Tapas Kumar Das

Tapas Kumar Das

Visiting Faculty (Management)

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| tapas@nluo.ac.in | tapaskumardas.99@gmail.com   drafts

About Tapas Kumar Das

He is a Visiting Faculty of Management and teaches Organizational Behavior at NLUO. He is pursuing Ph.D. at Xavier Institute of Management (XIM University). His research area is Marketing, and he has a research interest in Consumer Behavior, Digital marketing, and Marketing communication. Prior to joining NLUO, He had almost 3 years of industry experience in Sales and Marketing in the Retail, Finance and FMCG Sectors.

Subject Taught: Organizational Behavior


  • Pursuing Ph.D. in Marketing from Xavier Institute of Management (XIM University).
  • Qualified UGC-NET(Management).
  • B.A in HR and Marketing from the Department of Business Administration Sambalpur University.
  • B.A. from Sambalpur University.


Title of the Paper Conference details – organizing body, year, etc.
Rural Consumers at BOP and their attitude towards Counterfeit FMCG products 9th PAN IIM World Management Conference at IIM Sambalpur, 2023
Social Commerce Consumer Behavior: An Implication for Responsible Business Practices National Seminar on Responsible Business (RBP-2024) by Department of Business Administration, Sambalpur University, Jyotivihar

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Research Projects

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