About Mr . M Vijay Bhaskar
Mr M Vijay Bhaskar has joined National Law University, Odisha on July 2023. He has presented his research papers in numerous International and National seminars. He has also several publications to his credit. He has also qualified NET and All India Bar Examination. His areas of interest are Child Rights, Cyber Laws and Victimology and Penology. He has keen interest in the interface between Law and Spirituality particularly the significance of spirituality in enacting laws, its interpretation and its enforcement.
Research Interest:
Child Rights and Cyber Laws
Subjects Taught:
Child Rights, Cyber Laws, Victimology Penology, Law of Contract, Interpretation of Statutes, IPR, Personal Laws, etc
- M.Sc Value Education & Spirituality – 2018 Annamalai University
- LLM – 2014, P G Dept of Law, Utkal University, Vani Vihar
- BALLB (HONS) – 2012 (University Law College, Bhubaneswar, Utkal University)
- Publications
- “ Jurisprudential Dimension Of Justice” published in White Black Legal International Law Journal, Volume 2 Issue 14 (2023), ISSN- 2581 8503
- “ Rights of Elderly People : Legal Framework In India” published in International Journal of Law Management & Humanities Volume 5,Issue 3(2022) pages 38-46, ISSN- 2581 5369
- “Barriers to Access to justice for rape Survivors in India’’ published in International Journal of Legal Science & Innovation Volume 4, Issue 2 (2022), Pages: 286 – 295, ISSN – 2581 9453
- “Refugees in the Host County And Right to work” published in Refugees and Human Rights Edited by Prof Dr Binay Ku Das ULC, Utkal University, ISBN -9788195149445
- “Human Rights Issues and Media” published in Human Rights Under the Constitution of India Edited by A R Pradhan & Dr Rashmi, ISBN- 9789390889068
- “Role of Media in National Development” published in Media and Human Rights Edited by Prof Dr Binay Ku Das ULC, Utkal University, ISBN-9788195149438
- “The Fundamental Right to Health” published in Quarterly Pragnya, Journal of Social Sciences, in Vol-7, Issue No.3, March 2017, ISSN-2229-4864.
- “Medical Negligence Vis a Vis Remedies” published in Quarterly Pragnya, Journal of Social Sciences, in Vol-7, Issue No. 2 December 2016, Page No.49
International Seminar
- Paper presented on the theme :E governance :Issues and challenges at International Seminar on Law & Society Organised by Institute for Social Development & Research, Gari Howar, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 9th ,10th and 11th March,2019.
- Paper presented on Refugee’s Right to work in the Host Country at International Seminar on Global Refugee Crisis: A Multidisciplinary Humanitarian Approach Organised by University Law Cullege, Bhubaneswar, 27 & 28th April 2109
- Paper presented on the theme Tribal Livelihood and Sustainability at International Seminar on Environmental Sustainability and Tribal Development Organised by South Asian Institute of Advanced Research & Development (SAIARD) And Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneswar. 23rd & 24th November, 2019.
- Paper presented on sub theme “Rule of Ethics in Legal Profession at the National and International Sphere” at International Seminar on Legal Interpretations of Professional Misconduct in India : A Multidisciplinary Approach organised by Faculty of Legal Studies SOA National Institute of Law; Siksha O Anusandhan Deemed to University, 23rd & 24th November, 2019
- Paper presented on the sub theme “Access to Justice for Rape Survivors in India” at International Conference on 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development : Issues and Challenges organised by Madhusudan Law Cullege, Cuttack, Utkal University, 8th to 9th Feb ,2019
National Seminar
- Paper presented on the topic “Rights of Indigenous People in India” at National Seminar on “Human Rights in 21st century :Changing Dimensions” organised by Lingaraj Law Cullege, Berhampur, Ganjam, Odisha, 6th &7th March 2019.
- Paper presented on the topic “Constitutional and Legal Framework for Protection of Human Rights of Tribals at National Seminar on State, Civil Society and Public Pulicy : Towards Tribal Development in India organised by Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (Deemed to be University)Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 29th& 30th March 2019.
- Paper presented on the topic “Using Empirical Methods for Legal Research” at 4th National Culloquium on Legal Research organised by Rajiv Gandhi Schoul of IPR Law, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, 15th &16th March, 2019.
- Paper presented on the topic “Child Pornography in India: Issues & Challenges” at National Seminar on Child rights: Issues and Challenges organised by M.S Law Cullege, Cuttack, Utkal University, 9th March, 2019.
- Paper presented on the topic “Comparative Analysis on Traditional Contract and Online Contract” at World Bank OHEPEE Sponsored National Seminar on Online Contract : Legal Issues & Challenges organised by PG Dept Of Law Utkal University ,Vani Vihar, 1st March,2019.
- Paper presented on the topic “An Assessment of Judicial Law Making: A constitutional Approach” at National Seminar on Impact Assessment of Judicial Verdict in India organised by L R Law Cullege, Sambalpur ,Odisha, 27th and 28th January 2019.
- Paper presented on the topic “The Rights of Transgender Seeking a New Breakthrough” at National Seminar on the Rights of LGBTs in India : A New Perspective organised by Pravas Manjari Law Cullege, Keojhar,Odisha, 10th and 11th November 2018.
- Paper presented on the topic “Rights of Transgenders :Its Viulation, Demand and Expansion” at National Seminar on Rights of Transgender : Issues and Challenges organised by Dept of LLM, University Law Cullege, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 18th March 2018
- Paper presented on the topic “ Rights of Elderly People : Legal Framework In India at National Seminar on Rights of Elderly Persons in India : Legal Issues and Remedies organised by P G Dept of Law, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Paper presented on the theme “Consumer Protection vis a vis Medical Services” at National Seminar on Consumer Protection and Corporate Social Responsibility organised by L R Law Cullege, Sambalpur ,Odisha.
- Paper presented on the theme “Cyber and Internet Security” at National Seminar on Cyber Crime and Cyber Security organised by M S law Cullege, Cuttack, Odisha, 28th February 2018.
- Paper presented on the theme “Corruption in Public Office and Legal Remedies” at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Corruption in Public Office & Legal Remedies organised by University law Cullege, BBSR in cullaboration with G M Law Cullege, Puri ,Odisha, 25th February 2018.
- Paper presented on the theme ” Constitutional Ethos and Human Values” at National Seminar on Constitutional Values in the 21st Century organised by L R Law Cullege, Sambalpur ,Odisha, 27th and 28th January 2018.
- Paper presented on the theme “International Response to Trafficking” at UGC sponsored National Seminar on the Trafficking in Women & Children in India organised by University Law Cullege, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Odisha, 19th & 20th January ,2018
- Paper presented on the theme “Human Rights: Issues & challenges” at National Seminar on Human Rights organised by Madhusudan Law Cullege, Utkal University, Cuttack, 7th April 2017
- Paper presented on the theme “Forest Rights Act 2006: Issues and Controversies” at National Seminar on Tribal Rights of Indigenous People Organised by Madhusudan Law Cullege, Utkal University, Cuttack, 29th March 2017.
- Paper presented on the theme “Rule of Media in Protection of Human Rights” at National Seminar on Rule of Media in Protection of Human Rights organised by LL.M Dept (HR) of University Law Cullege, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 18th March 2017.
- Paper presented on the Theme “Surrogacy in India: Problem and Law” at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Surrogacy in India: Problem and Law organised by University Law Cullege, BBSR in Cullaboration with G.M. Law cullege, Puri, Odisha, 28th & 29th March 2011
- Participated in Webinar on Environmental Governance: The Legal Logjam Organised by Centre for Environmental Law, Pulicy Research, and NLU Delhi June,2022
- Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights organised by Schoul of Law ,Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar on 4th Sep 2019
- National Consultative Conclave on Ending Child Marriages In India: Moving from Law to Justice” SOA National Institute of Law (Faculty of Legal Studies) in Cullaboration with People’s Cultural Centre (PECUC), on 16th August 2018.
- National Workshop on Developing LLB Curriculum in India Today organised by Schoul Of Law, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar in cullaboration with All India Law Teachers Congress on 18th & 19th Nov 2017.
- UGC Sponsored Workshop on Legal Professional Skill Development organised by P.G Dept of Law, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar on 25th march 2017
No Data
Overall Experience Internship Experience:
- Worked as an Intern at Orissa Human Rights Commission, 2009
- Worked as an Intern at Industrial Development Corporation of Orissa Ltd (IDCOL)., 2010
- Worked as an Intern at Orissa Information Commission, 2011
Industrial Experience:
- Worked as an Advocate in Civil and Criminal matters (2014 to 2017)
Teaching Experience:
- Worked as a Permanent Faculty at Capital law College, Bhubaneswar (2017 to 2023)
- Currently working as an Assistant Professor at NLUO since July 2023.
Examiner Experience:
- Assistant Examiner for Utkal University, Bhubaneswar for evaluating 3 yrs LLB and5 yrs BALLB answer scripts (2019 to 2023)
- External Examiner at Khurda Law College, Bhubaneswar (Internal Assessment(vice voce) of 5th Semester of 3yrs LLB(CBCS) Examination, Dec 2022, Utkal University )
- Assistant Examiner for Madhusudan Law University, Cuttack , 2022 for evaluating 3yrs LLB answer scripts
- Assistant Examiner for Fakir Mohan University for evaluating 5 yrs BALLB and LLM answer scripts, 2022,2023
Other experience :
- Acted as Presiding Officer and successfully conducted Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation Elections, 2022 for Ward 6 , Booth no 56 (Appointed by Odisha State Election Commission, Part time)
- Co convenor, Sri Hare Krushna Mahatab Memorial Moot Court Competition, 2022 organised at Capital Law College, Bhubaneswar
Training undergone
- Skill Development Training Programme (IT Skill & Soft Skill) organised by Orissa Computer Application Center, 2009
- “Short Course on Empirical Methods in Legal Research” under the Global Initiative of Academic Network (GIAN) organised by Prof Theodore Eisenberg Centre for Empirical Legal Research and Centre for Criminology & Victimology in association with Asian Law Institute (ASLI), Singapore, at National Law University, New Delhi 2017
- One week Online Short Term Course on Outcome Based Legal Education and Research organised by National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam and IQAC and NLUJA,2023.
Faculty Development Programme
- Teachers Training Programme on Environmental Laws, organised by Centre for Environmental Law, and Policy and Research, National Law University, Delhi under the aegis of National Academy of Law, 2018.
- Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology For Decision Science organised by PJ College of Management and Technology, Kesora, Bhubaneswar,2018
- Faculty Development Programme on New Approaches to Teaching and Learning organised by Astha School of Management, Bhubaneswar, 2019
- Teaching and Learning in General Programs : TALG organised by National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and All India Council for Technical Education
- Five Day online Faculty Development Programme organised by Amity Law School ,Kolkata “ On Use of AI and Technology in the Administration Of Justice- A Paradigm Shift in the 21st Century, 2023
Resource Person
- Conducted classes on Criminology and Special Acts in Induction Programme of Newly recruited Asst Jailors at Mahatma Gandhi Academy of Prisons and Correctional Services, Govt of Odisha, 2021-2022
- Conducted classes on Criminology and Special Acts in Induction Programme of Newly recruited Asst Jailors at Mahatma Gandhi Academy of Prisons and Correctional Services, Govt of Odisha, 2023
Awards and Recognition:
- Runners up Inter Semester Moot Court Competition for the session 2009-10 held at University Law College, Bhubaneswar.
- Represented University Law College in numerous Inter College and Inter Department Cricket Tournaments.
- Runners Up Inter Integrated Cricket Championship, 2007-08, Utkal University.
- Player of the Match (Semi Final of Inter Integrated Cricket Championship, 2008-09, Utkal University,)
- Winner Inter Department Cricket Tournament, 2008-09 organised by PG Athletic Committee, Utkal University.
- Winner Inter Integrated Cricket Championship,2008-09, Utkal University
- Winner Inter Semester Cricket Championship, University Law College,2010-2011
- Winner Inter Semester Cricket Championship, University law College, 2011-12
- Captain , University Law College Cricket Team, 2011-12
- Member Student Editorial Committee, University Law College, Bhubaneswar