Prof. (Dr.) Sheela Rai
Professor of Law
Extn. 5033 call
| sheelarai@nluo.ac.in | sheela_rai@yahoo.com drafts
About Dr. Sheela Rai
Sheela Rai has done her LL.B. from DDU Gorakhpur University, LL.M. and Ph.D. from National Law School of India University, Bangalore. She started her career as Research Assistant (2002) and thereafter as lecturer in NUJS, West Bengal in 2004. She joined HNLU, Raipur as Associate Professor in 2008. She is working in NLUO since 2013. She has also worked in CUTS-International and Amity University Jaipur. She has published four books and articles in national and international journals and edited volumes.
Professor of Law Ph.D. (NLSIU) 2009, LL.M. (2002), LL.B. (1996).
Research Interests: WTO Law.
Subjects taught:
- International Trade Law
- International Investment Law
- Law and Justice in Globalizing World
- 2004: Recognition and Regulation of Antidumping Measures under GATT/WTO (Lucknow : Eastern Book Company).
- 2011: Recognition and Regulation of Safeguard Measures under GATT/WTO (London & New York: Routledge)
- 2014: Antidumping Measures: Policy, Law and Practice in India (Partridge: A Penguin Random House Company)
- 2019: Trade Facilitation and the WTO (Co-edited with Prof. Jane K. Winn of Washington Law School) (Cambridge Scholars Press).
- 2021: Guide to WTO Appellate Body Reports Volume 1 (Edited with Eluckiaa A. and Kapil Sharma) (CITL & Satyam International )
- 2022: An Introduction to WTO Jurisprudence (2022) published by Thomson Reuters South Asia Pvt. Ltd.
- 2014: WTO Dispute Settlement System and Democracy: Some Issues to Ponder Journal of International Trade Law and Policy: 13(2) 185-196. (Scopus Indexed)
- 2012: Regulation of Cartels in India Published in World Competition 35 (2): 233-248. (Scopus Indexed)
- 2006: Protection of Competition through Antidumping Law: A case Study of Vitamin Industry in India Journal of World Trade 40(5): 969-977 (Scopus Indexed)
- 2008: Analysis of the Draft Antidumping Agreement, Chairperson’s Text 2007 In Light of the Jurisprudential Background Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 5 (2):126-145 (Scopus Indexed)
- 2007: Most Favoured Nation Treatment under the General Agreement on Trade in Services Published in the Manchester Journal of International Economic Law vol. 4 (2): 59-87. (Scopus Indexed)
- National Accountability of International Business: Indian Developments (Co-authored with Prof. Anil Kr. Rai) Business Law Review Vol 36 (2): 72-77
- 2016: State as Arbiter between Individual and the Market: Implications for Human Rights. Human Rights Law Journal (NLUO )Volume 1
- 2017: Antidumping Measures and the Most Favoured Nation Treatment Requirement. Foreign Trade Review 52 (4): 233-246 (UGC Care Journal)
- 2013: India’s Tryst with Independent Tribunals and Regulatory Bodies and Role of the Judiciary Journal of Indian Law Institute 55(2)215-227(UGC Care Journal)
- 2007: Imposition of Safeguard Measures and Unforeseen Developments. Foreign Trade Review Vol XLI (4) :48-69 (UGC Care Journal)
- 2000: Trade Related Investment Measures Under the WTO: A Study Indian Journal of International Law Vol. 41(3): 435-476.
- (2002): From Bilateral to Multilateral Investment Treaties. Foreign Trade Review, Vol. xxxvi. (3&4):66-119. (UGC Care Journal)
- 2004: Electronic Commerce and the General Agreement on Trade in Services. Published in the Foreign Trade Review XXXVIII N(3&4): 79-104. (UGC Care Journal)
- 2001: National Treatment under the General Agreement on Trade in Services. Indian Bar Review 28(4): 147-200.
- Determination of Injury in Antidumping Cases in India. SEBI & Corporate Laws 39(5):75.
- 2002: Hart’s Concept of Law and the Indian Constitution. 2SCC(Jour) 1-14
- 2001: Natural Law and the Indian Constitution. Indian Bar Review Vol. 28 (2&3): 201-220
- Social and Conceptual Background to the Policy of Reservation. Economic and Political Weekly Vol. XXXVII (42): 4309-4318. (Scopus Indexed)
- Harmonising Interest and Efficiency: A Study of Corporate Structure. Published in vol. 49 SEBI & Corporate Law Part V, p. 61-83 (Magazine).
- Role of Management in Take-overs. Published in SEBI & Corporate Laws 34(7):116-121.
- 2019: Agreement on Trade Facilitation in Services: A Feasible Agenda? In Sheela Rai & Jane K. Winn (ed.) Trade Facilitation and the WTO Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 234-257.
- 2019: Prelude to the Trade Facilitation Agreement: GATT Jurisprudence on Trade Facilitation Co-authored with Eluckiaa A., and Kapil Sharma in Trade Facilitation and the WTO Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019: 1-24.
- 2017: Commercialisation and Globalisation of Higher Education in India: The Need for Social Audit in Ayan Hazra (ed.) Society and Law: An Exploration across Disciplines Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 31-46.
- 2005: India and Competition Policy: A Step Towards Liberalisation and a Step Back from Globalisation.( Co-authored with Ms. Alice Pham). Published in WTO and Indian Economic Policy Reforms(ed.)V.B.Jugale,Serial Publications, New Delh; 3-85.
- 2005: India’s Initiatives and Opposition Within WTO: A Study Focusing on the Singapore Issues Published in Globalisation and World Economic Policies (Edited by Prof. Clem Tisdell Professor of Economics, Queensland University, Australia).
- WTO and Developing Countries: Are Countries such as India, Disadvantaged? Published in Prof Clem Tisdell (ed.) Poverty, Poverty Alleviation and Social Disadvantage Serial Publications, New Delhi:173-192.
International Seminars
- State and Market: A Collaboration for Social Justice Critical Legal Conference 4-6 September 2014 Organised by University of Sussex, Brighton (UK)
- The Causal Link Debate International Trade and Academic Research Conference held in London 4th to 5th November 2013. Organised by Academy of Business Studies. Awarded best paper of the session.
- Reforming the WTO Dispute Settlement System Paper Presented in International Conference on Law and Justice 2013 held 24th and 25th June 2013 in Colombo Srilanka. Organised by International Centre for Research and Development.
- Antidumping Measures in India: A Reflection on the Role of the State and Globalisation Presented in the Fourth biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law-Asia and International Law in the Twenty First Century Organised jointly by the Asian Society of International Law and Indian Society of International Law in Delhi, 14-16 November, 2013.
- Liberalisation of Higher Education Services: Challenges and Opportunities for India, Paper presented in International Seminar organised by Law Department North Bengal University, Siliguri 26th and 27th November 2011 on Privatisation of Higher Education and Entry of Foreign Universities in India: Legal Challenges
- Linking Cyber to Soil paper presented in International Conference on Access to Legal and Research in Digital Age Organised by National Law University, Delhi between Feb. 29th and 2nd March 2012. Published in conference proceedings ISBN 978-81-923638-3-7
- Overview of WTO Invited Lecture Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (Kolkata) in workshop on WTO: Some Basic Issues on January, 31st 2008.
- Protection of Domestic Industries and Consumers’ Interest in National Seminar on Consumerism: Challenges and Possibilities organised by Hidayatullah National Law University Raipur 27th and 28th December 2008.
- Regulation and Globalisation of Higher Education Services in India in National Seminar on Challenges to human Development in National Seminar organised by Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Trivandrum, Kerala, January 24-25, 2009.
- Environment, Trade and Development in National Seminar on impact of Polluted Environment and Global Warming on Agriculture UGC sponsored National seminar organised by Faculty of Agriculture, B.S.M. P.G. College, Roorkee, (Hardwar) Uttarakhand on 3 to 5 December 2010.
- Trade Remedy Measures and Social Justice in National Seminar on Social Justice, Indian Constitution and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar organised by Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow on 14th April 2011.
- Trade in Energy Services and Sustainable Use of Energy in National Conference organised by NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad on April 9-10, 2011.
- Independent Tribunals and Role of Judiciary Paper presented in UGC Sponsored National Conference on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution in India organised by Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur on 24th- 25th March, 2012
- Group Politics in India: A Source of Many Maladies National Conference on Electoral Reforms 9-10 June 2012. Organised by MATS University, Raipur.
- “Study of Land Legislations in Relation to Tea Industry in Select States”- Project given by the Tea Board of India to NUJS
- “Land Reforms and Corporatisation of Agriculture” sponsored by UNDP to NUJS
Other Articles/ Papers
- Safeguard Measures E-PG Pathshala (Law: International Trade Law)
- Post-Modernism and Law E-PG Pathshala (Law: Advanced Jurisprudence)
- Lon.L.Fuller E-PG Pathshala (Law: Advanced Jurisprudence)
- Critical Legal Studies E-PG Pathshala (Law: Advanced Jurisprudence)
- Theft, Extortion and Robbery E-PG Pathshala (Law: Substantive Criminal Law)
- Group Liability in the Indian Penal Code: Common Object and Common Intention E-PG Pathshala (Law: Substantive Criminal Law)
- Illegal Foreign Trade E-PG Pathshala (Criminology: Socio-Economic Crimes)
- Foreign Contribution Manipulations E-PG Pathshala (Criminology: Socio-Economic Crimes)
- Safeguard Measures Under WTO Published on www. esocialsciences.com(http://www.esocialsciences.com/articles/displayArticles.asp?Article_ID=1126)
- NOVARTIS vs. Union of India: Some Lessons Published on www.esocialsciences.com(http://www.esocialsciences.com/articles/displayArticles.asp?Article_ID=1197)
- Dumping and Antidumpingwww.centad.org/relatedinfo13.asp
- Doctrine of Precedent in WTO Published onwww.esocialsciences.com/articles/display/Articles.asp?Article_ID=787
- Reservation/Set Asides in Services in India and the USA Published onwww.scconline.com, (2004) PL Web Jour.19.
- Anti-dumping Duty-Revocation and Review-A Critique of DRAMS Case. Published in Excise Law Times 15 may(2002).
- Twenty Five years of National Law Universities Practical Lawyer September 2012
- Restrictive and Unfair Trade Practice: Where stands the Consumer? (Handbook, written along-with Mahavash Saeed Qureshi and GauravSaroliya ). Published by Consumer Unity and Trust Society, Jaipur
- ‘Power or Law What Governs Trade Rules’ Deccan Herald (January 9, 2019)
- ‘Trade Regime is Splintering’ Deccan Herald (April 1, 2019)
- ‘Investment Facilitation: What Might We Be Led Into’ Deccan Herald (July 11, 2019)
- ‘Trade Bilateralism Needs Multilateralism’ Deccan Herald (February 17, 2020)
- ‘Poor But Developed or Rich Yet Developing’ Deccan Herald (March 10, 2020)
- ‘RCEP’: More was Needed Deccan Herald (November 26, 2020).