
Health Centre

1.Functioning Health Centre
NLUO boasts a health centre on its campus that caters to the health issues of the students and the staff. It is presently functioning from a chamber in the Academic Block and is operational round the clock.

2. Qualified Doctors and Nursing Staff
The Health Centre Team, consisting of a doctor and four staff nurses, provides first aid and preliminary treatment in a comprehensive manner to the students and staff, 24*7, besides rendering advice on health-related issues. Emergency cases are also managed and stabilized and if required, referred to tertiary health care facilities.

3. Basic Medicines
The health center is functional and stocked with primary care medicines for common ailments.

4. First Aid
It provides primary health care and basic first aid management in a comprehensive manner to the NLUO community. In the university the first aid kits are available in each building and other required places.

6. Primary Treatment
The health centre provides basic medical facilities like consultation with the doctor, vital signs check up, dressing, bandaging, anthropometric checking, nebulization and oxygen, besides consultation with the counselor.

7. Qualified Psychologist
The health centre also has a full-time dedicated counsellor, who plays a vital and pivotal role in addressing the mental health issues of the students as well as the staff. The counsellor being easily accessible and ready to manage the stress-related issues of the students and staff is an asset of the health centre.

8. Both mental and physical health care
The health centre is committed to promoting and enhancing the physical and mental health and wellness of the campus community.

Health Centre Staff