A webinar on ‘The Role of Public Health Law in Cancer Prevention’.”A webinar on ‘The Role of Public Health Law in Cancer Prevention’ .”

A webinar on ‘The Role of Public Health Law in Cancer Prevention’.”A webinar on ‘The Role of Public Health Law in Cancer Prevention’ .”

Centre for Public Health Law, NLUO Odisha in association with Public Health Foundation of India is organising a webinar on ‘The Role of Public Health Law in Cancer Prevention’ on Wednesday, 12th May 2021 at 5:00 pm

About the event:?/strong>

National Law University Odisha, Cuttack takes pride in pioneering the development and teaching of ‘Public Health Law’ as a specialised course in India. While the Covid-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on just the subject there is a need for broader engagement with administrators, public health experts, academicians, lawyers, law students across the country to critically analyse the role of law in making health a realizable goal and ensuring distributive fairness in the allocation of critical health infrastructure. With a view to foster discussion amongst different stakeholders, we are organising this webinar to critically analyse the role of law in cancer prevention.?ost of the cases of cancer tend to be diagnosed at a later stage as a result of which timely treatment cannot be offered and therefore there is a need to focus on cancer prevention strategies?hich can include mandatory pre screening along with appropriate behavioural choices.

The speakers include:

  • Dr.?harmila Pimple, Professor?& Physician ‘G’ Dept. of Preventive Oncology Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai.
  • Dr. Majid?hmad?alikoti, Sr. Consultant & Head, Surgical Oncology, Batra Hospital, New Delhi
  • Mr. David Patterson, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen
  • Shifalika Goenka, Professor, Head Bioethics and Social and Behavioral Sciences, Public Health Foundation of India
  • Dr. Amit Yadav, Senior technical adviser, International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)
  • Dr Shipra Gahlot, MBBS. D.NB ( Internal Medicine), Consultant Physician, Health Care Clinic, Ex S.R Neprohology, Vivekananda polyclinic & Institute of medical sciences, Lucknow
  • Dr Nandini Vallath, MBBS, MD, Clinical Consultant: Palliative Care, BARC Hospital. Honorary Consultant: Palliative Care and Div. Of Med. Humanities, ?EM Hospital, Parel, ?umbai- 400012. Consultant: Palliative Care Division, National Cancer Grid
  • Prof (Dr) Ved Kumari, Vice Chancellor, NLUO
  • Prof (Dr) Yogesh Pratap Singh, Registrar, NLUO
  • The event will be moderated?y Nanditta Batra, Assistant Professor of Law, NLUO.

Event Details for Attendees:<

  • Date and time:???Wednesday, May 12, 2021 5:00 pm, India Time (Mumbai, GMT+05:30)
  • Event address for attendees:?https://nluodisha.webex.com/nluodisha/onstage/g.php?MTID=e2660292431c862f56fbbab8408d71c8e
  • Event number:???184 514 1148
  • Event password:?NLUO@2021