About Dr Udai Raj Rai
Professor Udai Raj Rai has done his LL.B. and LL.M.from Allahabad University. He was recipient of four gold medals and chancellor medal for getting first class first in LL.B.and LL.M. He has done his Ph.D. from London University and was a Commonwealth Scholar from m1968-1971. He was Professor of Law, Head of the department and Dean faculty of Law in Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University from 1974-1996. After his retirement from Gorakhpur University, he was appointed Krishna Iyer Chair Professor for Public Law and Policy Choice in National Law University Bangalore. He served there for six years. He was also Ford Foundation Human Rights Chair Professor in West Bengal National Law University, Kolkata for two years. He was member of the Governing Council of the Indian Law Institute for two terms and member of the UGC Law Panel for two terms. He conducted research under major UGC project on ‘Judicial, Review, Judicial Creativity and Judicial Activism’ from 1997-2000. He conducted UGC financed Seminars and workshops and delivered Delhi University Campus Law Center Endowment Lecture in 1982. Apart from articles in journals and edited volume he has published a book entitled Fundamental Rights and their Enforcement (Prentice Hall of India, 2011). His other book on Governing Structure under the Indian Constitution is in press and would be release soon.
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