“4th Alumni Webinar – ‘Effects of COVID-19 on Trade : Food Security and access to Medicines’.”

“4th Alumni Webinar – ‘Effects of COVID-19 on Trade : Food Security and access to Medicines’.”

Alumni Webinar Series (4)

Details of the 4th webinar

  • Topic: “Effects of COVID-19 on Trade : Food Security and access to Medicines
  • Date & Timings: 29th April 2020 Wednesday, 5.00pm-6.00
  • Medium: Google Meet
  • Panelist:
  • Adithi Koushik, Jr. Legal/Economic Affairs Officer at WTO, Alumna of batch 2012-17.
  • Vrinda Pathak, Associate at Singh & Singh Law Firm LLP, Alumna of batch 2012-2017.