“‘National Online Consultation on Increasing the Minimum Legal Age for Buying Tobacco to 21 years.”

“‘National Online Consultation on Increasing the Minimum Legal Age for Buying Tobacco to 21 years.”

National Online Consultation


Increasing Minimum Legal Age of Buying Tobacco to 21 years


National Law University Odisha


National Law University of Odisha as a part of its Project on Tobacco Control Initiatives is organising an online national consultation for advancing effective tobacco control in India. ‘The title of the consultation is on Increasing minimum legal age of buying tobacco to 21 years’ on August 24, 2023 (Thursday) from 03:30 pm to 05:00pm.


The consultation sessions aims at providing an overview on the prevalence of different type of tobacco use among youth and its multidimensional impact, need and importance of increasing the minimum legal age of buying tobacco to 21 years, and role of all stakeholders in drafting the proposed amendment and develop the strategy to face challenges. The speakers and panellist for consultation program will include senior tobacco control expert, policy and advocacy expert and law representative. The participants of the consultation will include, Judges, senior law practitioners, faculty members of Judicial Academies, academician from law universities, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Law and Justice, Police Academies, National Institute of Social Defence, New Delhi, civil societies etc. Report of online consultation meet will be shared with all stakeholders. The consultation will receive expert’s opinion to identify law and policy gap and the required reform in current law and policy to increase the minimum age of buying tobacco to 21 years. Report of online consultation meet will be shared with all stakeholders.

Stronger policy formulation and effective law enforcement can play a crucial role in reducing tobacco consumption and improving public health outcomes. Overall, the online national consultation on?Increasing minimum legal age of buying tobacco to 21 years’ is a positive step towards addressing this critical public health issue and promoting effective policy and enforcement measures to reduce tobacco use.

NLUO looks forward to your participation. Following are the credentials to join the online consultation

Google Meet Video Call link: https://meet.google.com/rib-ckdu-bus

Meeting Video Call Code – rib-ckdu-bus

Thursday, August 24 ?03:30pm – 05:00pm