About Dr. Rita Ray
Rita Ray has an experience of forty years in academics and consulting. Her academic profile includes teaching as a full-time faculty of Sociology at Utkal University, India since 1975. Born on 31st March 1951, she is currently the senior-most female Professor, in service, in the state today. She was also the Vice chancellor (in-charge) of Utkal University for a brief, but intensely challenging, period. In this period, she provided the critical impetus needed by the institution to resurge and progress. Her contributions to the University have also continued in the capacities of Chairman (P.G. Council), Warden (P.G. Hostels) etc. In the aforementioned roles, she has especially excelled in bringing the students and management together in times of crises and resolving conflicts between the two, failing which the prestige, order, repute and progress of the institution would have been severely, possibly irreparably, compromised. One recent example of this might be her successful campaign in turning the hostels free from ‘non-student’ boarders. This had been, possibly, the longest unresolved issue amongst the students and management alike and the failure of which had led to severe logistical and law-and-order problems. She has been a Professor (Plan) from 1994 onwards and has lectured at many prestigious universities in India and abroad. She has been the Head of the Department (Sociology) for multiple terms and has implemented far-reaching academic and administrative contributions to the department. She has introduced numerous courses and electives in the department: A special mention, here, should possibly made of her pioneering role in successfully introducing and popularizing Gender studies in the University, as well as in the State. She has also been a part of numerous accreditation teams and interview boards of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Union Public Services Examinations (UPSC), National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) etc. Prof. Ray has guided and awarded close to 20 Ph. D theses, mostly pertaining to issues of Displacement, Rehabilitation and Gender, and has published extensively in national and international journals.. She has two books underway, one called ‘Beyond Resettlement and Rehabilitation’ with Prof. L.H. Ekstrand (Lund University) and the other called ‘From Blood to Fire – Gramadevis and the Changing Culture of Orissa’ with Dr. Elinor Gadon of Brandeis University, USA. She is presently Professor and Head of the Department of Sociology at Utkal University, India. Prof. Ray’s consulting assignments have been with The World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Economic Commission (EEC), Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Program (FAO), Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), Power Grid Corporation of India, POSCO-India,to name a few. Details
Areas of Expertise:
- Examining and guiding Ph. D. theses on Sociology of Development, Sociology of Gender and Sociology of Religion
- Formulating land acquisition and resettlement action plans for Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R & R) projects
- Analysing and formulating social policy for state and non-state institutions
- Designing collaborative programs that address social concerns in developing countries
- Strategizing community development programs, including the formulation of poverty alleviation strategies, addressing the impact of structural adjustment and economic reform programs on the marginalized
- Measuring and evaluating performance of donor agencies, multinational companies, foundations, and international NGOs
Select Career Details:
- 2011 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan 400 KV Berhampore Switching Station associated with Indo-Bangladesh Grid Connectivity, West Bengal, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2011 Expert Consultation, Draft Foster Care and Sponsorship Care Schemes, Task Force, Women and Child Development and UNICEF
- 2011 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan 400/220 KV Karandighi Sub-Station, West Bengal, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2011 Keynote address, Female dignity: trends and suggestions, UGC sponsored national seminar, Nayagarh.
- 2010 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan 400 KV Banka Sub-Station, Bihar, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2009 Corporate Social Responsibility Advisor, Vedanta Alumina and Vedanta University
- 2009 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan 765/400 KV Ranchi Sub-Station, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2008 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan Gaya Sub-Station, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2008 Citywide Strategy for Urban Poor Infrastructure Survey at Slum Level in Bhubaneswar, Orissa
- 2008(onwards) Honorary Member, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Advisory Board, Vedanta Aluminium Ltd.
- 2007 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan Ranchi Sub-Station, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2006 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan Patna Sub-Station Bihar, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2005-2009 Corporate Social Responsibility Advisor, POSCO-India
- 2005 (onwards) Member, Governing Body, Central Research Institute (Ayurveda), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)
- 2004 Member, Steering Committee, R&R Policy of Orissa, Revenue Department, Government of Orissa and UNDP
- 2004 Advisor, R&R Implementation, Department of Water Resources, Government of Orissa and The World Bank
- 2004 Advisor, Orissa Livelihoods Development Programme, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- 2004 Consultant and Team Leader, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Management, East Coast Railway Limited, Government of India
- 2004 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan Subhashgram Sub-Station, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2004 Rehabilitation Action Plan Raigarh Sub-Station, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2004 Member, EPPAA-exchange program participants alumni association, Fulbright Association, American Consulate, Kolkata
- 2004 On the Widows of the Orissa: Orissa Foundation Society, U.S.A
- 2004 Resource person, International Seminar on Globalisation and Poverty, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi
- 2003 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan, Muzaffarpur Power Grid Sub Station, Power Grid India Limited, Government of India
- 2003 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan, Baripada Power Grid Sub Station, Power Grid India Limited, Government of India
- 2003 Co-convener, International Seminar on Shaktika, INCA, New Delhi
- 2002-(present) Expert, Orissa Hydro Power Corporation Limited, Balimela Hydro Electric Power Project, Government of Orissa
- 2002 Team Leader, Rehabilitation Action Plan Keonjhar-Daitary (Tomka) Railway Line, RITES Limited, Government of India
- 2002 Team Leader, Research Project on Women Issues, Sponsored by the Orissa Foundation, U.S.A
- 2001 Team Leader, Monitoring and Evaluation, All World Bank-aided Water Resource Projects in Orissa, Government of Orissa
- 2000 Team Leader, WAPCOS, Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP) for Project Affected People (PAP) of Rengali Irrigation Project, Orissa Water Resources Department, Government of Orissa
- 2000 Resettlement and Gender Specialist, Capacity Building for Social Development, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- 2000 Consultant, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan, National Highway 5 Ichhappuram to Vishakapatnam, Sheladia USA
- 1996-1997 Member, Government of India Telecom Board, Bhubaneswar
- 1996-97 Team Leader, Improving Primary EducationA Social AssessmentStudy in Keonjhar, DPEP and The World Bank
- 1995 Visiting Scholar, MalmSchool of Education, Sweden
- 1995 Consultant, Culture Mentality Study, Lund University, Sweden
- 1994 Consultant for Cultural Mentality Study (Lund University, Sweden) Attended and Contributed Papers at seminars in Stockholm and Helsinki, Finland, March 1994
- 1993 Consultant, Alternative Approaches to the Greening Economics, WIDER, United Nations University
- 1993-2000 Consultant & Mission Member, Evaluation of Training and Extension of Women in Agriculture (TEWA), Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark
- 1993 Sociology Expert, Overseas Development Administration (ODA) Slum Improvement Project in Cuttack, Government of Orissa
- 1992-93 Consultant & Mission Member, Minor Irrigation Projects of Orissa, European Economic Commission (EEC)
- 1991 Member of Midterm Review Mission, Orissa Social Forestry Project (OSFP), Government of Orissa
- 1991 Member, Board of Directors, Mahila Vikash Sambaya Nigam, Committee for Women’s Development, Government of Orissa
- 1991, Sept. Member of Midterm Review Mission, Orissa Social Forestry Project (OSFP)
- 1991-1993 Consultant, Social Forestry Project, Swedish Development International Agency (SIDA)
- 1990 Visiting Fellow, United States Information Agency (USIA), Washington DC, USA
- 1990 Consultant Trainee, World Bank, Washington DC, USA
- 1990 Consultant & Mission Member, EEC (Minor Irrigation Projects of Orissa)
- 1988-1993 Counselor, Open University, India
- 1982-1985 Consultant, Bay of Bengal Project, Food and Agriculture Organization
- Utkal University, India, Ph.D and D.Litt in Sociology, 1992
- Cambridge University, UK, Studies in Sociology and Anthropology, January 1980-September 1981
- Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), India, MA and M. Phil in Sociology, 1972 – 1975
Books in progress:
- (with Prof. L. H. Ekstrand) Beyond Resettlement and Rehabilitation, for SAGE
- (with Dr. Elinor Gadon) From Blood to Fire – Gramadevi and the Changing Culture of Contemporary Orissa
- Underground Drama: A Socio-ecological Study of Two Chromite Mines of Orissa, Ajanta Publishers, New Delhi, 1993.
- Article in ‘Goddess in World Cultures’ edited by Patrca Monaghass, Three Volumes, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A., 2010.
Publications and Consultancy Reports:
- 2011 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for 400 KV Berhampore Switching Station associated with Indo-Bangladesh Grid Connectivity, West Bengal, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2011 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for 400/220 KV Karandighi Sub-Station, West Bengal, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2010 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for 400 KV Banka Sub-Station, Bihar, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2009 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for 765/400 KV Ranchi Sub-Station, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2008 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for Gaya Sub-Station, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2008 Citywide Strategy for Urban Poor Infrastructure Survey at Slum Level in Bhubaneswar, Orissa
- 2008 Environment Study: Diversion of 0.552 Hector Sanctuary for Construction of 400KV Baripada- Mendhasal Transmission Line, Orissa, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2007 Comprehensive Communication Development Plan with Project Affected People (PAPs), POSCO-India
- 2007 Gender Issues in the Implementation of the Orissa R&R Policy, United Nations Development Program
- 2006 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for 400 KV Ranchi Sub-Station, Jharakhand, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2005 Gender and Displacement in Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policies for United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
- 2005 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for 400 KV Patna Sub-Station, Bihar, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2004 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for 400 KV Subashgram Sub-Station, West Bengal, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2004 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for 400 KV Raigarh Sub-Station, Chhatishgarh, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2004 Impact Assessment of Economic Rehabilitation for Project affected Persons (PAPs), Government of Orissa and The World Bank
- 2004 A Network Utilization Study of Orissa, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Ahmedabad, India
- 2004 CorruptionA Study, Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Orissa
- 2004 Cultural Aspects of Womens EmpowermentA Study, United States Information Services, India
- 2004 Needs Assessment and Livelihood DevelopmentA Report, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- 2003 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for 400 KV Baripada Sub-Station, Orissa, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2003 Socio-Economic Survey and Preparation of Rehabilitation Action Plan for 400 KV Muzaffarpur Sub-Station, Bihar, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Government of India
- 2003 What Shakti means for the rural women in Orissa: Paper presented to an International seminar on Shaktika on the Ascent: Reframing Gender, INCA, New Delhi
- 2002 Remedial Resettlement Action Plan for Daitary (Tomka)-Keonjhar New Railway Line, RITES, Government of India and Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- 2002 Monitoring and Evaluation of Seven Irrigation and two Retrofit Projects, Government of Orissa and The World Bank
- 2002 Research Project on Widows of Orissa, The Orissa Foundation, U.S.A.
- 2001 (with Lars H. Ekstrand) Chaos and Complexities of Development, The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
- 1999 Equality issues in forest resource management: XIM Training Programme on Gender Issues and Development Planning
- 1998 Monitoring and Evaluation of Hirakud-B, Chiplima-B, and Sindol Power Projects, WAPCOS, Government of India
- 1998 Rehabilitation Strategies in the BalanceA Case Study and a Proposed Strategy, Gopabandhu Academy of Administration
- 1997 Social Infrastructure in Mineral Development: Paper Presented at the Seminar on Infrastructure in Mineral Development of the Society of Geoscientists and Allied Technologists, Bhubaneswar
- 1997 (with L.H. Ekstrand and Bira Kishore Dash) Improving Primary Education in OrissaSocial Assessment Study in Keonjhar, DPEP and The World Bank
- 1996 Gender Issues and Dislocated Populations, Paper for the All India Sociological Conference, New Delhi
- 1996 Womens Role in Population Control, Paper for the State Resource Centre for Adult Education
- 1996 Impact Assessment of Womens Enterprise Training in Bihar and Orissa, The World Bank
- 1996 Selected socio-cultural perspectives on gender health inequalities in India with some suggestions for remedies. Paper presented at Workshop on Working towards reducing gender inequalities in health, DANLEP, Bhubaneswar, Aug. 19-20, 1996.
- 1996 Gender aspects on dislocation. In: Theme Papers from Training Seminar on Resettlement & Rehabilitation. Bhubaneswar: Gopabandhu Academy of Administration & the World Bank. Pp. 145-179.
- 1996 New Components of the Social Forestry Project in Orissa, Department of Sociology, Utkal University
- 1995 Hydro-power project resettlement & rehabilitation studies for Hirakud-B, Chiplima-B, and Sindol. For WAPCOS, GOI. Utkal University, Dept. of Sociology.
- 1994 Demographic and Socio-Economic Study of the Proposed Naraj Thermal Power Project of Orissa and the IB Valley, Department of Sociology, Utkal University
- 1994 Preparatory Socio-economic Study of resettlement & rehabilitation in the Proposed Thermal Power Project in the Ib Valley, southeastern Orissa (for NTPC). Bhubaneswar: Utkal University, Dept. of Sociology. 90 pp. + 91 pp. of Tables.
- 1993 Programme for Training of Trainers for Farmers’ Associations managing Medium Irrigation Arrangements. Curriculum made on behalf of Govt. of Orissa, Irrigation Dept.
- 1993 Slum Dwellers in Cuttack City. Report for the Overseas Development Administration (ODA) Slum Development Project in Cuttack City, Orissa, India. 71 pp. + 160 pp. Case Studies and Annexures.
- 1993 Underground Drama: A Socio-ecological Study of Two Chromite Mines of Orissa, Ajanta Publishers
- 1993 (with Frederique Marglin) Economy of Greening or Enclosure of MindOn the Social Forestry Projects in Orissa, Paper for the UN WIDER Symposia
- 1993 Socio-Economic Impact of Social Forestry: An In-depth Study of 20 Villages in Two Districts of Orissa, ISO/Swedforest & SIDA
- 1992 (with John Roe) Minor Irrigation Projects of Orissa, Final Report for the European Commission to the Government of India
- 1992 (with Hans Egneus) Womens Responses to Social ForestryA Study of 31 Villages, ISO/SwedForest and SIDA
- 1992 Evaluation of Resettlement and Rehabilitation of the Talcher Super Thermal Power Project PAPs, The World Bank
- 1992 Drug Abuse in Puri and Bhubaneswar, National Institute of Social Defense, Ministry of Welfare
- 1992 Atrocities against women. Paper presented at the inauguration of the Mahila Vikash Sambaya Nigam, Govt. of Orissa. March 3, 1991. 10 pp.
- 1992 Dowry: A Form of Violence Against Women. Paper presented at the Seminar on Gender and Violence in Lucknow.
- 1991 Changes in the Land Use Pattern in the Mining Complexes of Orissa, Department of Sociology, Utkal University
- 1991 An Assessment of Drug Abuse, Drug Users and Drug Prevention in the Towns of Puri and Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar: Utkal University, Dept. of Sociology. 125 pp.
- 1991 Drug Behaviour in Two Cities of Orissa. Thesis for Ph.D. (D. Litt.) in Sociology. Bhubaneswar: Utkal University, Dept. of Sociology. 176 pp
- 1990 National Resource Center for Women. Prospects for Orissa: Some Emerging Issues. New Delhi: DANIDA. 41 pp.
- 1990 Jains and Anglo-Indians in Orissa. Anthropological Survey of India.
- 1990 People of India. Anthropological Survey of India.
- 1990 (with Paul Strong) Minor Irrigation Projects in Orissa, Report of the European Commission to the Government of Orissa
- 1989 Heritage Zone Conservation of Bhubaneswar Town, sponsored by INTACH, Delhi. Bhubaneswar: Utkal University, Dept. of Sociology. 67 pp.
- 1989 Health and Nutritional Status of Mothers and Under-Six Children of Tribal Children in Ganjam, Phulbani and Koraput, Department of Sociology, Utkal University
- 1989 Anganwadi Workers in Centrally Sponsored ICDS Programs, Department of Sociology, Utkal University
- 1987 The Influence of Traditional Caste Occupation on EconomyPerceptions, Socialization and Religion, In U Tietze (ed.) Artisanal Fisherfolk of Orissa
- 1985 Family and UrbanizationSome Highlights, Department of Sociology, Utkal University
- 1985 The influence of traditional caste occupation on economy, perceptions, socialisation and religion. In: U. Tietze, Ed: Artisanal Marine Fisher-folk of Orissa. Cuttack (Orissa, India): Vidyapuri. 151-67.
- 1985 Scientific Classification of Criminals. Society and Culture.1st Edition, Utkal University.
- 1984 (with U. Tietze) Traditional Caste Occupation and Adaptation to the EnvironmentA Study of the Artisan Fisher folk in Orissa, Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society
- 1983 A Comparative Analysis of the Caste Perceptions among the Fisher folk of Orissa and its Effect on Trade, Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society
Work Experience in Academic Administration:
- Served in Utkal University from 1975 till date.
- Head of the Department, Sociology, Utkal University.
- Chairman and/or Member, Board of Studies: Sociology, Women Studies, Population Studies and Social Work for Utkal University, Sambalpur University and various autonomous colleges in Odisha.
- Chairman, Board of Conducting Examination and Subject Research Committee.
- Superintendent, Ladies Hostel No.- I and II, Utkal University for almost 15 years.
- Professor in Charge, Parija Library, Utkal University.
- Warden, Post Graduate Hostels, Utkal University.
- Chairman, Post Graduate Council, Utkal University.
- Member, Syndicate, Utkal University (till date).
- Member, Board of Governors, Council of Analytical Tribal Studies (COATS), Koraput.
- Member, Governing Body, Nabakrushna Choudhary Center for Development Studies (NCDS), Bhubaneswar.
- Member, Research Advisory Committee, Nabakrushna Choudhary Center for Development Studies (NCDS), Bhubaneswar.
- Member, Ethical Committee, Central Ayurvedic Research Center.
- Member, Ethical Committee, Regional Medical Research Center (RMRC), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Bhubaneswar.
- Assisting till dates for about 20 years, Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and Orissa Public Service Commission (OPSC) on confidential works.
- Head, Anti Harassment Cell for Women, Utkal University.
- Syndicate Nominee, Examination Disciplinary Committee, Utkal University.
- President, Odisha Sociological Society.
- Expert Member, Sociology, Hyderabad Central University, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Ambedkar Central University, etc.
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