About Dr. Rishika Khare
I have been teaching for almost eight years. My career started with working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Law, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore in 2016. Thereafter, I joined NLUO in 2018 and have been working here ever since. Throughout my teaching career, I have particularly enjoyed teaching the subjects of Service Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional Governance and Civil Liberties. My PhD is in the area of Climate Change and Waste Management. Currently, I am also exploring my research interest in the area of Public Health and Tobacco Control policies. Apart from work, I am putting in efforts to become a zero-waste person, though it’s a long and tough process! I love composting at home and I am an advocate for environmental consciousness and slow fashion.
PhD (National Law University Odisha – 2023)
UGC NET & JRF (2018)
LLM (Edinburgh School of Law, University of Edinburgh, UK – 2016)
BALLB (Hons.) (Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law – 2015)
- P. Singhal v. Union of India: The Case of Missed Opportunities and Limiting Judicial Review’ (2024) 13(1) NUJS IJLPR 102-111 (with Ms. Kriti Srivastava)
- ‘Environmental Burden Created by the Tobacco Industry’ Grow Food Not Tobacco: Tobacco Crops Lead to Less Food on Table (Generation Saviour Association, 2023)
- ‘Caste and Class Struggle in the Informal Waste Sector of India’ NLU Assam Law Review (Vol. VI, 2022)
- ‘Fallacies of Justice in the International Climate Change Regime: Looking at India’s Interests’ Nirma University Law Journal (Vol. XI, Issue II, July 2022)
- ‘Increasing Political Interference in the Functioning of Enforcement Directorate’ in Yogesh Pratap Singh & Afroz Alam, Institutional Decline in the Neo-Liberal Regime: Notes from India(Thompson Reuters, 2022)
- ‘Flow of Sexual Trafficking Victims from the Source to Market and the Responsible Participants’ in Ranjana Patel, Manisha Singhai & Punit Kumar Dwivedi, Global Leadership Through Innovation Entrepreneurship and Good Governance (Bookwell 2018)
- ‘RERA: A Step towards Good Governance and Accountability in Real Estate Sector’ Status Paper released at the 12th International Conference on ‘Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Good Governance for Global Leadership’ organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore on 10th & 11th February, 2018. (with Ms. Ritupriya Gurtoo)
- ‘Benefits that a Zemiological Approach can bring to the Study of Global Crime and Insecurity’ Int. Res. J. Social Sci., (Vol. 5 (5) 2016)
- ‘Judicial Response to Protection of Refugee Rights’ in Human Rights: Indian and International Perspective in the 21st Century(February 2015)
Paper Presentations
- ‘Predicaments of Female Migrant Workers: An Understanding of Push and Pull Factors in the Context of Odisha’ at the International Conference on “Universal Values & National Realities: Exploring UDHR in the Indian Context” organised by University Law College, Utkal University on 6th and 7th April 2024 in Bhubaneswar (with Dr. Sohini Mahapatra & Ms. Nikita Pattajoshi)
- ‘Consumerism, Public Consciousness and Climate Change Adaptation’ presented at the International Conference on Law and Social Transformation, organised by School of Law, Alliance University, Bangalore on March 26, 2022.
- ‘Policy Transition for Climate Change and the Indore Model of Municipal Solid Waste Management’ presented at the XVII International Conferences on Assimilation and Transformation in Business, Entrepreneurial and Social Practices for Leaping into the Future, organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research on 19th and 20th February, 2022.
- ‘Flow of Sexual Trafficking Victims from the Source to Market and the Responsible Participants’ presented at the two-day 11th International Conference on ‘Developing Competencies and Skills for Global Competitiveness’ organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore on 4th & 5th February, 2017.
- ‘Immoral Trafficking of Women: The Inadequacies of Indian Legislation’ presented at the National Seminar on ‘A World in Transition: New Challenges for Women Empowerment’ organized by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab in association with The Indian Council of Social Science Research, North-Western Regional Centre, Chandigarh on 22nd February 2014.
- ‘Relevance of Political Science to International Law: Violation of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law of Women’ presented at the ‘Two Day International Multidisciplinary Congress on Political Science and Global Governance’ organized by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law in sponsorship with Indian Council for Social Sciences Research, Punjab on 26-27th March, 2011.
- ‘Public Policy Making & Rural Development’ presented at a two-day National Seminar on ‘Public Policy Making and Good Governance in India’ organized by DAV College, Naneola in sponsorship with Higher Education Commissioner, Haryana on 11-12th February, 2011
- Participated in 3 Day National Workshop on Strengthening Enforcement of Tobacco Control Laws and Policies in India, organised by The Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, from 14-16 December2023 in Delhi
- Participated in 11th National Workshop on Implementation of MPOWER Policy in India organised The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease by from 11 to 14 April, 2023 in Kolkata, West Bengal.
- Participated in 3rd National Training Workshop on Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation of NTCP/MPOWER in the country and 3rd National Consultation on Implementation of WHO FCTC Article 5.3 organised by The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease from 18th to 22nd July 2022 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
- Online NLUO-LEDC SOAS Certificate Course on Climate Change organised by Centre for Research and Management of Natural Resources, National Law University Odisha in association with Law, Environment and Development Centre, SOAS University of London in October – November 2022.
- Online Training Programme on “Integration of Informal Workers in Solid Waste Management’ organised by Centre for Science and Environment (Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute) New Delhi from 29th July 2022 to 2nd August 2022.
- Two Week Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on Research Methodology and Data Analysis from 21st Feb. to 5th Mar. 2022 by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College under PMMNMTT scheme.
- One Month Orientation Programme (Aug, 2020 to September, 2020) – University Grants Commission Human Resource Development Centre, Gujarat University.
- Two Week Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology and Teaching Methods from 16th to 29th June 2021 by National Law University Odisha
- One Week Training Workshop on ‘Moodle and ICT Based Learning’ from 16th to 23rd March 2020 organised by National Law University Odisha
- Participated in the ‘National Workshop on Qualitative Methods in Legal Research with Special Focus on Atlas-Ti Application’ organized by National Academy of Law Teachers and National Law University Delhi from 24 Sept., 2018 to 26th September, 2018
- Participated in the 12th International Conference on ‘Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Good Governance for Global Leadership’ organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore on 10th & 11th February, 2018.
- Participated in a One Day Workshop on “Block Chain Technology & Crypto Currencies (Bitcoin) Need for Regulatory Framework” organized by Department of Law, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore on 9th March, 2018.
- Participated in a One Week “Teachers’ Training Programme on Jurisprudence” organized by National Law University, Delhi and National Academy of Law Teachers, NLU- Delhi from 15th to 19th December, 2017.
- Participated in a One Day Colloquium on “Murder and Culpable Homicide” organized by Department of Law, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore on 6th October, 2017.
- Participated in a One Day Workshop on “Consumer Protection Act, 1986” organised by Department of Law, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore on September 13, 2017.
- Participated in a One Day National Seminar on “Era of Rera” organised by National Real Estate Development Council, New Delhi and Department of Law, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore on August 22, 2017.
- Participated in a two-day Faculty Development Programme on ‘Role of Integral Education in Effective Teaching Learning Process’ organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore in association with Auropath: Sri Aurobindo Society on 25th and 25th May 2017.
- Participated in the two-day 11th International Conference on ‘Developing Competencies and Skills for Global Competitiveness’ organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore on 4th & 5th February, 2017.
- Participated in a two-day Regional Conference on ‘Juvenile Justice & Capacity Building to ensure proper Implementation of Law Relating to Child’ organized by Madhya Pradesh State Judicial Academy, Madhya Pradesh State Legal Services Authority, UNICEF M.P. with Juvenile Justice Committee, High Court of Madhya Pradesh on 26th and 27th November 2016.
- Attended a one-day International Conference on ‘Climate Change Policy after Paris’ organized by The Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow on 13 January 2016.
- Participated in a two-day International Multidisciplinary Congress on ‘Political Science and Global Governance’ organized by RGNUL and Indian Council of Social Science Research on 26-27 Mar 2011.
- Participated in a two-day National Seminar on ‘Public Policy Making and Good Governance in India’ organized by DAV College, Naneola and Higher Education Commissioner, Haryana on 11-12 February 2011.
Research Projects
- Project Coordinator (Balangir District, Odisha) on Social Mapping of Migrant Workers in Odisha (including the Household Survey of 187GPs to suggest policy measures to Prevent Distress Migration) 2024-2025. Project awarded by Department of Labour and ESI, Government of Odisha (Ongoing)
- Assistant Project Leader, ‘Global Tobacco Project’ from January 2024 to June 2025. Project awarded by Vital Strategies, New Delhi (Ongoing)
- Researcher, Project on Independent Critical Analysis of the Collegium System undertaken by National Law University Odisha in 2023-2024. (Ongoing)
- Assistant Project Leader for the Project on ‘Supporting stronger and evidence-based tobacco control initiatives through capacity building and strengthening laws, policies and institutional mechanisms with multi-stakeholder engagements towards tobacco-free India’ December 2022-December 2023. Project awarded by The International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. (Completed)
- Researcher for Project on Social Mapping of Migrant Workers in Odisha (including the Household Survey of 200GPs to suggest policy measures to Prevent Distress Migration) 2022-2023. Project awarded by Department of Labour and ESI, Government of Odisha (Completed)
- Report Writer for Project on ‘Social Protection of Women Migrant Workers of Odisha’ 2022-2023. Project awarded by National Commission for Women. (Completed)
- Co-Director, Centre for Public Health Law (2024-2025)
- Faculty Advisor, Constitutional Law Society, NLUO (2024-2025)
- Faculty Advisor, Cultural Committee (2024-2025)
- Member, Proctorial Board (2024-2025)
- Editor, NLUO Law Journal