Protection of Shareholders’ Interest” (2020) 161 SEBI and Corporate Laws, Taxmann 4 2020
149 Mayank Tiwari Merger Control Regime in India” published in published in Chartered Secretary, Vol. 52, No. 8, August 2023, 81-83 – UGC Listed 2023
150 Mayank Tiwari The Giant Size of Corruption Laws vis a vis A Little Common Man” published in a book Menace of Corruption and Black Money in India: Issues and Perspectives published by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. 2016
151 Mohd. Sikander The Conflict between the Right to Health and Property Rights’ in IPRs in Knowledge Era: Changing Contours (DPIIT IPR-Chair, Osmania University 2022 2022
152 Mohd. Sikander Do We Really Need an International Investment Court?’ (2021) The GNLU Law Review ISSN: 0974-9810. 2021
153 Manisha Mishra Imitiaz Ali’s Veera and the Bitter Chocolate’, NLUO Law Journal, Vol.3, Issue 1 (2016) 2016
154 Manisha Mishra Princess’, NLUO Human Rights Law Journal, Vol.1, Issue 1 (2016) 2016
155 Manisha Mishra Case Study on Budhia Singh: A Child Prodigy v Child Rights’, NLUO Child Rights Journal, Vol 1, Issue 1 (2016 2016
156 Mrinalini Banerjee Dr. S. Shanthakumar, Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee and Ms. Ambika Batas, ‘Ground Water Management in Gujarat: An Empirical Study’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012022, (2021). 2021
157 Mrinalini Banerjee Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee, Dr. S. Shanthakumar, ;Analysing the Legal Rights of the Climate Refugees during COVID-19 Pandemic in India: Challenges to International Law, Asian Journal of Legal Education 2022
158 Mrinalini Banerjee Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee, Dr. S. Shanthakumar; International and National Policies on Organic Agriculture, in an edn. book titled, Transforming Organic Agri-Produce into Processed Organic Food Products: Challenges and Opportunities Post COVID 19; CRC Press, Taylor and Francis 2021
159 Mrinalini Banerjee Deepak Kumar, S. Shanthakumar and Mrinalini Banerjee, Implementation of Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) from Biological Resources in the State of Gujarat, Asian Biotechnology and Development Review, Vol. 24 | No. 1 | March 2022 2022
160 Mrinalini Banerjee Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee, Dr. S. Shanthakumar; The Palestinian Refugees: A voice heard and unheard, Journal of Tianjin University of Science and Technology 2023
161 Mrinalini Banerjee Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee, Dr. S. Shanthakumar, ‘Recognizing the social and cultural rights of the climate refugees: A case study of the Sundarban Delta (West Bengal, India), Indian Journal of Law and Justice, 2022 2022
162 Mrinalini Banerjee Dr. S. Shanthakumar and Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee, ‘The Impact of Climate Change And Natural Disaster On Climate Refugees: A Case Study On The Sundarban Delta, ISSN: 0973-7596, National Human Rights Commission, INDIA, VOL. 21, 2022 2022
163 Mrinalini Banerjee Mrinalini Banerjee, Establishment of Uniform Civil Code In A Democracy To Uphold Human Rights, Fiat Justitia (UGC Approved), January, 2019, ISSN 2320-2696 2019
164 Mrinalini Banerjee Mrinalini Banerjee, Development in The UN Human Rights System Over 70 Years, Asian Journal of Advance Studies (UGC Approved) Impact Factor 2.597, Vol.1V.NO.1, January-March, 2018 2018
165 Mrinalini Banerjee Mrinalini Banerjee, Plastic A Man-Made Curse on Animals, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (UGC Approved) Impact Factor 4.916, April 2018 2018
166 Mrinalini Banerjee Mrinalini Banerjee, Role of Judiciary in Filling the Legislative Vacuum Through Judicial Activism: An Indian Perspective, Law Commission of India, November 2017 2017
167 Mrinalini Banerjee Mrinalini Banerjee, Chapter 15: Principles Governing Environmental Law in Book: Biodiversity, Taxonomy and Conservation, (UGC Sponsored), 2018 2018
168 Nikita Pattajoshi Assessing the Climate of Shareholder Based Climate Change Litigation in the Global South, European Yearbook of International Economic Law, 2022 2022
169 Nikita Pattajoshi Right to Information as an Environmental Right: Trends, Issues and Challenges in India’ (2021) RGNUL Research Review. 2021
170 Nikita Pattajoshi Gender Specific Maternity Leave to Gender Neutral Parental Leave’, in Flair Talk (AIR magazine), Vol.6. Issue 10 (December 2019). pp. 14-17 2019
171 Nikita Pattajoshi Mediation: The New Trump Card in Commercial Dispute Resolution’ in NUJS Journal on Dispute Resolution 2021
172 Nikita Pattajoshi Theory and Practice of Procedural Environmental Right of Right to Information in India’ (2021) VII/2 RGNUL Student Research Review. 2021
173 Nikita Pattajoshi Mediation: The New Trump Card in Commercial Dispute Resolution?’ (2021) 1 NUJS Journal on Dispute Resolution 74 2021
174 Nikita Pattajoshi A missed chance to de-criminalise Indian Politics: A comment on Manoj Narula v. Union of India’ (2020) 7 NLUO Law Journal 184 2020
175 Nikita Pattajoshi Rules of Evidentiary Procedure in International Commercial Arbitration: Issues and Challenges’ (July – Sept, 2019) 8(1) Bharati Law Review 37 2019
176 Nikita Pattajoshi Ridhima Pandey v. Union of India: The Onset of Climate Change Litigation in India’ (2019) 6 NLS Journal on Environmental Law, Policy and Development 83. [UGC Care Listed] 2019
177 Owasis Hasan Khan International Anti- Money Laundering Regime And India” published in CNLU Law Journal Vol. VI 2016
178 Owasis Hasan Khan Interface between Antidumping and Competition Law” published in Bharti Law Review Vol. IV issue IV (Apr-Jun,2016) I.S.S.N: 2278-6996. 2016
179 Owasis Hasan Khan International Anti- Money Laundering Regime And India”, CNLU Law Journal Vol. VI 201617 2016
180 Priyanka Anand, Judicial Approval Of National Security Laws Of India: A Tryst Favoring Obscurantism’ (2018) 5 NLUO Law Journal (NLUOLJ) of National Law University, Odisha 2018
181 Priyanka Anand, Constitutional Review of cases involving National Security Concerns in India’ (2017) 37 Law Journal of Shri J.N. P.G. College, Lucknow University. (ISSN No. 2349-946X, UGC Listed Journal) 2017
182 Priyanka Anand, Case Comment – Urgenda Foundation v. The State of Netherlands – Beginning of a New Era of Climate Change Litigation and a Caveat to States’ (2017) 4 NLUO Law Journal (NLUOLJ) of National Law University, Odisha, (ISSN No. 2348 – 8913) 2017
183 Priyanka Anand, Goods and Services Tax: A welcome step or a caveat in waiting for e-commerce industry’ (2016) 36 Law Journal of Shri J.N. P.G. College, Lucknow University 2016
184 Priyanka Anand, Book Review of the book Child Marriages in India: Jaya Sagade’ (2016) 1 NLUO Journal of Human Rights, Odish 2016
185 Priyanka Anand, Socio-Legal Androcentrism and Gender Inequalities (Eastern Book Company 2021). 2021
186 Priyanka Anand, Global Minimum Corporate Tax: A Panacea to The Issue of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, The Seybold Report, V 18 (01), 736 Socio-Legal Androcentrism and Gender Inequalities (Eastern Book Company 2021 2021
187 Priyanka Anand, Deciphering India’s Tryst with Investor State Arbitration – Insights from Cairn Energy PLC & Cairn UK Holdings Ltd. v Government of India’ (2022) Vol V, 2021, 1-22 NLUA Law Review, NLU Assam 2021
188 Priyanka Anand, Governing Virtual Space: Analysing Internet Access as A Human Right in the Age of Information’ (2022) Journal of Positive School Psychology, Vol 6, No. 2, 1575-1586 (Scopus Journal 2022
189 Priyanka Anand, Towards a Renaissance in Pedagogy for Legal Economics – Blending Doctrine, Practice and Purpose of Law’ (2022) XII CPJLJ (Jan- 2022) pg 19-29, ISSN – 0976-3562 2022
190 Priyanka Anand, 1. Constitutional Review of cases involving National Security Concerns in India, Law Journal of Shri J.N. P.G. College, Lucknow University, Vol. 37, Issue of 2017. 2017
191 Priyanka Anand, 1. Case Comment – ‘Urgenda Foundation v. The State of Netherlands – Beginning of a New Era of Climate Change Litigation and a Caveat to States’ in the NLUO Law Journal, National Law University, Odisha, Vol. IV, Issue of 2017. 2017
192 Paromita Chattoraj Dilemmas of Responses to Victims of Rape- Psycho-Social and Legal Implications in the Indian Scenario published in the edited book titled Socio-Legal Androcentrism and Gender Inequalities, Owasis Khan and Priyanka Anand, Ed. Pp- 268-288, 2021 published by Centre for Women and Law, National law University Odisha and EBC 2021
193 Paromita Chattoraj Child Pornography through Cyberspace – A Comparative Analysis of Laws and Criminal Justice Responses in India with USA, UK and Japan. in International. (Co-authored with Dr. Rupashree Sahoo) Journal. of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics Vul 14 Issue 5 2022 2022
194 Paromita Chattoraj Award of Compensation as a Mode of Victim Restoration: A Comparative Analysis of Laws in India, New Zealand and Germany,  (Co-authored by Dr. Elisha Kanungo) International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences; 15, Issue. 2,  (Jul-Dec2020):325-342.  DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4743317 (Scopus indexed) 2020
195 Paromita Chattoraj Legal Responses and Sentencing in Murder Cases – A comparison of law and judicial reactions in India and Germany, (Co-authored with Prof Bernd Miers) Criminal Law Forum, Springer, Vol 29, pages121–155 (2018) July 2017DOI: 10.1007/s10609-017-9326-7 (Scopus indexed) 2018
196 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Critical Overview of Judicial Selection Methods” in Law, Judiciary and Governance, Lexis Nexis India 2017 2017
197 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Constitutional Deficiencies in Redressal of Violations of International Human Rights Obligations in India” in International Human Rights Law: Prospects and Challenges, RGNUL 2016 2016
198 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, A Critical Analysis Of Appointment Of Federal Supreme Court Judges In United States of America”, Christ University Law Journal Vol. 5 Issue 2 2016
199 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Judicial Tenure: An Empirical Appraisal of Incumbency of Supreme Court Judges’ in Shruti Vidyasagar, Harish Narasappa and Ramya Sridhar Tirumalai (eds), Approaches to Justice in India- A Report by DAKSH (2017) 2017
200 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Appointment of Judges of the High Court in Australia: A Critique’ (2017) 3 (2) Rostrum’s Law Review 116 2017
201 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Chief Justice of India and Right to Information” in Dr. Sukanta K. Nanda (ed) Right to Information Act: Implementation and Challenges, OJR Publishing Company 2017 2017
202 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, The New Normal of Indian Parliamentary Democracy, Journal of NLU Delhi Volume 8 Issue 1-2 2022
203 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, The Supreme Court Collegium and Transparency: An Empirical Enquiry’ (2021) Economic and Political Weekly. 2021
204 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, The Supreme Court Collegium and Transparency: A Non-Committal Relationship’ (2021) Socio-Legal Review. 2021
205 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Future of Equal Pay in Sports, Comparative Constitutional and Administrative Law Journal Volume 7.1 2023
206 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Unveiling India’s Supreme Court Collegium: Exploring Diversity of Presence and Influence, Asian Journal of Comparative Law Volume 18 2022
207 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, An Empirical Assessment of the Collegium’s Impact on the Composition of the Supreme Court’ in National Law School of India Law Review 2020
208 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Who Are Our Judges? Assessing the Information Disclosure Practices of Indian Supreme Court Judges’ in Indian Journal of Constitutional Law 2020
209 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Reclaiming Dignity, Rights and Justice” A Festschrift in Honour of Justice Dipak Misra published by Thomson Reuters 2023
210 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Modules
211 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, Standard of Proof in Inquiry Against Judges: A Case for a Lower Threshold, 2018 (5) 2 NLUJ Law Review 85 2018
212 Rangin Pallav Tripathy, A Child No More, (2016) 3 (1) NLUO Law Journal, Special Edition on Child Rights 178 2016
213 Ramakrishna Das Ensuring Access to Quality Education under Free and Compulsory Education: Myth and Reality ” in NLUO Law Journal, Volume III, August- 2016, ISSN- 2348-8913 2016
214 Ramakrishna Das Case Comment titled “The Registrar Supreme Court of India vs Commodore Lokesh K. Batra & Ors ” in NLUO student Law Journal, Volume II , August- 2016 2016
215 Rishika Khare Environmental Burden Created by the Tobacco Industry’ Grow Food Not Tobacco: Tobacco Crops Lead to Less Food on Table (Generation Saviour Association, 2023 2023
216 Rishika Khare Caste and Class Struggle in the Informal Waste Sector of India’ NLU Assam Law Review (Vol. VI, 2022) 2022
217 Rishika Khare Fallacies of Justice in the International Climate Change Regime: Looking at India’s Interests’ Nirma University Law Journal (Vol. XI, Issue II, July 2022) 2022
218 Rishika Khare Increasing Political Interference in the Functioning of Enforcement Directorate’ in Yogesh Pratap Singh & Afroz Alam, Institutional Decline in the Neo-Liberal Regime: Notes from India (Thompson Reuters, 2022) 2022
219 Rishika Khare Flow of Sexual Trafficking Victims from the Source to Market and the Responsible Participants’ in Ranjana Patel, Manisha Singhai & Punit Kumar Dwivedi, Global Leadership Through Innovation Entrepreneurship and Good Governance (Bookwell 2018) 2018
220 Rishika Khare RERA: A Step towards Good Governance and Accountability in Real Estate Sector’ Status Paper released at the 12th International Conference on ‘Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Good Governance for Global Leadership’ organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore on 10th & 11th February, 201 2018
221 Rishika Khare Benefits that a Zemiological Approach can bring to the Study of Global Crime and Insecurity’ Int. Res. J. Social Sci., (Vol. 5 (5) 2016) 2016
222 Rashmi Rekha Baug Rashmi Rekha Baug “Witness Intimidation and the need for Comprehensive Witness Protection Laws in India” published in Vol. 48, Issue-3 (July-September 2023)Shodh Prabha 2023
223 Ravi Bhatt A Critical Study of Oedipus Rex and the Identity of Women in Ancient Greece.” (With A. Tariq) (2020). International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences. 2020
224 Ravi Bhatt Nature, Existence, and Henry David Thoreau’s Walden: A Transcendentalist Study.” (With S. Pandey, T. Tashi) (2019). Shodh Sarita. 2019
225 Ravi Bhatt Exploring Totalitarianism and Postwar Conditions in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. (With D. Pandya, A. Tariq) (2019). Shodh Sanchar Bulletin. 2019
226 Ravi Bhatt English and The Indian Elite: A Marxist Analysis of The Development Of English Language In India. (2019). History Research Journal 2019
227 Ravi Bhatt Transcendentalism and Existentialism: An Analytical Study of John Krakauer’s Into the Wild. (With T. Tashi) (2018). Our Heritage Journal. 2018
228 Ravi Bhatt Buddhism, Marxism, and Postmodernism: Readings into Simultaneities and Synchronization. (2018). Special issue on buddhist studies. Speak Foundation in Collaboration with the Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delh 2018
229 Ravi Bhatt The Art of Workplace Communication: Challenges and Solutions’ (with A Yadav) in D Gupta and V Bhatt (eds), A Critique on English Language and Literature: Text and Context (International Iterative Publishers) 2023
230 Ravi Bhatt The Challenge of English Language Acquisition in Non native speakers of English Language’ (with A Yadav) in R Nigam and R Girotra (eds), Dynamics of Culture and Communication at Workplace (Upanayan Publications) 2022
231 Rujitha T.R Role of patents in Biosimilar drugs development and public interest’ in Journal of Scientiometric Research 2022
232 Rujitha T.R Protection and commercialization of Traditional Medicine: a case study of Assam (book chapter), Inclusive wealth generation through IP commercialization, Thomson Reuters 2023 2023
233 Rujitha T.R Peer Lending Analysing Regulations and Its Intersection To Insurance Products (ALT publications 2022). 2022
234 Rujitha T.R Protection of Traditional Knowledge Medicine of Ahom Tribes in Assam under IPR Laws in India (chapter in a book) published by NLU Assam 2019
235 Rajat Solanki Anti-Money Laundering and KYC- An RBI Perspective’, Law Mantra Online Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 10 (2016 2016
236 Rajat Solanki Corporate Responsibility to respect Human Rights’, Human Rights Law Journal, Vol-I, Issue- (2016). 2016
237 Rajat Solanki Comment on Indrani Wahi v. Registrar of Co-operative Societies’, NLUO Student Law Journal (2016). 2016
238 Rajat Solanki Best Interest & Welfare Of A Child vis- a-vis Custody Cases’, NLUO Law Journal, Vol-III, Issue-I (2016) 2016
239 Rajat Solanki The New Regime of Mergers & Amalgamations’, Companies Act 2013, Beginning of a new era, Edited by Dr. P.K. Das, Manav Prakashan 2016
240 Rajat Solanki Zero Hunger: The Right to Food, Food Waste and the Sustainable Development Goals’ in S.K. Nanda (ed), 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 2021
241 Rajat Solanki Jungle and Justice: Evaluation of Forest Rights Act’, Tribal Rights & Right of Indigenous People, Edited by Prof S.K. Nanda, The Law House 2019
242 Rajat Solanki Kristi Holsinger, Teaching Justice: Solving Social Justice Problems through University Education’ NLUO Law Journal, Vol.6, Issue 1 2019
243 Rajat Solanki Perspective on Access to Financial Services as a Human Right, Human Rights Law Journal, Vol. IV 2019
244 Suman Dash Bhattamishra, Children, Crime and Proportionate Punishment in Miller versus Alabama: Time to Unlearn the Adult-Child Equation in Vol.III, Issue I of the NLUO Journal (Special Issue on Rights of the Child) 2021
245 Suman Dash Bhattamishra, Women as Victims of Domestic Violence and their Quest for Justice in India: Gender-Centric Reflections on the inalienable right to access justice 2021
246 Suman Dash Bhattamishra, Courts Police and Criminal Justice in Cases of Section 498-A: An Assessment, Dehradun Law Review, Vol 14 Issue 1, page 51, 2022 2022
247 Suman Dash Bhattamishra, Courts and their Interpretation of Cruelty under section 498 A of the Indian Penal Code: A Critique’, (2021) Bharti Law Review, Vol X Issue 2021
248 Suman Dash Bhattamishra, Future of Equal Pay in Sports, Comparative Constitutional and Administrative Law Journal Volume 7.1 2023
249 Suman Dash Bhattamishra, India Chapter, Public Health Crisis Management and Criminal Liability of Governments: A Comparative Study of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Hart Publication 2023
250 Suman Dash Bhattamishra, 7 modules to the UGC-E-PG-Pathshala Programme on Criminology, August 2017 2017
251 Sonal Singh Biodiversity Laws as a Means to Protect Traditional Knowledge: Issues, Challenges and Success Stories’ in Indian Journal of Law and Justice 2020
252 Sonal Singh Students Versus Publishers: Tussle between Access to Knowledge and Copyright’ (2019) 4 Journal of Intellectual Property Law, 1 2019
253 Sonal Singh Data Exclusivity and its Impact on Access to Medicines’ accepted for publication in the book titled ‘Health Laws and Policies in India’ by Dr. Vikas Bhati and Dr. Manoj Kumar, RMLNLU Lucknow 2020
254 Sohini Mahapatra Media Law in India: Freedom, Evolution and Contemporary Issues (Book), lexisnexis 2023
255 Sohini Mahapatra Animal and Environmental Jurisprudence: A Wildlife Perspective (Satyam Law International 2020) 2020
256 Sohini Mahapatra Freedom of Press and Fractured Pillar of Democracy’ in Yogesh Pratap Singh & Afroz Alam (eds) in Institutional Decline in the Neo-Liberal Regime: Notes from India (Thompson Reuters, 2022). 2022
257 Sohini Mahapatra Devidas Ramachandra Tuljapurkar v. State of Maharashtra: An Oxymoron of Freedom of Speech and Expression”, Lex Revolution, Volume IV, Issue 2, April-June 2018 2018
258 Sohini Mahapatra Sacrifice as oblation in India: Animal Welfare versus Freedom of Religion”, Cochin University Law Review, 2017 2017
259 Sohini Mahapatra Wild Animal Protection Laws in India”, NLUO Law Journal, Vol. IV 2017. 2017
260 Sohini Mahapatra Addressable Systems: Journey of Organising the Cable Industry in India”, Journal of Contemporary Legal Affairs, Vol. 4 Issue 2. 2017
261 Sohini Mahapatra Child Prodigy v Child Rights: A Case Study on Budhia Singh”, NLUO Journal of Rights of Child Vol.1 Issue 1 2016
262 Sohini Mahapatra Non-human Animals and the Law: An Analysis of Animal Welfare and Animal Rights Within the Indian Legal Discourse (Thomson Reuters, First Edition 2020 2020
263 Sohini Mahapatra Sexism and Speciesism: Animal Welfare Mirrored in Feminism”, Chapter 1 in Animal and Environmental Jurisprudence: A Wildlife Perspective 2020
264 Sohini Mahapatra Labour Laws and Atrocities Act (Unit – 2)’ as part of ‘Block – 3: Vulnerable and the Law’ of Legal Awareness Programme under Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur 2016
265 Sohini Mahapatra Consumer Laws and RTI (Unit – 2)’ as part of ‘Block – 4: Commercial Laws’ of Legal Awareness Programme under Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur 2016
266 Shubhangini Development strategies of the Indian state in the Himalayan Borderlands of Arunachal Pradesh'(2022) Journal of Asiatic Society for Social Science Research, Vol. 4, Issue 2 2022
267 Shubhangini Land and rules of Exclusion’ in Sonia Mehta (ed.), ‘Northeast India: Exploring Philosophy, Culture, and Environment Sustainability’ (Krishi Sanskriti Publications, Delhi). 2019
268 Sheela Rai Trade Facilitation and the WTO (Co-edited with Prof. Jane K. Winn of Washington Law School) (Cambridge Scholars Press). 2023
269 Sheela Rai Guide to WTO Appellate Body Reports Volume 1 (Edited with Eluckiaa A. and Kapil Sharma) (CITL & Satyam International ) 2021
270 Sheela Rai An Introduction to WTO Jurisprudence (2022) published by Thomson Reuters South Asia Pvt. Ltd 2022
271 Sheela Rai Guide to WTO Appellate Body Reports Vol. 2 (.(Edited with Eluckiaa A. and Kapil Sharma) (CITL & Satyam International ) 2022
272 Sheela Rai State as Arbiter between Individual and the Market: Implications for Human Rights. Human Rights Law Journal (NLUO )Volume 1 2016
273 Sheela Rai Antidumping Measures and the Most Favoured Nation Treatment Requirement. Foreign Trade Review 52 (4): 233-246 (UGC Care Journal) 2017
274 Sheela Rai More than Investment Facilitation International Trade Law and Regulation Vol 27 Issue 3, 143-152. 2022
275 Sheela Rai Dissent and Discourse in the WTO Appellate Body Decisions: Lessons for the Panels Manchester Journal of International Economic Law vol. 19, Issue 3, 328-347. 2022
276 Sheela Rai “A Rellok at Mahatma Gandhi’s Contribution to the Indian Political and Legal System” Journal of Indian Legal Thought vol. 13 , 1-28 2019
277 Sheela Rai Commercialisation and Globalization of Higher Education in India: The Need for Social Audit” in edited volume Society and Law: An Exploration Across Disciplines (ed. By Ayan Hazra) Cambridge Scholars Press, 2017. 2017
278 Sheela Rai Book Review of Abhijeet Das & James J. Nedumpara (ed.) WTO Dispute Settlement at Twenty: Insiders’ Reflections on India’s Participation Indian Journal of International Law, Vol. 56 (2), 2016) 2016
279 Sheela Rai Book Review of Abhijit Das and Shailja Singh (ed.) Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: A Framework for Future Trade Rules? Sage 2018. NLUO Law 2018
280 Santosh Behera Disciplinary Proceeding in Industrial Enterprises – A Critical Analysis” published in Shodhasamhita, UGC Care Group 1 Journal, Volume IX, Issue – II, ISSN No. 2277-7067, July 2022 2022
281 Santosh Behera “Protection of Human Rights through Article 21: Judicial Trends” published in IJARESM, Volume 9 Issue 3, ISSN: 2455-6211, March 2021. 2021
282 Santosh Behera “Role of Women in achieving Sustainable Development” published in IJARESM, Volume 9 Issue 2, ISSN: 2455-6211, February 2021 2021
283 Santosh Behera Human Trafficking: Issue and Challenges” published in IJCRT, Volume 8 Issue 2, ISSN: 2320-2882, February 2020 2020
284 Santosh Behera Women Empowerment: A Major Prerequisite for Sustainable Development” published in JETIR, Volume 7, Issue 2, ISSN: 2320-2882, February 2020 2020
285 Santosh Behera Function of Indian Judiciary – An Overview” published in “Law Mantra Online Journal,” Volume 4, Issue 12, ISSN: 2321-6417, August 2017. 2017
286 Santosh Behera “Role of Collective Bargaining in Settlement of Industrial Disputes” published in “Law Mantra Online Journal,” Volume 4, Issue 10, ISSN: 2321-6417, August 2017. 2017
287 Sujith Koonan Teaching and Reading International Environmental Law Critically, Dilip Ukey and Anil G. Variath (eds), A Handbook of International Environmental Law (Thomson Reuters, 2023) 2023
288 Sujith Koonan State Practice: A Critical Examination, TWAIL Review 03(issue 3) 2022 (with Haris Jamil) 2022
289 Sujith Koonan Environmental Rule of Law in India: A Transformative Principle or Old Wine in a New Bottle, Journal of Law and Society Vol 13(1) Monsoon 2022 (with Himanshu Ahlawat) 2022
290 Sujith Koonan Research Handbook on Law, Environment and the Global South (Edward Elgar, 2019) (with P. Cullet). 2019
291 Sujith Koonan The Right to Sanitation in India-Critical Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2019) (with P. Cullet & L. Bhullar) 2019
292 Sujith Koonan Water Law in India – An Introduction to Legal Instruments (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2nd 2017) (with P. Cullet). 2017
293 Sujith Koonan Manual Scavenging in India: State Apathy, Non-implementation of Laws and Resistance by the Community’, 5(2) Indian Law Review 149-165 (2021) 2021
294 Sujith Koonan Water Security and International Law’, 17 American Review of Law and Social Science 261-76 (2021). (with P. Cullet and L. Bhullar) 2021
295 Sujith Koonan Polluter Pays Principle in India: Assessing Conceptual Boundaries and Implementation Issues’, 7(2) RGNUL Student Research Review 33-50 (2021) 2021
296 Sujith Koonan Sanitation Interventions in India: Gender Myopia and Implications for Gender Equality’, 26(1-2) Indian Journal of Gender Studies 40-58 (2019) 2019
297 Sujith Koonan Regulating the Interactions between Climate Change and Groundwater: Lessons from India’, 42(6) Water International 646-662 (2017) (with P. Cullet and L. Bhullar 2017
298 Sujith Koonan Revamping the Groundwater Legal Regime in India: Towards Ensuring Equity and Sustainability’, 12(2) Socio-Legal Review 45-73 (2016). 2016
299 Sujith Koonan Social Movements and Resistance to Elitism of Groundwater Law: Lessons from the Plachimada Dispute’ in SA Khan et al (eds), Groundwater Law and Management in India From an Elitist to an Egalitarian Paradigm (Springer, 2021), pp. 61-75 2021
300 Sujith Koonan Assessing the Realization of the Right to Sanitation in Rural Areas’, in P. Cullet et al (eds), The Right to Sanitation in India-Critical Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2019), pp 143-70. 2019
301 Sujith Koonan Sanitation, Gender Inequality and Implications for Rights’, in The Right to Sanitation in India-Critical Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2019), pp 380-401. 2019
302 Tanwi Shams Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities in India: The Legal Framework and Remedies” in UGC Care listed Journal JUNI KHYAT published in Vol 13 Issue 5 No. 4 , ISSN 2278-4632, (Page 6-9 2023
303 Tanwi Shams Gene Editing in Human Reproduction: The Ethical Regulation” published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, Vol 10 Issue 2 , E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138 2023
304 Tanwi Shams Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in India: Issues and Challenges” published in UGC-CARE listed journal Shodh Sarita , Vol 8, Issue 29, ISSN 2348-2397 2021
305 Tanwi Shams Legal Safeguards for Inclusive Education of Children with Special Needs in India” published in UGC-CARE listed journal Shodh Sanchar Bulletin , Volume 11, Issue, 41, ISSN 2229-3620 2021
306 Vijay Bhaskar, Barriers to Access to Justice for Rape Survivors in India, International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation, Vol 4, Issue 2, (2022) pages 286- 295 2022
307 Vijay Bhaskar, Rights of Elderly People: Legal Framework in India, International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Vol 5 Issue 3(2022) 2022
308 Vijay Bhaskar, Jurisprudential Dimension of Justice, White Black Legal International Law Journal, Vol 2 , Issue 14 2023
309 Ved Kumari Gender, Sexual Violence, and Access to Justice in India” with Ravinder Barn in Pamela Cox and Sandra Walklate (ed.) Victims’ Access to Justice Historical and Comparative Perspectives (2023) 2023
310 Ved Kumari Construction of Women in Law with Special Focus on Criminal Law”, 63 (1) Journal of Indian Law Institute 1-22 (Jan-March 2021) ISSN 0019-5731. Reprinted in Owais Hasan Khan and Priyanka Anand (ed), Socio-Legal Androcentrism and Gender Inequalities (2021) 2023
311 Ved Kumari Child in Conflict with Law: Recent Developments”, in D.P. Verma and Shruti Jane Eusebius (ed.) Juvenile Justice in India: A Critical Study, p.111 (2020), National Judicial Academy
312 Ved Kumari Definition of ‘Dowry’ – A Continued Enigma” in 61(2) JILI 213-228 (April-June 2019 2019
313 Ved Kumari Sentencing in Rape Cases: A Critical Appraisal of Judicial Decisions in India”, coauthored with R. Barn, in 59(1) Journal of Indian Law Institute (Jan-Mar 2017) 2017
314 Ved Kumari The Juvenile Justice Act 2015 – Critical Understanding” in the (58(1) Journal of Indian Law Institute (Jan-Mar 2016) ISSN 0019-5731 2016
315 Yogesh Pratap Singh Tribal Justice: Seventy Years of Working of Indian Constitution (Eastern Book Company Lucknow 2021). 2021
316 Yogesh Pratap Singh Institutional Decline of Parliamentary Governance: An Assessment of Diminishing Role of Parliamentary Committees in India (Thomson Reuters Publications, 2022) 2022
317 Yogesh Pratap Singh Role of Judicial/Lawyers Academy in Imparting Continuing Legal Education, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2019, published in Indian Bar Review 2019. ISSN No.0017-5731 2019
318 Yogesh Pratap Singh Cause Lawyering in India: Still a Distant Dream, Vol. VI, 2019, published in NLUO Law Journal. ISSN No. 2348-8913 2019
319 Yogesh Pratap Singh Concurring Opinions Enriching Constitutional Discourse?” Published in Journal of Indian Law Institute (JILI), Vol. 61, No. 1 January-March 2019, published by Indian Law Institute 2018. ISSN No. 00175731 2019
320 Yogesh Pratap Singh Child Sexual Abuse and Evolving POCSO Jurisprudence: Emerging Issues and Trends” Book entitled “Revisiting Reforms in Criminal Justice System in India” (Editors: dilipukey, Chirag Balyan, Melissa Walavalkar, Yesudas Naidu and Mary Sabestian) published by Thomson Reuters Press (2020 2020
321 Yogesh Pratap Singh Judicial Review and Judicial Dissent” in Book entitled “Judicial Review: Process, Powers and Problems” (Editors: Salman Khurshid, Sidharth Luthra, Lokendra Malik and shrutibedi) published by Cambridge University Press (2020). 2020
322 Yogesh Pratap Singh Anticipatory Bail, Evolution, Philosophy and Unceasingly Shifting Juridical Discernment” in Book entitled “Taking Bail Seriously: The State of Bail Jurisprudence in India” (Editors: Salman Khurshid, Sidharth Luthra, Lokendra Malik &shrutibedi) published by lexisnexis Press (2019). 2019
323 Yogesh Pratap Singh The Right to a Dignified Death: A New Human Right” in Book on Professor Upendra Baxi’s Festschrift published by the Eastern Book Company Lucknow 2021
324 Yogesh Pratap Singh Judicial Dissent and Indian Supreme Court: Enriching Constitutional Discourse” published by Thomson Reuters Publication. ISBN No. 978-93-86374-50-9 2018
325 Yogesh Pratap Singh “Kumar Kartikeya’s Article 12” published by Eastern Book Company Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 2020 2020
326 Yogesh Pratap Singh Animal and Environmental Jurisprudence: Wildlife Perspective” published by Satyam Law International Publishers New Delhi, 2020 2020
327 Yogesh Pratap Singh Reviving Popular Sovereignty” in Book entitled “Reclaiming Rights, Dignity and Justice: A Festschrift in Honour of Justice Dipak Misra (Edited by Prof. Srikrishna Deva Rao) published by Thomson Reuters Press. 2023
328 Yogesh Pratap Singh Decriminalization of Indian Politics?” in Book entitled “Reclaiming Rights, Dignity and Justice: A Festschrift in Honour of Justice Dipak Misra (Edited by Prof. Srikrishna Deva Rao) published by Thomson Reuters Press 2023
329 Yogesh Pratap Singh Anticipatory Bail, Evolution, Philosophy and Unceasingly Shifting Juridical Discernment” in Book entitled “Taking Bail Seriously: The State of Bail Jurisprudence in India” (Editors: Salman Khurshid, SidharthLuthra, Lokendra Malik &ShrutiBedi 2019
330 Yogesh Pratap Singh Judicial Review and Judicial Dissent” in Book entitled “Judicial Review: Process, Powers and Problems” (Editors: Salman Khurshid, SidharthLuthra, Lokendra Malik and ShrutiBedi) published by Cambridge University Press (2020 2020
331 Yogesh Pratap Singh Metamorphosis of Judicial Appointments: A Journey from Executive to Collegium to Pseudo Collegium” in Book entitled “The Supreme Court and Indian Constitution: An Indian Discourse” (Editors: Salman Khurshi, Lokendra Malik & Yogesh Pratap Singh 2020
332 Yogesh Pratap Singh Transformative Constitutionalism and Tribal Justice” in Book entitled Tribal Justice” (Editors: Yogesh Pratap Singh & Suvashree Panda) 2021
333 Yogesh Pratap Singh Crumbling Social Justice and the Need for Representative Higher Judiciary” co-authored with Dr. Ayaz Ahmad in Book entitled “EWS: The Quota to End All Quotas” published by The Shared Mirror, Publishing House, Hyderabad (2021 2021
334 Yogesh Pratap Singh Chapter entitled “The Weakening of the Supreme Court: A Neoliberal Trend” published in edited book entitled “Institutional Decline in Neo-liberal Regime: Notes from India” published by Thomson Reuters, South Asia Publishers (2022) 2022
335 Yogesh Pratap Singh Decline of Parliamentary Governance: An Assessment of Diminishing Role of Parliamentary Committees in India” published in edited book entitled “Institutional Decline in Neo-liberal Regime: Notes from India” published by Thomson Reuters, South Asia Publishers (2022 2022
336 Yogesh Pratap Singh Bancusprudence” published in Journal of Indian Law Institute (JILI), Vol. 63 (2021), No. 4 October-December 2021, published by Indian Law Institute. ISSN No. 0017-5731. 2021
337 Yogesh Pratap Singh Constitution, Rights of Tribals and the Supreme Court of India: A Critique of Recent Judicial Trends”, published in Indian Bar Review 2021. 2021
338 Yogesh Pratap Singh Contextualizing Religious Politics and Elections in India: Judicial Discourse in Abhiram Singh vs. C.D. Comchen” published in NLUO Law Journal Vol. VII, 2020. ISSN No. 2348-8913 2020
339 Yogesh Pratap Singh Role of Judicial/Lawyers Academy in Imparting Continuing Legal Education, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2019, published in Indian Bar Review 2019. ISSN No. 0017-5731. 2019
340 Yogesh Pratap Singh Cause Lawyering in India: Still a Distant Dream, Vol. VI, 2019, published in NLUO Law Journal. ISSN No. 2348-8913 2019
341 Yogesh Pratap Singh Concurring Opinions Enriching Constitutional Discourse?” published in Journal of Indian Law Institute (JILI), Vol. 61, No. 1 January-March 2019, published by Indian Law Institute 2018. ISSN No. 0017-5731. 2019
342 Yogesh Pratap Singh Judicial Review and Process of Judging: The Jurisprudential Analysis” published in Journal of Indian Law Institute (JILI), Vol. 60, No. 1 January-March 2018, published by Indian Law Institute 2018 2018
343 Yogesh Pratap Singh Public Interest Litigation Enriching Disability Discourse in India, published in RGNUL Law Review Vol. VIII, No. I (January- June 2018). ISSN No. 2231-4938 2018
344 Yogesh Pratap Singh I-T in Law: Ease of Doing Litigation vs. Ease of Preventing Litigation, published in RMLNLU Volume 10 (2018). ISSN No. 0975-9530. 2018
345 Yogesh Pratap Singh Privatization of Higher Education in India: Constitutional Vision, Emerging Issues and Trends co-authored with Dr Ayaz Ahmad published in RGNUL Law Review Vol. VII, No. II (July- December 2017 2017
346 Yogesh Pratap Singh Judicial Precedent, Judicial Propriety and Bench Formation in the Supreme Court of India, published in NLUO Law Journal, Vol. 5, 2018 2018
347 Yogesh Pratap Singh On Capital Punishment” jointly written with Prof. Faizan Mustafa, published in RMLNLU Volume 9 (2018). ISSN No. 0975 – 9530 2018
348 Yogesh Pratap Singh Election Manifesto: Legal Reality or Illusion” co-authored with Prof. (Dr.) Krishan Mahajan, published in TNNLS Law Review (TNNLS-LR) 2018 2018
349 Yogesh Pratap Singh “Legal Determinacy: A Case Study of Indian Judicial Process”, published in Indian Bar Review 2017 2018
350 Yogesh Pratap Singh Erosion of Hierarchical Discipline in the Supreme Court of India”, published in Delhi Journal of Contemporary Law (An Online Journal) 2018. 2018
351 Yogesh Pratap Singh Progress to 2 0 C: Issues and Implications, co-authored with Prof. (Dr.) Krishan Mahajan, published in NLUO Law Journal, Vol. IV Nov. 2017 2017
352 Yogesh Pratap Singh Nirbhaya Verdict: Issues and Ramifications, published in NLUO Law Journal, Vol. I May 2016 2016
353 Yogesh Pratap Singh The Endangered Institution (of Governor): Problems and Prospects” Published in Rostrum Law Review, an Online Journal, Volume 4 Issue II, 201 2017
354 A.B Debasis Rout An Economic Analysis of Cotton Output In India, Empirical Economics Letters,23 (ABDC-C), April,2024, ISSN 1681 8997 2024
355 Akshay Verma The Consent Award in India: An Alternative within an Alternative,  Revista Brasileira de Alternative Dispute Resolution (RBADR),  December, 2023,  ISSN No.: 2596-3201 2023
356 Arjyalopa Mishra Relational Bibliometric Analysis between employee engagement and organizational performance, European Economic Letters ABDC C category, September 2023, ISSN 2323-5233 Fintech Reshaping the financial ecology : the growing trends and Regulatory Framework, SAGE , IMIB journal of Innovation and Management, Dec 2023, DOI:10.1177/ijim.231200315 The Role of HRM in Promoting Environmental Sustainability within Organizations, Journal of Informatics education and Research ABDC C Category, Feb , 2024, ISSN : 1526-4726 Predictive Analytics  for employee Attrition: Leveraging MAchine Learning for Strategic HRM, Intelligent Technoprise Letters, April 2024, ISSN : 29978726 2023
357 Ananya Chakraborty and  Mrinalini Banerjee Women Participation in Police Force: A Study of Odisha, Jharkhand, and West Bengal, Indian Journal of Law and Justice, March, 2024, (ISSN: 0976-3570), (Vol. 15 No. 01). 2024
358 Ananya Chakraborty and  Shrabani Acharya Trial of Genocide Perpetrators by International Criminal Court: Challenges and Problems, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities,  2024,  https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.117228 2024
359 Divya Singh Rathor A study on the protection of copyright in an AI-driven world, AIP Conference Proceedings by AIP Publishings, January 2024, ISSN 1551-7616 (Online) 2024
360 Itishree Mishra Exploring Well-being through Job crafting and Meaningful work to promote sustainability in Backdrop of Indian Ancient Wisdom, Purushartha, August 2023, DOI: 10.21844/16202116108, Print ISSN: 0975-024X; Online ISSN: 2456-1371 2023
361 Kaushiki Brahma Legal Analysis of Related Party Transactions in the BRICS Countries, BRICS Law Journal, April 2024, ISSN 2412-2343 (Online) 2024
362 Kanishka Organized crime a threat to Food Security, Segment Books
363 Madhubrata Rayasingh Women’s Participation in Indian Agriculture: Navigating the Invisibilities(Book Chapter), Women And Trade -The Indian Context( Thomson Reuters), March,2024, ISBN 978-93-95696-65-4 An Economic Analysis of Cotton Output In India, Empirical Economics Letters,23 (ABDC-C), April,2024, ISSN 1681 8997 2024
364 Mayank Tiwari Merger Control Regime in India, Chartered Secretary, August 2023, 0972-1983 2023
365 Mohd Sikandar Deep Fakes: Disinformation, Democracy and Privacy, Bloomsbury Publication, March 2024, 978-93-56407-11-4 2024
366 Mrinalini Banerjee et. al India on Track to Plastic Waste Management – A Diversity of Challenges and Regulatory Innovations, Atlantis Press, Springer Nature, June 2024, DOI 10.2991/978-2-38476-255-2_35 Corporations, its Wrongdoings and State Instrumentality of Justice: A Comparative Study of United Kingdom & India, Vol. 13 Issue 2, Oct. 2023 at GNLU Journal of Law, Development and Politics 2024
367 Paromita Chattoraj Are reporting and investigation of rape cases victim friendly? Responses of the police from a cross-sectional study conducted in three states of eastern India, International Review of Victimology, Sage Journals, August 2023 2023
368 Priyanka Anand Obscuring the Struggle of Gender & Social Discrimination: Analysing the Indian Legal Landscape, KSLU LAW JOURNAL Volume XI, May 2024, 2321-9440 An Amorphous Contest on the Issue of Taxability of Supplies Between the Clubs and it’s Members: Appraising the Legislative Attempt to Reconcile the Defect of Earlier Judicial Decisions, CPJ Law Journal VOL. XV, Jan, 2024 Issue-I, 0976-3562 2024
369 Rajat Solanki A Critique on Corporate Environmental Responsibility,  Rajasthan Journal of Juridical Science,  December 2023,  2320-7663 Merger Control Regime in India,  Chartered Secretary,  August 2023,  0972-1983 2023
370 Rashmi Rekha Baug Witness Intimidation and the need for Comprehensive Witness Protection Laws in India, Sodhprabha, ISSN: 09748946
371 Rishika Khare & Kriti Srivastava B.P. Singhal v. Union of India: The Case of Missed Oppurtunities and Limiting Judicial Review, International Journal of Law and Policy Review (NUJS), January, 2024, ISSN(O): 2278-3156 2024
372 Shubhanginee Singh The politics of belonging in Arunachal Pradesh: Rules of Exclusion and Differentiated Citizenship, Asian Ethnicity, Taylor & Francis, July 2024, 10.1080/14631369.2024.2383931 Review of Border Humanitarians: Gendered Order and Insecurity on the Thai-Burmese Frontier, Journal of Borderland Studies, Taylor &Francis, March, 2024, ISBN 9780815637639 2024
373 Sohini Mahapatra Trade Unions under the Industrial Relations Code 2020: A Threat to Collective Bargaining?” in “Landscape of Labour Laws,  Bharati Press, September 2023,  978-81-965320-0-0 2023
374 Sonal Singh Clinical Trial Data and Access to Medicines: Understanding and Managing the Microeconomic Issues in Inclusive Wealth Generation through IP Commercialization, Thomson Reuters, February ,2024, ISBN
375 Suvrashree Panda Uneasy Relations between the Executive and Judicial Organs in India: Towards More Cordial Relationships, Boletín De Literatura Oral, November 2023 2023
376 Swagatika Samal Research Bulletin on “Translating Science for the Benefits of Society: The Direct and Indirect Impacts of NRRI”, ICAR- National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, April, 2024 2024
377 Tanwi Shams Upholding Human Dignity: Exploring the Legal Foundations of Human Rights as Jus Cogens Norms, Juni Khyat, April 2024, ISSN :2278-4632 2024
378 Paromita Chattoraj Sexual Offences Against Children in India Understanding the Criminal Justice Responses, Routledge, Feb 2024, ISBN 9781032384733 2024