Credit Courses

Credit Courses

Two Credit/Certificate Course (Online) on
Introduction to WTO Jurisprudence
Offered By
Sheela Rai
(Professor of Law, National Law University Odisha (NLUO))
NLUO Centre for International Trade Law (CITL)




Theoretical and Organizational Background Module


Rules on Trade in Goods: The Three Pillars


Exceptions to the Rules on Trade in Goods and Regulation of Non-Tariff Barriers


Expanding Horizons of WTO


Class No. Module Topic
Class 1 Module 1 General Introduction and History
Class 2 Module 1 History and Creation of WTO
Class 3 Module 1 Theories on Trade
Class 4 Module 2 Organisational Structure of WTO
Class 5 Module 2 Dispute Settlement Under WTO
Class 6 Module 2 Dispute Settlement Under WTO
Class 7 Module 3 Market Access (Articles XI of GATT and Exceptions)
Class 8 Module 3 Market Access (Article II of GATT)
Class 9 Module 4 MFN and Exceptions
Class 10 Module 4 National Treatment
Class 11 Module 5 Trade Facilitation
Class 12 Module 5 Trade Facilitation
Class 13 Module 6 General Exceptions under GATT
Class 14 Module 6 Security Exceptions
Class 15 Module 7 Antidumping Measures
Class 16 Module 7 Antidumping Measures
Class 17 Module 7  Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
Class 18 Module 7 Subsidies and Countervailing Measures & Fisheries Subsidies
Class 19 Module 7 Safeguard Measures
Class 20 Module 8 Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosantiary Measures
Class 21 Module 8 Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosantiary Measures
Class 22 Module 8 Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
Class 23 Module 9 Agreement on Agriculture
Class 24 Module 9 Agreement on Agriculture
Class 25 Module 10 General Agreement on Trade in Services
Class 26 Module 10 General Agreement on Trade in Services
Class 27 Module 11 Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
Class 28 Module 11 Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
Class 29 Module 12 Trade and Investment
Class 30 General Discussion

Credit Course

Sl. No. Credit Course Start Date End Date Name of the Committee/Research Centre/Faculty/Department Request initiated by
1 Single Credit Course on Contract Drafting 21.02.24 25.02.24 Centre for Corporate Law Dr. Sudatta Barik and Ms. Shrabani Acharya
2 Single Credit Course on Arbitration 1.03.24 3.03.24 Recruitment Coordination Committee Dr. Arjyalopa Mishra
3 Credit course on Navigating the digital era of Legal Foundation through Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 8.03.24 10.03.24 Lextech Centre for Law Innovation and Entrepreneurship Madhubrata Raysingh, Dr. Sudatta Barik, Dr. Arjyalopa Mishra
4 Single Credit Course on Gendered Justice 29.7.24 9.08.24 Centre for Woman and Law Dr. Priyanka Anand
5 Single Credit Course on Exploring cyber forensics : Insights from the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam ” 14.09.24 28.09.24 Criminal Justice and Human Rights Centre Ms. Athena Solomon K.
6 Single Credit Course on Role of Films in Human Rights Advocacy 14.09.24 29.09.24 Centre for Film Studies Ms. Ayushi Srivastava
7 Single Credit course on Disability Law 16.9.24 22.9.24 Centre for Diability Law and Advocacy Dr. Tanwi Shams.
8 Single Credit Course on Introduction to Private Equity and Venture Capital 20.09.24 22.09.24 Centre for Corporate Law Siddharth Sengupta (Co-ordinator, Centre for Corporate Law)
9 Single Credit Course on Foundation of Animal Law 10.11.24 25.11.24 Society for Advancement of Animal and Environmental welfare Dr.Sohini Mhapatra.


Evaluation will be based on written assignment for 50 marks. Students will have to submit the a research paper on a given topic. The purpose is to encourage students to research and think on WTO related issues.