About Dr. Mrinalini Banerjee
Dr. Mrinalini Banerjee is currently an Assistant Professor at National Law University, Odisha (NLUO), having previously taught at Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar. She completed her undergraduate studies in International Law Honors at KIIT School of Law, followed by a Masters in Transnational Law at King’s College London, where she received the Goodenough Commonwealth Scholarship for the 2016-2017 session. Dr. Banerjee earned her PhD from Gujarat National Law University, focusing on the legal rights of climate refugees. She also undertook additional academic courses at SOAS, University of London, and participated in the summer school at The Hague Academy of International Law. She has successfully qualified the UGC-NET and AIBE exams. Dr. Banerjee has been recognized with numerous grants, projects, and scholarships. In 2020-2021, she served as a researcher at The Hague Academy of International Law, where she was the only Indian among 34 participants worldwide. She also undertook a consultancy project in Environmental Law in 2021 and received project funding from NUJS Kolkata and NLUO. Dr. Banerjee has been awarded grants from the Asian Development Bank in 2016, along with scholarships from the Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) in 2019 and 2022, and the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law in 2019. Her scholarly contributions are extensive and have been published in various indexed journals.
- Ph.D in Law – Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar
- Masters of Law – King’s College London, United Kingdom
- BA LLB – Kiit School of Law, Bhubaneswar
Scopus / Web-of Science Indexed
- Dr. Ananya Chakraborty and Dr. Mrinalini Banerjee, ‘Women Participation in Police Force: A Study of Odisha, Jharkhand, and West Bengal” in Indian Journal of Law and Justice (ISSN: 0976-3570), (Vol. 15 No. 01). (Scopus-Indexed)
- Dr. Mrinalini Banerjee, Dr. Abhay Singh and Dr. S. Shanthakumar, ‘India on Track to Plastic Waste Management – A Diversity of Challenges and Regulatory Innovations in NDIEAS-2024 proceedings published by Atlantis Press, Springer Nature, https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/ndieas-24/126000694, DOI 10.2991/978-2-38476-255-2_35 (Web of Science).
- Dr. S. Shanthakumar, Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee and Ms. Ambika Batas, ‘Ground Water Management in Gujarat: An Empirical Study’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012022 , (2021). (Scopus-Indexed)
- Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee, Dr. S. Shanthakumar, ;Analysing the Legal Rights of the Climate Refugees during COVID-19 Pandemic in India: Challenges to International Law, Asian Journal of Legal Education, https://doi.org/10.1177/23220058221098027 (2022). (Scopus-Indexed)
- Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee, Dr. S. Shanthakumar; International and National Policies on Organic
Agriculture, in an edn. book titled, Transforming Organic Agri-Produce into Processed Organic Food Products: Challenges and Opportunities Post COVID 19; CRC Press, Taylor and Francis https://www.appleacademicpress.com/transforming-organic-agri-produce-into-processed-food- products-post-covid-19-challenges-and-opportunities/9781774911921 (2023) Hard ISBN: 9781774911921. (Scopus-Indexed).
- Deepak Kumar, S. Shanthakumar and Mrinalini Banerjee, Implementation of Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) from Biological Resources in the State of Gujarat, Asian Biotechnology and Development Review, Vol. 24 | No. 1 | March 2022, ISSN: 0972-7566 , https://ris.org.in/sites/default/files/2022-07/ABDR-March-2022.pdf. (2023) (Scopus-Indexed), (UGC- CARE- Indexed).
- Mrinalini Banerjee, Dr. S. Shanthakumar,;The Palestinian Refugees: A voice heard and unheard, Journal of Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Open Access Publication,https://oversea.onlinecnki.net/KNavi/JournalDetail2.html?DBCode=CJFD&BaseID=GLGL, https://tianjindaxuexuebao.com/0493-2137-tju-v54-i04/,
DOI:https://tianjindaxuexuebao.com/details.php?id=DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/WSB4A. (Scopus-Indexed).
- Mrinalini Banerjee, Dr. S. Shanthakumar, ‘Recognizing the social and cultural rights of the climate refugees: A case study of the Sundarban Delta (West Bengal, India), Indian Journal of Law and Justice, 2022 (ISSN:0976-3570). (2022) (Scopus – Indexed).
- Deepak Kumar, Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee et.al. Certification of Organic Agriculture and Trade Issues, in Transforming Organic Agri-Produce into Processed Food Products Post-COVID-19 Challenges and Opportunities, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis https://www.appleacademicpress.com/transforming-organic-agri-produce-into-processed-food-products-post-covid-19-challenges-and-opportunities/9781774911921 Hard ISBN: 9781774911921. (Scopus- Indexed)
UGC- CARE- Indexed
- S. Shanthakumar and Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee, ‘The Impact of Climate Change And Natural Disaster On Climate Refugees: A Case Study On The Sundarban Delta, ISSN: 0973-7596, National Human Rights Commission, INDIA, VOL. 21, 2022, (Inaugurated by Hon’ble President- Srimati Draupadi Murmur ji). (Received a payment of Rs. 5000 for contributing to the journal). (UGC- CARE- Indexed)
Peer Reviewed Journals
- Mrinalini Banerjee, Abhay Singh, Corporations, its Wrongdoings and State Instrumentality of Justice: A Comparative Study of United Kingdom & India, Vol. 13 Issue 2, Oct. 2023 at GNLU Journal of Law, Development and Politics.
- Mrinalini Banerjee, Establishment of Uniform Civil Code In A Democracy To Uphold Human Rights, Fiat Justitia, January, 2019, ISSN 2320-2696. (Peer Reviewed Journals Indexed, UGC Approved)
- Mrinalini Banerjee, Development in The UN Human Rights System Over 70 Years, Asian Journal of Advance Studies,Impact Factor 2.597, Vol.1V.NO.1, January-March, 2018, ISSN 2395-4965. (Peer Reviewed Journals Indexed, UGC Approved)
- Mrinalini Banerjee, Plastic A Man-Made Curse on Animals, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Impact Factor 4.916, April 2018, ISSN 2396-1990. (Peer Reviewed Journals Indexed, UGC Approved).
- Mrinalini Banerjee , Ms. Nandita Gugnani, Sustainable Development : A Conceptual Framework in A Handbook of International Environmental Law by Thomson Reuters, 978-93-95696-07-4 (Book Publications)
- Rangin Pallav Tripathy and Dr. Mrinalini Banerjee on the Electoral Bond Scheme available at:https://scroll.in/article/1063948/flaw-in-supreme-courts-electoral-bonds-verdict-leaves-room-for-another-similar-scheme-to-be-floated (2024)
- Selected to present a paper titled, ‘Evaluating the Impact of India’s Draft EIA 2020 Notification on Digital Participatory Environmental Governance: A Focus on the Expansion Project Through Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary and Mollem National Park, Goa’ at the International Conference on Environmental Justice, 2024 held on 31st August and 7th September, 2024, organized by Jindal Global Law School.
- Selected to present a paper titled, ‘Oil Spillage from the Deepwater Horizon Mancondo Oil Rigs: Lessons for India at the 21st IUCN AEL Colloquium organized by IUCN AEL and Gujarat National Law University on 05. 07.2024.
- Selected to present a paper titled, ‘Critically Analysing the Regulation Governing Air Pollution from Commercial Vessels at the 21st IUCN AEL Colloquium’ organized by IUCN AEL and Gujarat National Law University on 07. 07.2024
- Selected to present a paper titled, ‘Marine Protected Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: A Struggle for Global Legal Recognition’ in Two Day International Conference on “Navigating Institutional Responsibilities on Blue Economy towards Sustainable Management of Marine Living Resources in India and Canada” organized by Centre for Studies in Environmental and Natural Resources Law (CSENRL), TNNLU in association with Shastri Indo Canadian Institute (SICI) and Centre for Trade and Investment Laws (CTIL) of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) (21.03.2024 and 22.03.2024).
- Selected to present a paper titled, ‘Re-looking at Law School Curriculum from the Climate Justice Perspective: A Roadmap for Law Schools across India’ in International Workshop on Climate Justice Education in Law Schools, Faculty of Law, Leiden University, Netherlands and Christ University, Bengaluru (30 – 31 January, 2024)
- Selected to present a paper titled, ‘India on Track to banning single-used plastics – A pilot study of Diversity of Challenges and Regulatory Innovations’ at upcoming Two Days International Symposium on the New Dimensions and Ideas in Environmental Anthropology organised by Kiit School of Law, Bhubaneswar on 22.12.2024 – 23.12.2024.
- Selected to present a paper as a speaker at the Regional Conclave on Justice Education in Asia on the topic, ‘Social and Cultural Struggles Faced by Climate Refugees: Role of Environmental Legal Clinics’ organised by Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) and Bharati Vidhyapeeth (DU) on 12.01.2024 – 13.01.2024.
- Selected to present a paper titled, ‘Examining Legislation and Policies in Context of India’s Green Hydrogen: An Environmental Perspective’ at the Two-Day International Hybrid Workshop on ‘Climate Change Consciousness in Law’ by School of Legal Studies Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala on 21.12.2023 – 22.12.2023.
- Selected to present a paper titled, ‘International Legal Recognition of Cross-Border Displacement Due to Climate Change Effects: A Case Study on The Sundarban Delta’ at the 12th Asia Pro Bono Conference a panel organised by Roya Institute on 03.12.2023.
- Selected to present a paper titled, ‘Protection of Marine Biodiversity in the Bay of Bengal’ at the CEERA Annual International Conference on Environmental Law, Policy, And Practice, 2023 organised by NLS Bangalore from 05.06.2023 till 07.06.2023.
- Selected to present a paper titled, ‘Analysing the Regulations Governing the Pollution from Seabed Activities and its Implementation Challenges’ at the Two- Day International Conference on “Environmental Rule of Law and Justice” organised by Himachal Pradesh National Law University from 03.06.2023 till 04.06.2023.
- Selected to present a paper titled ‘The Impact of Climate Change and Natural Disaster on
- Climate Refugees: A Case Study on the Sundarban Delta’ organised by the National Institute of Disaster Management and Christ University in November 2022. (Best Paper Presentation Awarded)
- Selected to Present a paper titled, ‘Environmental Refugees: Status, Legal Impasse; in the State in the Sundarban Delta’ at The IUCN Academy Annual Colloquium, 2019 in Malaysia.
- Lead Presenter of a paper titled, ‘The real victims of Cyclone Fani: Status, Legal Impasse; Atrocities faced due to castism by minorities in Odisha in the face of Humanitarian Crisis reflects lack of justice education’ at the 10th GAJE Worldwide Conference at Bandung, Indonesia.
- Represented Roya Institute of Global Justice as a lead presenter in the Asia Pro Bono Virtual Conference and Access to Justice Exchange, 2020 Pro Bono in a Transitioning Environment on the topic, Climate Apartheid, Corona Pandemic, Poverty: The legal Community’s Mission in Dealing with these phenomena from 24th – 28th September 2020.
- Invited as a panelist for the Global Legal Issues Seminar organized by Exco Academic & Leadership Perundang and Faculty of Law UKM, Malaysia, 11 December, 2021.
- Registered to participate in Cambridge University Arbitration Day along with ICC YAP Practitioners event at Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, March, 2017.
- ‘Non-Conventional Trademarks: Analyzing the Nascent Growth of Trademark Registration’ in Colloquium Opus, National Conference on Intellectual Property Rights at National Law University Odisha, Cuttack, 2014.
- “A World Free From The Shackles Of War- The Triumph of Human Rights” in Rajiv Gandhi National Law University, Patiala.
- “Rights Without Frontiers – Empower the women and the Girl Child” in The Centre for Canadian Studies, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2015.
- “Underground water Contamination- A Persistent Environmental Challenge” in Shri Moti Lal Ji Pagariya Memorial 3rd Global Seminar On Green Law, Environment and The Climate Change, 2015.
- Received a consultancy of 2000 USD from Asian Development Bank for Strengthening the Capacity for Environmental and Climate Change Laws in Asia and the Pacific – South Asian Research Colloquium. (Completed)
- Secured a year-long Research position at the Hague Academy of International Law, Centre for Studies and Research: https://www.hagueacademy.nl/programmes/centre-for- studies-and-research-online/for a year from September 1st, 2020 and June 1st, 2021, on the topic of Epidemics and International Law. No registration fees are to be paid and all the costs are being borne by the Academy. (Completed)
- Received a long-term project of Rs.5,00,000 from The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) as a Co-Investigator on the project titled, ‘Evaluation of Old Age Homes under the ‘Abadana’ Scheme: A Study in Odisha’. (On-going)
- Received a funding of Rs. 2,00,000 from National Law University Odisha (NLUO) as a Co-Investigator on the project titled, ‘Climate Change Education in Law School Curriculum: A Study of National Law Schools in India’. (On-going)
- Member, as a Research Associate in a long-term project of Rs.5,00,000 from Ministry of Law and Justice on the project titled, ‘Role of Clinical Legal Education in improving the quality of legal education and increasing access to justice to the marginalised in the State of Gujarat’. (Completed)
- Secured a Research position at the Hague Academy of International Law, Centre for Studies and Research: https://www.hagueacademy.nl/programmes/centre-for- studies-and-research-online/ for a year from September 1st, 2020 and June 1st, 2021, on the topic of Epidemics and International Law. No registration fees are to be paid and all the costs are being borne by the Academy.
- Awarded the Best Paper award for presenting a paper titled, ‘Re-looking at law school curriculum from the climate justice perspective: A roadmap for law schools across India’ at International Workshop on Climate Justice Education in Law Schools organized by Faculty of Law at Leiden University, Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance, and Society (VVI), , the School of Law at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, and the Jusfocus Research Institute, Leiden, The Netherlands held on 30th and 31st January, 2024.
- Awarded the Best Paper award for Technical Session Five in a conference hosted by National Institute of Disaster Management and Christ University, Delhi on October, 2021.
- Secured a full scholarship of 510 USD to present my research article titled, ‘Environmental Refugees: Status, Legal Impasse & the State in the Sundarban Delta’ at the The IUCN Academy Annual Colloquium, 2019 in Malaysia
- Secured Global Justice for Justice Education (GAJE, 2019) scholarship to present a research article Titled, ‘Failure of the State responsibilities to rehabilitate the victims of Cyclone in Odisha and West Bengal’ and participate in the Train the Trainers Workshop at Bandung in Indonesia.
- Secured a full sponsorship from Asian Development Bank to attend the Train the Trainers Program for Environmental Law Teachers at Colombo.
- Goodenough Common Wealth Scholarship (2016-17) –full scholarship by the Trust award of 10,000 Pounds.
- Participated in a week long a week-long Faculty Development Program on Teaching and Research Methodology from 15th Nov – 19th Nov, 2023 organised by National Law University Odisha.
- Trained Mediator – April 2023 onwards – Completed a 40 hours Mediation Course organised by Delhi High Court Mediation Centre – Samadhan, Indian Law Institute and SAARC Law from 28.03.2023 till 1.04.2023.
- Karnataka State Law University, Seven days Faculty Development Program in Public Law – 3.08.2020 – 9.08.2020.
- Received Grant by Asian Development Bank, to attend the Train the Trainers Program in association with IUCN and the The Open University of Sri Lanka at Colombo on the topic ‘Regional Capacity Development Technical Assistance: ‘Strengthening the Capacity for Environmental and Climate Change Laws in Asia and the Pacific’ from 28.05.2018 till 01.06.2018.
- Received Grant to attend the Training-of-Trainers (TOT) workshop on practical aspects of implementing justice education, including clinical teaching methods from 9.12.2019 till 10.12. 2019.
- Selected by Hague Academy of International Law for Private International Law Summer Course from 31.07.2017 till 18.08.2017.
- Selected by SOAS, London, for an Academic course in NGOs and Social Movements: The Politics of Protest and Change from 03.07.2017 till 21.07.2017.
- Participated in a week long a week-long Faculty Development Program on European Union Law from 30.10.2017 till 3.10.2017 by Prof. (Dr.) Krystian Antoni Complak, Prof. of Constitutional Law, and University of Wroclaw, Poland.
- Participated in a week long a week-long Faculty Development Program on International Maritime Arbitration from 11th – 15th Sep, 2017 by Prof. Mohan Peiris.
- Participated in a week-long Faculty Development Program on Outcome-Based Education from 8th Jan till 11th Jan 2018.
- Successfully completed the 14th Summer Course on International Law conducted by the Indian Society of International Law (ISIL) with an A+ grade from 01.06. 2015 till 12.06.2015.
- Successfully completed a course on Public Policy conducted by the Center for Civil Society (fully sponsored).
- Successfully completed a course on GACC (General Arbitration Certificate Course) conducted by KCIA.