About Dr. Shams Tanwi
Dr. Tanwi Shams joined National Law University Odisha as an Assistant Professor of Law in July 2023. Prior to that, she was working as a Research Associate of Law at National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam. She completed her Ph.D. from North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, and earned her MBA in Human Resource Management from Sikkim Manipal University. Dr. Tanwi acquired her Master of Laws in Intellectual Property and Technology Law from the National University of Singapore. In addition to her academic achievements, she has extensive experience in the banking sector, having worked in a government bank in Assam for over eight years before transitioning to academia.
Subjects Taught :
- Intellectual Property Law
- Biotechnology Law
- Human Rights Law
- International Criminal Law
- Transfer of Property Laws
- Disability Law
- Ph.D. in Law, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya
- Master of Laws in Intellectual Property and Technology Law, National University of Singapore.
- MBA(HRM), Sikkim Manipal University
- BA.LLB. (Hons), Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University
Representative Publications
- April 2024 : Published a paper titled “Upholding Human Dignity: Exploring the Legal Foundations of Human Rights as Jus Cogens Norms” in UGC Care listed Journal JUNI KHYAT published in Vol 14, Issue 4, No. 3 , ISSN 2278-4632, (Page 130-136)
- May 2023: Published a paper titled “Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities in India: The Legal Framework and Remedies” in UGC Care listed Journal JUNI KHYAT published in Vol 13 Issue 5 No. 4 , ISSN 2278-4632, (Page 6-9).
- April 2323: Published a paper titled “Gene Editing in Human Reproduction: The Ethical Regulation” published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, Vol 10 Issue 2 , E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138, (Page 495-499), UGC Journal No- 43602.
- January -March, 2021: Published a paper titled “ Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in India: Issues and Challenges” published in UGC-CARE listed journal Shodh Sarita , Vol 8, Issue 29, ISSN 2348-2397 (Page 66-71).
- January – March, 2021 : Published a paper titled “Legal Safeguards for Inclusive Education of Children with Special Needs in India” published in UGC-CARE listed journal Shodh Sanchar Bulletin , Volume 11, Issue, 41, ISSN 2229-3620 (Page 51-55).
Book Chapters
- Protecting Privacy: Balancing Efficiency with HumanRrights in Artificial Intelligence Based Online Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the book titled Artificial Intelligence, Law & Ethics. (ISBN: 978-81-97669-80-4)
- Triple Talaq Bill : An analysis in the book titled “ An Anthropology on Triple Talaq in India” co-authored with Dr. Arun Kumar Singh, Associate Professor of Law, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong ( ISBN: 978-93-87229-80-8)
- Empowerment of Women with Disabilities: Issues and Challenges in the book titled “ Women, Law and Society”. (ISBN: 978-93-87294-35-6)
Conference/Seminar/ Workshops:
- April 26-27, 2024 : Presented a paper titled “ Legal Remedies of Disability Discrimination in the Workplace: A Comparative Analysis of Juridical Approaches” in the two days National Conference on “ Empowering the Persons with Disabilities and Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equality” organized by VVM’s Govind Kare College of Law, Margoa, Goa.
- January 18-19, 2024: Presented a paper titled “ The Marrakesh Treaty: Copyright Flexibilities for Accessibility and Reproduction of Published Works for the Visually Impaired in the sixth IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference organized by IPIRA Network in collaboration with World Intellectual Property Organization held at Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- January 3-4, 2024: Participated in the International Conference “ DiversAsia International Conference on Inclusive Education, DiversAsia Toolkit, Accessibility Checker, and Best Practices, organized by Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
- March 13-14, 2023: Presented a paper titled “ Geographical Indication and its impact on Agricultural sector : Issues and Challenges ” in the two day National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights: Emerging Trends and Challenges” organized by IPR Cell, North- Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya.
- August 31st -1st September, 2022: Presented a paper titled “ Empowerment of Women with Disabilities: The ignited glow of hope in the evil of darkness ” in the National Seminar on “ Human Rights & Gender Justice: Issues, Perspective and Challenges”, organised by Digboi Mahila Mahavidyalaya.
- January 20, 2020 : Presented a paper titled “Women with Disabilities in India: Is it a double edged sword? ” in the International Conference on “ Exploring Titanic Shifts in the Human Rights Paradigm After the United Nations Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities” held on 20th January 2020 organized by Equal Opportunity cum Enabling Cell, ILS Law College, Pune in collaboration with Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds.
- January 23rd -24th, 2019 : Presented a paper titled “ Legal Safeguards for Inclusive Education of Children with special needs ”, in the National Seminar on “Child Rights in India : Issues and Challenges”, organised by Digboi Mahila Mahavidyalaya.
- January 12th , 2019 : Presented a paper titled “ Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in India : Issues and Challenges ” in the International Seminar on “Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges”, organised by Law Mantra, New Delhi.
- October 27th and 28th, 2018 : Presented a paper titled “ Social Inclusion of Physically Disabled Persons: Myth or Reality? ” in the National Seminar on “New Paradigms in Disability Studies and Health Laws: Meta-Narratives and Realities ”, organised by National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.
- March 15th , 2018 : Presented a paper titled “Educational Rights of Children with Special Needs: A way forward to Inclusive Education,” at the International seminar on Recent Advances in Educational Psychology, held at the North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya.
No Data
- August 12-12, 2024 : Completed one week Capacity Building Programme on POSH Act, organized by Kashmir Law College and Pro Bono India.
- May 20-25 , 2024 : Participated in the Online Faculty Development Program on “ Outcome Based Education” organised by Mangalmay Institute of Management and Technology.
- November 15-19 , 2024 : Participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Teaching and Research Methodology” organised by National Law University Odisha
- April 19th – 23rd , 2023 : Attended one week short term course on “Outcome-Based Legal Education and Research” organised by National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.
- March 28th, 2023: Conducted Redressability Workshop: Addressing Acquired Disability Claims under the MACT in collaboration with District Legal Service Authority and Centre for Disability Studies and Health Laws of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.
- April 26, 2024 : Invited as a Resource Person to deliver a lecture on “Consumer Dispute Redressal Agencies under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 by VIT School of Law, Chennai.
- March 13, 2024: Invited as a Chair Person in the two day International Conference (Online) on Optimizing Intellectual Property Rights in the Globalized World and Unleashing the Emerging Challenges in the Corporate World on organized by Dr. R.K.B. Law College on March 13 and 14, 2024.
- March 02: 2024: Invited as a Judge in 1st Edition of Moot Court Competition organized by Dr. R.K. B Law college, Dibrugarh.
- December 16, 2023: Invited as a Resource Person to deliver a lecture on “ Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities” in the one week online faculty development programme organized by Dr. R.K.B Law College, Dibrugarh.
- January 10th -12th , 2019 : Invited as a Resource Person in the three days awareness programme on “Inclusive Education” sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi under the research project entitled “ Effect of Intervention Strategies on the level of Awareness of Elementary Education towards Inclusive Education” at the Department of Education, Dibrugarh University.
- Director, Centre for Disability Law and Advocacy
- Co-Director, Centre for Child Rights
- Additionally she is the member of Administrative Committees such as Health and Wellness Committee, Competitive Exam Guidance Committee, Election Committee, Social Media Committee, Fee-Extension Committee and Library Committee